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This week on the WoW Factor we touch on the World of Warcraft PvP Season 14 transition and the current state of Patch 5.4.7 on the Public Test Realm. Then we check out what some Hearthstone devs have to say about where the game is and what’s to come.
Read more of Reza Lackey's The WoW Factor: PvP Season Transition.
i recently got MoP.
and the LFR is alot of fun, the content was impressive, solo instances were fun- but then i wanted to experience the new pvp battlegrounds.
unfortunate ]ly the random qeue always put me in the same ol same ol- alterac valley- arathy basin- and a few othe rold ones...sigh, then i remember why i left wow in the first place.
pvp is so unbalanced and so corrupted( in public qeue anyways) sad. iam just doin timecards now.
sad that i havent experienced any of the new battle grounds.
There are two downsides to RBGs tho.
Most people (i know) only play them due to the absurdly high conquest cap. This late in the season most people are geared allready and have no interest in playing RBGs. The guys you do see play it purely for the weekly cap. So if you do them , try to find a group on wednesday. Right after the reset.
Dont take the RBG ladders seriously. Blizzard hasnt dealt with cheaters for multiple seasons in a row. Dont bother with reporting them either, since it will be in vain. I reported 50 of them myself and none of them got dealt with.
Use the tool that's available to block 2 BGs you prefer not to play. But if you block BGs, expect longer queues.
The new BGs are so-so, you're not really missing much from not doing them, anyway. Same with arenas.
.:| Kevyne@Shandris - Armory |:. - When WoW was #1 - .:| I AM A HOLY PALADIN - Guild Theme |:.
Season 15 is coming with the next major patch, and that's the time to farm and can get into RBGs. Get in early, because without 1700 ratings, it'll be difficult to even oqueue into a RBG group.
.:| Kevyne@Shandris - Armory |:. - When WoW was #1 - .:| I AM A HOLY PALADIN - Guild Theme |:.