Seems to be that this community here doesn't believe in anyone's right of an opinion other than theirs. If you place an opinion they don't like, they will belittle it, the author, his mother, aunt, uncle and third cousin till the moderators decided to lock it up, denying the OP the right to answer such garbage. Elder Scrolls Online TO ME is meh. Live with it while I swing this big axe in Tera, snipe that engineer in Planetside 2, blow away that IS-3 with my Lowe, and uac-5 the atlas till I core him. OH, and get nailed in another low-sec gatecamp in a my Blackbird (self insured btw).
And you really wonder why no one cares about your opinion?
Yes, an incredible amount of human individuals are not born with the ability to reflect on their actions. But don't worry, it's not too late: Every wall wants more neat holes from you bumping into it and then asking yourself why the wall is so mean to you... Walls, tss... such mean creatures.
Take care.
Now, if for some reason you still feel you are entitled to your opinion, go some where that will allow you to freely express it.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
The reviewer has a mishapen head
Which means his opinion is skewed
Let's be serious for one second. What use has a personal opinion outside of a survey? The depth of such "opinions" are as deep as a teaspoon. No one ever cares about an "I don't like.." other than giving a "We consider your.. bla.. Have a good day." summa sumarum = value equals 0,001%. Next
I'm a bit confused as to your purpose here. You state you have no real interest in ESO, yet you are hanging out on an ESO forum? Typically if you don't like a game, you just don't play it. End of story. Hanging around a forum where people who ARE interested in the game are likely to congregate and telling them how much you are not going to play the game....well, I'm just not sure what kind of response you are expecting other than "don't let the door hit you on your way out".
Go over to the forums of a game you will actually play and join in a constructive conversation.
I doubt anyone here really cares about what games you like or dislike.
However, you are always free to voice your opinion.
Opinions are great. Just don't get your panties in a wad if I happen to disagree with "your opinion"
Sounds to me like your post is a justification for someone not agreeing with your opinion.
Lets see your Battle Stations /r/battlestations
Battle Station
I have to agree.
ESO is under-developed. The graphics are damn ugly (sorry, but the graphics are seriously underrated and looks pretty crappy compared to the offline games.).
If you look at like Aion or Blade and Soul, they make ESO look like a kids game.
In regards to gameplay, it did look nice, but sadly it's copy ### of every MMO out there.
Wildstar has a innovative gameplay when it comes to fighting style, and a lot of other stuff.
ESO they actually "said" the game would look just as nice as the offline games, but in the end it isn't.
Hell even the moving around is retarded silly, comon FOR GOD BLOODY SAKES !
People will be so dissappointed when it gets release like it is now.