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Hi all,
i have no experience in playing Online Games, but i want try. So i have one problem, i want play
the most time of the game solo. Grouping and/or a guild are not the right things for me.
Which of the games i can play best solo ??? WoW? Everquest ? FFXI ?
Thank you for your help !!!
I think WoW is good for the solo gamer til endgame it's also a really good beginners game in my opinion.
Have Fun
Guild wars has a nice henchmen system which will allow you to solo many quests.
The higher end content will be impossible with all henchmen though.
I have a question for you. What is the point of playing an online game if you want to solo the whole thing? I'm not flaming you, but most here would agree that the fun of online games is doing things with your friends where everyone has something to contribute.
I've thought about that too, mainly due to the fact that I like to play solo about half the time. I rationalize it by comparing it to going to a restaurant/diner by ones self or going shopping at the mall. For example you could sit at home and order pizza, have it delivered to your house, and eat it by yourself or with your family... Or you could get in your car drive to the pizzaria and sit down at a table and eat your pizza in a public setting. Same goes with shopping, you can order online or go to the mall. Sometimes the company of others, even total strangers that you will never socialize with, is wanted/needed.
Works for me... allthough i might be hehe
EDIT: But, yeah, I do agree. The best part of online gaming is the social aspect.
Just another gamer...
If i have one hour time for playing, i want play one hour. In many games you search one hour ( or longer) for a good group. I want play MMORPG for the feeling, playing with many thousands different people and races. I want play MMORPGS because the thousands different Items,Chars etc. But i want play alone !!
I have found Everquest 2 to be very solo friendly. Been soloing most of the time now and I am lvl 34.
They have added tons of solo content and more just keeps on comming.
City of Heroes/City of Villains! The IoP and the Hamidons are mistakes, but they are far less bad than below mistakes and the devs can make a 180 move about them and completely remove how they harm solo/grouping. More than anywhere else, here your hour of solo would be well worth it and FUN.
In WoW you will be a second ranked character at level 60 if you doesn't raid (or group to a lesser extend) and my casual friends who give WoW a chance are bitter about this aspect no matter what they say (they stop to play an unfinished character, not a good feeling at all), I see it. Blizzard is harming it franchise, a LOT.
EQ2 would be even worser, you are nothing without your guild in EQ2, EQ2 is as solo friendly as you want to go visit your grandma...sure everything is fine at grandma house, but after a few days, you rather be anywhere else.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Try Final Fantasy XI, it is custom built to solo players, and cruising to the top and enjoying that wonderful endgame is so easy you can do it in just a few days!
Stay away from World of Warcraft, it's a huge time sucker that requires a group everywhere.
Please Note: I'm lying.
No Userbar here, sorry to disappoint.
WoW would be good for solo combat except for the dungeon instances which either require a group or require you to be much higher than the average mob in the instance.
EverQuest 2 can also be solo'ed well, again, except for some dungeon instances.
Soloing in MMORPGs is done much more than some folks would realize (except in games where the player characters are incredibly dependent on other player characters).
And, aside from the the obligatory "expert" who must insist on asking "why" you would want to do solo combat in massively multiplayer games, MOST people do understand that doing solo combat is simply more practical from a standpoint of using one's time efficiently.
As far as socializing in combat or joining guilds are concerned, one rarely has time to "socialize" while engaged in combat -- in fact, it would be quite beneficial NOT to socialize while in combat -- and joining "guilds" is to find oneself tossed into a "chatgroup" of very mixed "personalities" many of whom you may not get along with very well.
Point of fact -- when I go to a movie, for example, I don't gather up a big group of people or join some "movie-goer's guild" to enjoy the movie. I go by myself, or with one friend, and by coincidence there are lots of people in the theater with me.
MMORPGs are like that.
That you can make some good online friends while player MMORPGs has almost NOTHING to do with "being forced to group" or "being forced to join a guild to get anything done."
~ Ancient Membership ~
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
Brad McQuaid
Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
I prefer to solo in MMORPGs. WoW is a really good choice, and if you're new to the genre it has possibly the easiest learning curve of any online game out there.
As for why I prefer to solo: most people are idiots. With no accountability on the internet, this quality is only magnified. But when you do run into some cool folks it makes the game much more fun. Besides, its fun to listen to the moronic chatter when your brain just needs a break.
When I first heard a leetspeaker (in Runescape, the game I never play again) I first thought he was joking. I had heard of the concept, and thought that he was exaggerating in order to be satirical about real leetspeakers. Then it dawned on me that no matter what I said I had to run a heavy visual decoding on any response, and he generally responded in the range of lvl? plz? addy pick? hav u got gold... I tried conversation. It didn't work. It didn't amuse me either. But it was an experience of profound astonishment. All that mindless babble, so predictable that an NPC could easily be scripted to respond believably (pretending to be a human leetspeaker), it was real and it was how they spent their gaming time. *Click goblin, character goes to hack* Lvls! 43... 21! 9! hlp! (*lv 9 character dies from goblin*)
Couldn't bother to make this post more readable.
The future: Adellion
Common flaw in MMORPGs: The ability to die casually
Advantages of Adellion: Dynamic world (affected by its inhabitants)
Player-driven world (beasts won't be an endless supply of mighty swords, gold will come from mines, not dragonly dens)
Player-driven world (Leadership is the privilege of a player, not an npc)
I'd also say Everquest 2. I play solo most of the time and usually never have a problem playing alone.
I have to go with wow
As for soloing, I like to solo most of the time. Some people say if you want to be alone then play single player games, and I do. But I play mmorpgs so I can interact with people if I want, not to be forced to do so
i've soloed in eq2 as a scount-predator-ranger up to level 30. lots of quests that you can complete solo and if it is too difficult you wait until you go up a few levels then go back and complete.