( phone txt.) I was just wondering what the people in alpha, thinks of EQL and EQN going "F2P"!?
( ye, I know you already payed for it ) xd..but it WILL be f2p when released as I understand it. Now I have watched alot of the clips/vids of the devs talking about eqN and L, and you all seem like nice people and all, but not so nice that you will skip paying your bills and feed your family for a coupple of years, just so you could create this awesome, next gen MMO for everyone...for free... So theres a cash shop.. Will you be able to make enough money from selling "fluff"? No.... Best way in my oppinion, is goin 14-15usd a month or something, for ALL your titles. Read this on some SmedThread, but only heard him talking about it from SoE. Rest of SoE says all their games will be all "f2p" forever and ever. ( Ive had monthly subs in eq2 for years and eq1 before that. So I have no prob paying for it..neither have MILLIONS others, IF it is worth it. What do you playing alpha think? If they can deliver an amazing world in eqn/l, would you pay the 14-15d's/month to play!? And also have the access to visit/play the other SoE titles.. or.should it be "f2p" -> Insert picture of "big SoE devboss" holding two poor gamers in their feet, shaking em for coins <-
Man what a great post - I just want to say though if you can't afford to feed your family because you bought EQNext landmark alpha access you probably shouldn't have bought the access.
P.S. - I hope you can understand what I wrote, if not give me a call at 867 - 5309
LOL showing your age with that number
Lets see your Battle Stations /r/battlestations
Battle Station
WTF did you just say lol? EQN and EQNL are F2P as are all SOE games and you pay 15 bucks a month for gold membership to all SOE games soon including EQN and EQNL.
They are F2P and as stated by Geogenson their cash shop will consist of items you can get ingame only. So if you want it faster you can pay a little cash for it or you can just progress and get it that way as far as EQNL goes.
There will be Player studio which is where SOE is going to get most of their money % off Player to Player sales. In Landmark you can put stuff up on player studio and if someone buys it SOE cuts you a check and gets a % for the sale. In the end you get paid for your hard work and SOE makes a little per each sale.
This is a pretty damn simple plan and will limit how intrusive their cash shop is because of the Player studio thing. its good for players and good for SOE so it is win win for all.
On top of that anyone who helped build lets say a castle together what ever portion they contributed to the build they get a % of the money too. So if 5 people helped build it and put it up on player studio and 5 get paid based off their contribution to the build and all receive real money for each sold castle. So in the end players build and sell and other players buy and SOE gets a % and the rest goes to the builder or builders who made it.
Pretty simple stuff. This is why it can be F2P because they are gambling off a lot of players playing their game and buying and selling things like Crafted items, Houses, Dungeons, Quests, the list goes on and on because Landmark is a BUILD YOUR OWN MMO as said by Georgenson and Smead and every developer making it. The players have the power and control over the game to Make, Sell, Buy anything their imagination can come up with in the long run.
You missed a big thing here ALL SOE games will be included in one monthly subscription of $ 14.99 a month (less if you pay for longer periods of time), EQ, Planetside 2, EQ2, Landmark and so on in April. Many (but not all) people in Alpha already has a SOE subscription and many more have an old account that they might/will start a subscription on again when EQ L goes live (if they like it).
And yes Landmark will have a cash shop and some of the stuff we that payed in to Alpha got will probably be in there. The cash shop in EQ2 (that I play and sub for since 2007) is not very intrusive and works very well revenue wise according to SOE and I assume that it will be something similar in EQ Landmark.
I do think that very few people will actually make any significant amount of $ on the Player Template sales in Landmark (and also note that you have to be a US resident to sell) and no one should play the game for that reason.
But $ 14.99 a month for all SOE games is a good deal and many like me that play other SOE games will play Landmark now and then (as a subscriber to SOE) if Landmark gets Big well see how many that only plys Landmark that will subscribe, in EQ2 you can play a long time as a Free to play player without spending lots of money (compared to a subscription that is).
But if you hate SOE and Cash shops this game is not for you, go and play ehh, ehh, ehh something else instead.
Chi puo dir com'egli arde é in picciol fuoco.
He who can describe the flame does not burn.
I think EQN will be as close toa sub game with free trail as you can get. EQN:L will be a more free.
As fair as the EQN:L alpha, it's the most awe inspiring, thought provoking thing I've had the pleasure to play. It's like tapping on the gas peddle of a Corvette. The forgelight engine is an absolute beast.
That being said, it's an alpha. It's a test of Landmarks core feature, building. There's nothing else to do besides gathering. There are a lot of game play features coming in in the next 30 days that will make it feel gamish.