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So Im curious what everyone thinks when we will see EQN. They pushed landmark back bigtime(it was supposed to be around thanksgiving I thought) and we aren't even able to get into the alpha yet. And since EQL is supposed to tie into EQN world-development wise, I can only assume that EQN has been pushed back as well. I don't think we will see EQN until at least 2015, maybe even early 2016.
I thought they Said EQNL was due out this winter as in dec jan feb time frame.
My guess and it is just a guess 2015
Buried in a video and in an interview, they've said 2015. Considering they are still in the rough sketch stage of class models, I seriously doubt next year is going to be a realistic goal. I'm going with 2016 as well as a guestimate for beta and release.
I have to agree, at this point it doesn't look like we will get our hands on it till at least winter 2014 if not into 2015. I'm thinking 2015 sounds most likely although I wouldn't be surprised that if they can get alpha finished by march/april it's possible that we see it by the end of the year but I highly doubt it.
Time will tell, although I hope they have a lot more info coming out on EQ:N this coming year. We need more information thats for sure.
Im figuring you will see EQ Next after they get enough money from landmarks pre release, and then after landmarks release, they will try to gain as much money as possible from the creations there first.
Then after about a year or two, they will have a paid EQ Next beta, and try to make that last a year, after that then the game will be pushed back a couple more years, until its 2020, but they'll keep doing News releases and create lots of HYPE for the next five years like they have been doing since 2009.
Then and ONLY THEN when no one gives them money anymore and they feel confident they got every penny they could out of all of this circus, THEN they will MAKE THE GAME..... and then MAYBE, if its profitable... release it....
Who knows, maybe they'll add an EXPANSION between LANDMARK and EQ NEXT, and force you to have to buy LANDMARK'S expansions UP TO EQ Next LIKE WOW does for their game.
Are you getting the picture of what I'm saying? As a EQOA fan I waited too long. ESO is my EQ NEXT, IM done waiting for BROKEN PROMISES from SOE.
I'm pizzamike on this page: THIS IS HOW LONG I BEEN WAITING..... very disappointed, funny though, what I wanted in EQ3 turns out to all be coming out in ESO now. EQ Next announced 2009. << YES 2009!
What are you rambling about? You don't have to buy anything. Both will be F2P. With their announced new sub plan yesterday, it looks like $10-15 a month for a few perks with the option to pay nothing.
Enjoy ESO, but you'll be playing EQN eventually, don't fool yourself.
No clue where you got that they would be releasing last Nov when it was announced in Aug, then again I barely remember what I did last week, I'm getting old. Alpha is supposed to start within a week or two, or Feb 28th at the latest.
Can't push something back without a release date.
I would assume EQN Alpha info revealed at SOE Live or later this year, with a release schedule similar to LM which so far has been on track from what I see.
Smedly said yesterday during his AMA, that LM would be released this year and seemed to suggest EQN wouldn't be too far off from that. I'm assuming by end of next year if not sooner.
There is a lot of overlap development wise so once Landmark is up and running, it shouldn't be too much longer. They aren't following the traditional development/release schedule and by design the games won't require the same things as other mmos.
Even if they go free to play (rift way) and JUST MAYBE give FREE expansions.... I'll try it, but you know..... IF you read my post I linked from 2010 around the time they announced EQ NEXT.... You'll see that what I really wanted was an ESO from SOE.
Back in 2009 when they were announcing EQNEXT they even stated and recognized EQOA as part of the EQ series, and it had an active sub base. When PS3 came out so many people were in shock they did not even bother to make a EQ3 on it or at the very least an EQOA 2 on it....
Its like SMED doesn't not want to take even a reasonable risk in making things, look how unsure he was in the making of EQ NEXT way back in 2009::
""As we contemplate future EverQuest games, we have to ask, what does the modern MMO player really want from today's games? What will they want four years from now? Current MMOs are still designed traditionally with a pen-and-paper game feel behind them-lots of stats and numbers, experience-based levels and a focus on auto-attack dice roll combat. Will that work for next-gen MMOs, or do we try something different?" Waters writes inquisitively. Later he mentions how they were "ahead of the curve" with EverQuest Online Adventures for the PlayStation 2 because "few players had network adapters for the PS2, and even fewer knew what an MMO was"
- EverQuest Creative Director, Rich Waters words from 2009!!!!
