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Recently, perennial favorite, Flyff, underwent a drastic makeover with the result being the new "Gold" version of the game. We check out Flyff Gold to see how it's faring under the new system. Read on!
An odd sense of familiarity overcame me during the time I spent playing Flyff Gold for this review. This game that was among the very first crop of Asian MMORPGs which were localized for English audiences and here it was still going strong after 7 years. The new name, Flyff Gold, is the re-branding for what should actually be version 19 of the game, Flyff (which stands for 'Fly for Fun'). While many would simply dismiss the shiny name as nothing more than a marketing gimmick, I'd be lying that if I said it didn't catch my attention.
Read more of Adrian Liew's Flyff: Probably More Like Copper.
"Forums aren't for intelligent discussion; they're for blow-hards with unwavering opinions."
MMORPG... it's ok to give 3s, 2s, 1s, and 0s. We don't mind.
Well, in my opinion, you've been too generous giving points to this game.
Sure it's a grind. But you have to keep in mind that it's REALLY cash shop (cs) based. The game became from Free 2 Play a Pay 2 Enjoy kind. It's almost impossible to get to 150-Hero without using Scrolls Of Amplification. And mostly you'll have to buy the expensive ones that last 7day. Unless you're patient enough to run dungeons and sell your drops which most people don't even bother buying. I ran the 80-Master dungeon for a month (5-10 times a day) and all my partner and I could make out of it was a small 150m each. CS'ing was the easiest way to get your desirable high level.
In game gpots (buying stuff from cs shop from others for penya) became impossible as the prices rose. Especially for the newbies. It became almost impossible to make money as a newbie. I tried to epxperience it all from the beginning with the knowledge I had from my experiences that I got during my grind to Master. And it still was damn hard to get anything good that would help you ease the grind.
The idea of being able to run dual clients is not that good. Since prevention got a cooldown, a bunch of FS rm's just quit or made their own fighting char. And for those who were unable to dual log, well tough luck... They had to find A way to grind. mainly by looking for a fsrm for hours and then deciding to give up and hang around in arena.
I played this game for 4 years (v11~v16) and I must say that the more content they added, the less enjoyable the game was. Most of the new content was for the high level players which led to others grind more and more to, at the end of their grind, find out the items they wanted to farm became not so valuable anymore because all the high lvl players used CS items to boost the drops which made the value of the rare drops decrease.
The dungeons for low lvl's were also too difficult for low lvl's. Only a few classes (jesters, rangers and BP's mostly) were able to safely finish the dungeons. Jesters and Rangers HAD to be paierd with a BP as DI and Asal were the only skills that were used. Psy's and Ele's could fight aswell but at low lvls their dmg was nihil on bosses with 1m+ HP.
High player base? You should've seen the game in v11~v13. (Probably also earlier version but I started at v11) . Back then there were more than 5 channels. More or less crouwded. I remember, on Clockworks, not even being able to log onto server 1 during the peek hours. There were so many people in town and arena that there was no way you didn't lag. Unless you had an epic computer. After v13... I could easily log on 5, 6 screens on the same computer and don't even notice any lag at all.
There's probably much more to say about FlyFF but I'll keep it to this. I know my experience doesn't go as far as FlyFF Gold but I know from people who still play it that it didn't change much. It even just got worse. FlyFF is basically a good game for those who want to spend tons of times farming, want to spend thousands on gpots if they're too lazy to farm, or those who are easily pleased with downgraded equips. But those easily pleased have a hard time during pvp.
Don't hate me for all this. I just stated the obvious about FlyFF that wasn't mentioned in the review. So yeah, the points given to this game are way too generous.
lol not when the reviewee is paying for advertising.
Well it isnt the best game around, its quite old and its not your typical MMORPG cause it is based on Grinding to just waste time with friends and have fun
the graphics arent that bad, your just overexagerating plus FLYING IS FUN
I really don't know what to put here.