I am excited to play Wildstar due to the depth of features the game has to offer. Housing looks robust and 100% involved. The level of customization in the game completely shocks me and for once I think that Wildstar will be a game that I do not rush through. Plus a brand new story that no one knows and that could take any turn is a breath of fresh air. (p.s. WARPLOTS)
Been wanting to play an MMO that finally feels like it did it right. The game just looks amazing and I would love to be part of the bets to help make it better.
I have been playing MMORPGs for about 20 years. My favorite was FFXI because of the depth of the game and the amazing community that you had to work with to accomplish goals.
The past few years I've tried several games and some were able to hold my attention but I've become disenchanted with MMORPGS. I would really love to be proven wrong and rekindle that passion for playing a game.
WildStar appears to be loads of fun with the depth I require to make a lasting investment of my playtime. I don't feel like I'm more deserving of a key than anyone else. Several of my friends are already convinced and will definitely be purchasing so I will be as well. It would feel nice to call them over to my house and see the envious looks on their faces as I show my sweet sweet beta access.
I would love to play the wildstar beta because of all of the amazing elements the game has to offer. MOBA battle grounds, amazing new game types such as the mask capture pvp and more. I love the MMO genre but haven't had much luck with one that would be worth playing for fore than a couple of days. The housing, the amazing dominion classes there is just too much to list for you guys to really grasp all of the amazing things that this new revolutionary game has to offer. So please sending me a beta key would really make this gamer very happy, its been to long i haven't gotten that rush from an amazing pvp rush.
I want to enjoy an original game and artwork. I have not found an MMO to fill my need since I left WoW and CoH years agos. Want to play with my kid, she loves the Aurin. It has humor and does not take itself to seriously so I think it will be very entertaining. My wife even watches streams of WildStar with me. Never thought that would happen. There is something special with W*.
I have never seen a mmo as deep and as promising as wildstar. My short time in Nexus reminds me of my times in Azeroth and that gets me very excited. I've been out of the MMO game for quite awhile and am hoping Wildstar can bring me back in.
I would like a key because from all I have seen and experienced in a previous stress test I really enjoyed the game and would love to be part of another test.
looking forward for the Test this weekend and really hopeing to be a part of it and getting deeper down to the game to see if its worth the time when it comes out.
(I really know it is just want to be ekstra sure :-))
Because ESO didn't really light my fire and perhaps this may be the game that does. Besides you got me to post, something that has rarely happened in the last few years though I check your site daily.
I really want to play Wildstar, i am a long time player of MMOs, i play WoW since vanilla and this is the first mmo that gives me the feeling that could be the one to take WoW down.
- Accidental triple post due to lag. Please delete.
I am excited to play Wildstar due to the depth of features the game has to offer. Housing looks robust and 100% involved. The level of customization in the game completely shocks me and for once I think that Wildstar will be a game that I do not rush through. Plus a brand new story that no one knows and that could take any turn is a breath of fresh air. (p.s. WARPLOTS)
i am excited to play in the beta as the I can then make a fully informed decision on if I will buy the game or not and i like to help test games too
I have been playing MMORPGs for about 20 years. My favorite was FFXI because of the depth of the game and the amazing community that you had to work with to accomplish goals.
The past few years I've tried several games and some were able to hold my attention but I've become disenchanted with MMORPGS. I would really love to be proven wrong and rekindle that passion for playing a game.
WildStar appears to be loads of fun with the depth I require to make a lasting investment of my playtime. I don't feel like I'm more deserving of a key than anyone else. Several of my friends are already convinced and will definitely be purchasing so I will be as well. It would feel nice to call them over to my house and see the envious looks on their faces as I show my sweet sweet beta access.
good luck all
looking forward for the Test this weekend and really hopeing to be a part of it and getting deeper down to the game to see if its worth the time when it comes out.
(I really know it is just want to be ekstra sure :-))
Number 8974 Crossed fingers
I want a key because I play all MMOs and am the best at all of them!
My S.O and I are posting from the same network so I hope that doesn't disqualify us
Look so fun i want to try it pls
Thx a lot