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I've been playing this pretty steadily since beta phase 3, pretty casually I think. I still have 6 of 8 classes caped. With this triple bonus xp they added to dungeons, plus the huge bonus from daily roulette, i'll be caping the last 2 classes before I know it.
I've always been more of a journey to cap type of person. The only mmo that I ever stuck around for awhile was ffxi. I played that for over 2 years. I did do some end game, but it was few and far between.
I used to just help out my linkshell members, and random people I came across. I was a whm and it felt really good to save someones life and they almost always thanked me for it. With ffxiv though, I've hardly never had to help anyone, everything is automatic. So most people don't ever think me when I throw that life saving cure at them. Heck, they wont even give me time to raise them if they die.
Some memorable things I did in ffxi:
1. Used to hang out in valkurn dunes killing goblins, while waiting for people to shout for a raise, and go raise them.
2. Hanging out in lower juano teleporting people to different crystals.
3. Making that trek across that xeoglazier place (can't remember the name) to the dungeon on the very north of the map with a full group while a high level person trained the whole zone to keep us safe.
4. escorting a few people to juano
5. I always got lost in yhoter jungle and yutunga, that place was always a maze to get through, no matter how many times I did it.
Those are just a few of the fond memories I have of ffxi, but ffxiv it just doesn't have that openness. I've literally havn't done anything with my guild in months now. Only a few times in the beginning when we did some random dungeons together. But now the only things they do is end game stuff, and I've never really been that type of person.
I don't know how much longer i'll stay with this after I level the last 2 classes. Maybe i'll change and really become an endgame person, idk yet... it just saddens me when none of the open pve part of the game, no one needs any help. The only challenge is left for instance dungeons and instance primal fights.
Wonder how this game is gona be in the future, if there gona be stuff for players like me to do.
The Genkai quests, the subjob quests, the Maat fight, the first time you ran a BCNM and LOST, the first time you ran a BCNM and WON; these were all great aspects of the game.
But the real gem of FFXI was it's community. Since it took so much time to do anything, ever, period... you got to know everyone. It took a matter of weeks for the ultra power-leveling folks (on Bismarck, it was the Lunarians) but everyone else? Months, MONTHS of playing. So you really got friendly with people who progressed through the game at your pace. And gil and gear was incredibly difficult to get; nothing at all like FFXIV's "Play and you'll be fine" style. No, there were legit gear-checks where the game said "Hey, you need to farm for awhile and upgrade your stuff."
It's funny how that's changed though. Yet in nearly all games, the least exciting aspects of it are usually what builds community. (Camps and Cantinas in SWG will forever be my favorite timesink though, hands down)
Waiting for something fresh to arrive on the MMO scene...