The game is buggy, you can tell it is incredible indie. It's balancing is a joke. The servers play like garbage, and on top of all of that the admins of the game will abuse their power and ban people that say things they don't like even if another player started it by calling you "dumb ass and retard.", but if you reply with any amount of aggression be prepared to be banned or kiss that admins ass.
more to the story im sure, did you use a racial or homophobic slur? because i have said every curse word in the book to teammates and have never been banned.
the way it works is your first offense is a 24 hour ban then 3 day and then 7 and then lifetime .... so either you have other offenses on the book or you said the above.
im sure you will deny it because everyone banned on the internet are "innocent victims" but thats how it REALLY works.
pretty much this, this game is wonderful, requires lot more skll than any other moba around the market simply because there is all in skillshots even the auttoattaacks, and i love league of legends, but i admit smite is really better in the skill area, for me servers are very fluid and nice, and they only ban if u used any homophobic or racial slurs, as the guy i quoted said im pretty sure was your fault
No I told someone to kill themselves. It was the only thing I said, and HiRezAPC was in my game. He said "I should never say that to someone." I replied "Well he should not call me a dumbass." then I got banned. It was my first offense I have never been banned before played for almost a year, paid for the game...
There is some truth behind the OP although a bit over the top and somewhat immature sounding.
I had an account I invested $50 into banned for cheating which was complete rubbish. There was no proof because it never happened. Their support could care less about my plea of innocence. It seems to be a common issue. They have some of the worst cheat detection software in existence and many have fallen victim. I still play because the game is just that good but I will never invest another cent into their company.
You probably shouldn't have said that... I'd say the admins did an "admirable" job. I love this game and often talk crap to opposing players but all in good fun, calling someone dumb should just bounce right off of you. Maybe they struck a chord?
He attacked me the entire game, and the only thing I said back was the above... The other player Thorthegr8, attacked me throughout the entire game, but he is still not banned but I got banned, and the ban was for griefing, for ONE comment that rubbed the admin the wrong way, he did not seem to care about the 80 comments the other player made at me.
Someone called you a dumb ass and you told them to kill themselves. And you don't see anything wrong with what you did? What a shock. You were justly banned and these kinds of posts are always funny.
How is that a fair ban? He attacked me all game, and I made this 1 comment It was a single comment after 30mins of him attacking me.... Griefing is griefing, he deserved at the least to be banned also, but noooo.
Why don't you step back and reflect for a moment on what YOU said. He's right. You should never say that to someone. Would you even care if that person was in a bad place in their life, on the verge of doing just that, and you pushed them to do it? Would it even cause you to pause in your own life?
*()$@ing new generation..
The dude was being a dickhead I don't think he was in a bad place. If he was in a bad place maybe he should be less of a dick and he would be in less of a bad place. It is a bad thing to say to someone, but calling people dumbass/retard, blaming me for him feeding the ENTIRE game is no way to be, and that is not in their ban policy to punish people more steeply for what I said, as was stated before Racial/Homophobic things get you higher lvl bans, not telling people to kill themselves.
Acting that way will get you backlash, and the person defending themselves should not be the one punished, or at very least equal punishment.
works both ways.
He was being a dick, yes. What you said was beyond what he did. It was disgusting and very out of line. If he was bothering you, block him. If I was a mod, I would have banned you as well.
How is it much worse? He griefed me and yes I did report him immediately after the game ended, my entire team was annoyed with him, but he kissed the mods ass at the end of the game so he did not get banned, and its more childish to defend myself from the guy who attacked ME the entire game, destroyed my experience in the game, and some how I'm more childish then him? Are you kidding me? Take off you rose tinted glasses and join the real world. My words were more harsh not anymore childish
you tell someone to go kill themselves over a game and come on here looking for allies?sorry for you dude,you need to
grow up.
I am telling you right now that in the real world, with real adults, you do not getting into a pissing match or verbal fight with anyone. You ignore them, you let them seem like the asshole moron that they are and you keep your mouth shut. The instant you open your mouth you become just like him and you are now also an asshole moron. Only a child thinks it's ok to say things like that, no matter what anyone says to you. It's not worth expending the energy to deal with someone who is all bark and no bite, the sooner you learn that the sooner you will become a better person.
I'm looking for justice, that the other player gets to act like a kid and attack and grief people all game, and then because he kissed the mods ass does not get banned. If you play Smite ask people about me Mialily, most people that know me will say I'm nice and friendly until you attack me repeatedly.
The mod did not even look into the logs, he just banned me and moved on. It was not fair.
The mod was on the other team and all the mod seen is what I said, he never even looked into the nasty things he was saying to me. I can live with being banned, but he deserved to be banned just as much as I did, if not more for starting it.
I'm with OP on this one. At least, they should stick with their are two parties in a fight and banned the other guy for pushing the OP into saying it. I see no reason the OP just had to take it. He defended himself and if the person did end up killing themselves, it still would have been that players choice, not the OP's.
Toxic players are toxic and ruin communities. If they want to go down the same road as LoL, which is now spending tons of times trying to fix there mistake, then they can just fail. If this player was harassing the whole time and a GM just let it push the OP to the brink, he should have known it was going to happen. The GM should have stepped in and removed the toxic player before it became a problem.