Well its Four years now and we pretty much should know by now what people want FOUR YEARS FROM NOW..... Shouldn't we? With a CEO that is that confused about what gamers want... SHOULDNT EVEN BE A CEO from MY VIEWPOINT. He even stated that they SCRAPED THE PROJECT THREE TIMES.... IF you have to scrap an MMO three times, that tells me one thing YOU DONT KNOW WHAT GAMERS WANT.... all I can say is SHIT OR GET OFF THE POT, let a CEO WHO DOES KNOW make EQ NEXT.
Most CEOs aren't gamers, to think you would get rid of Smedly and get a CEO who cared more for the gamers and games of the world than their companies bottom line is naive.
To be fair look at how much interest and talk he has drummed up recently without actually saying anything.
My guess would be 2016, possibly beta in 2015.
They were making EQ3, ESO, Carbon Copy MMO 93183. That's why they scrapped it multiple times. If you've been following EQN or even read Smedly's AMA from yesterday, they've clearly said that they don't want to make the same game we've been playing for the last 15 years. They are looking to make something for the next 20.
They decided they weren't going to make what players wanted (EQ3). They were going to make what they wanted and what they though the future of gaming is going to be about. Voxels, enhanced AI, huge multi-layered worlds, and endless progression.
I quickly read over your post from years ago and EQN seems to fit what you are looking for, at least from how I read it. Don't know how ESO or a vertical progression type game fits actually.
As popular as EQ and "old school" games were, WoW overshadowed them all. Now WoW is bleeding players. MOBA, FPS, Minecraft, etc are hugely popular. No one can predict the future.
They are taking several risks with EQN and LM. Letting players in at the Alpha level, breaking away from the tried and true Trinity, vertical progression, quest hubbed themepark as well.
It isn't a "IF", EQN is F2P. How they handle the cash-shop will be seen as they do it differently in their multiple games but with the closing of 4 games and a focus on Player Studio, I doubt the cash-shop will be in an issue. For $10-15 a month, anyone against F2P will be more than able to avoid it.
He also announced it will be on PS4 and another new IP (most likely space/scifi) mmo in the works. They've said they are betting SOE's future on EQN, if it fails, they will be in trouble. SOE seems to be tightening down and getting ready to take mmos to the next level.
Sorry you have been patiently waiting for so long, but sometimes good things come to those that wait
By the way, as you said, he is a CEO. He isn't on the development team. He pays their checks. Even from his answers yesterday, it is obvious that EQN isn't exactly what he wants (he is a MOBA/FPS guy). EQN seems to have a great team that is really invested in the future of the game(s) and not just making another mmo to be "beat" in a few months and left in the dust.
Yeah, well I waited long ENOUGH... so when I'm Playing ESO instead of EQ Next this year I'll be playing this song...
Right now the focus is to get Landmark out. That is keeping them from releasing to much information about Next. After Landmark releases they should open the Next flood gates and we will start getting a much better idea about how far along they are.
My bet is that they will release a beta plan at SOE Live this year. I also bet that Next will be released before SOE Live 2015.
RIP Ribbitribbitt you are missed, kid.
Currently Playing EVE, ESO
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.
Dwight D Eisenhower
My optimism wears heavy boots and is loud.
Henry Rollins
Agreed that it will be about 2016 release date from SOE. If thats the case, you should all be supporting Pantheon because it will release around the same time. Pantheon is what EQN should have been.
Check it out, seems very promising! Don't forget to support it too!
AMA from 01/25/14
EQ2 fan sites
Well, that's probably smed-speak for 2016. But that's okay, SOE is giving us stuff to do with Landmark, and I really appreciate all the feedback they are soliciting through the initial development process. Personally, I'm happy to wait to have a good finished product.
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