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Outside of the factional storylines, The Elder Scrolls Online also encourages you to adventure for a number of Guilds. Find out how Gareth Harmer got on, as he joins the Fighters and Mages guilds and starts on the path to an Undaunted.
Read Gareth Harmer's Elder Scrolls Online: Headed Down the Path to Undaunted.
Just want to reiterate what I said elsewhere: the NDA still applies to non-press. This means you cannot offer or discuss any of your impressions of the beta, even if its stuff touched on in any of our articles today until ZOS drops the NDA for everyone.
I know that puts many of you who have played the beta in a weird place when looking to comment on this article since you have your own experiences to relate back to, but please keep this in mind when posting. Thanks!
Obviously you don't know that the press can get individual approval for posting things. Part of the NDA contract for everyone, in just about every NDA is the ability to share certain pre-approved data. Meaning: "Hi, I'm writing an article. Here it is. Make sure it's okay for us to publish. Let us know if you want us to change/remove anything."
So if it's published, it's because it was approved. Hence why the social media sites are linking the articles rather than taking the articles down through the publisher, and then suing the crap out of them. -.-
He's trying to do pre-emptive damage control as people are likely to want to respond "I played the beta and this is all wrong I think this" Etc etc.
21 year MMO veteran
PvP Raid Leader
Lover of The Witcher & CD Projekt Red
You've got the first part right. However, I don't work for ZOS and I'm not doing damage control. I don't care if you love or hate the game based on what you played, it's just a fact you're not allowed to post about it yet and it's part of my job to ensure you guys follow the RoC here at, which forbids violating game NDAs on our forums.
There has been a lot of confusion with some people thinking things have changed about what they can post because of what press have written or shown. It doesn't. I simply wanted to get ahead of that and explain the situation in the hopes that people will read it and create less work for my moderators to deal with during what is sure to be a busy weekend here.
"Using our last reserves, we led the monstrosity in circles around the altar, slowly whittling it down until it eventually collapsed."
Wow, such a tough and complex encounter to beat......
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there are several articles on this site that do exactly that
What defines "press"?
If I found my own newspaper today, am I press?
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
The Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild will be added. I don't know when, though. :-)