Originally posted by krenalor ving a class that could solo well was nice. it is not my first choice to solo. The fact that the guy complained that warriors couldn't solo was deserving of some redicule. what game has had warriors that were phenominal soloers? I am attacking THIS guys post! WoW Warriors are ADEQUATE soloers, I never said I wanted to be a "phenominal soloer". But see, as a Vanguard fan, he must attack anyone who doesn't agree with him. Let me add, I DEMAND PROOF THAT WoW HAS MORE GOLD SALES THEN EQ, heck EQ2 has WoW easily beat SOE has sales of accounts/items themselves!! I (and anyone else) can go to the playerauctions site AND SIMPLY COUNT BIDS and see I am right (yet again) that EQ has more sales (still with less than 1/10th the players). Or perhaps you have PROOF that it isn't true? I don't care you like Vanguard, they are using an unpopular number of construction models for their game, the devs even admit it. They know they won't post huge numbers of subscribers, and its because of this. Raid based games aren't any harder then any other game, just MOST hate raiding. As one posters says, there is nothing wrong with raid loot in a RAID setting, the minute you allow it in group/solo content its overpowered. Any attempt to keep it out from group/solo content has a whine fest start from the cry baby raiders. The same cry baby raiders that get to support the game 100% in Vanguard because the rest know, raid loot is REQUIRED if you have it in the game. I could care less most in Vanguard hate PvP, I say it takes more skill then killing yet another "X,Y,Z" mob yet again to farm raid loot that never changes tactics, never changes heck anything. The Vanguard posters bash DDO because its instanced, well here's a hint, the game was always and will always be GROUP based and heroic combat! There is no room for your raid BS crap. DDO will have many more players then Vanguard, bank on it! The Vanguard posters bash WoW because it isn't releasing expansions to suit their addictive, STUPID, 60+ hour a week gaming habit! Well, WoW is 5,000,000 x RIGHT for not listening to you. Their isn't room for your raider BS there either! The Vanguard posters may not have enough to populate ONE game. Your game is like polka music, bad polka music at that since you want to compare apples and oranges! There is my return for your STUPID pop music comparison! EQ was popular due to its free wheeling game styles, then: -Nerfs caused players to quit, maybe if the devs did decent testing the classes wouldn't have been so broken in EQ. Necromancer had 1.5% of the player base, stupid idea to make this class overpowered. -More players quit over epics in EQ and epics being more valuable and easier to obtain for some classes -More players quit as raiding became more important -Players quit when AA's were added because that just rewarded people who played crazy amounts of hours -People quit over PoP flags and zone access -The Druid was one of the most popular classes in early EQ, no kiting and easy travel is another lost group of sizeable amount for Vanguard. -WoW came and kicked EQ1 and esp EQ2 hard in the teeth. I see no appreciable drop in WoWs numbers due to any of the new releases. Vanguard may kill EQ2 or hurt EQ1 and thats all, if IF it even launches! -If I was Bard I wouldn't mention EQ so much, SOE after the SWG debacle has a very bad name in MMORPGs and that stigma will get attached to him.
lol if you think there are less people ebaying gold on wow you are in denial. people will but gold and items in everygame if they can. what... you think that the wow fanbase have morals and just chose not to or something? besides what is your point anyways?
oh and look at all the raid content wow is releasing? i wonder why?? i do agree with you about soloing, you can solo in wow and thats fine.
but there you go attacking people again, so what if i have the time to play games more than you? you have a game that fits your playstyle, why cant i?
why are you so obviously intimidated by vanguard? if you are so confident that vanguard will fail why do you keep posting about it? your obviously upset about something...
i play wow to and think it is a great game, i like the pvp but the community is awful and it is really hard to find groups due to the fact that people can solo and thats all they do.
i want to group not solo all night, thats why i want to play vanguard. don't like vanguard? thats fine, that is your opinion but just because you have a different opinion or playstyle doesn't mean it will suck or fail does it?
just because it don't have 5 freaking million subscribers doesn't mean it is a failure does it? vanguard is the most highly anticipated mmorpg to release in 06' but yet you think it will fail? so i guess no mmorpg has a chance to be successful then huh? since you only consider 5 million subscribers success they don't stand a chance in your book.
i think it is bs that just because of wow's success some people think that every single mmorpg needs to be made for casual players. there are plenty of games like that and there are plenty coming out like that.
why must a game have to have millions of subscribers to be considered a success? eq never had numbers like that, I'm pretty sure eq was a successful game but thats just me i guess.
the reason wow gamers and vanguard gamers don't see eye to eye is because they are two totally different type of gamers. one is a more easy, casual, solo type game the other a more difficult, group Dependant, hardcore game. why cant they coexist? they can...its just people like you that cant except it, and cant except other people opinion and playstyles i guess...
LOL yep Sephiroth9, began mostly about Titanium but oh well. Tangents, i have them too, go where the buffalo roam i suppose.
No need to bash/praise other games though, if anything we should be bashing &/or praising EQ with Titanium maybe as primary focus for @ least this thread. WoWarcraft, Vanguard, Etc. even EQ all have faults & accolades. All opinions should be considered whether agree or disagree, they're our perspectives. i'm just curious about how Titanium will affect Sony's EQ, especially since Prophecy of Ro will soon be released afterwards. i think mostly Titanium is for multi-accounters to increase their flock, &/or account upgrading & not so much for new players. Maybe i'm wrong & Titanium will shift the tides of EQ's diminishing populations though.
Well, to hell with their new expansion. I have done this long w/o GoD/OoW/DoN I just want the DoD, really. Shrouding sounds real fun. They stick their raiding content where the sun don't shine as far as I'm concerned. I just fight where a mob can't kill you in one round.
Brostyn ... if you plan to continue playing EQ i do suggest you purchase the soon to be released Titanium package. It includes the original EQ plus all (10) expansions, sure Prophecy of Ro is being released about a month later for $29.99, but oh well. Titanium's suggest retail price is $19.99 & supposedly has all the ingame /claim trinkets from the various expansions. It's just a thought if you plan to keep playing, it's a fairly good value for account upgrading if you still see Sony's EQ being fun.
Q, MNK, Veiled One server, (un)official pet class of Sony's EQ
Seriously man you need a hug or something cause your going off on people for no reason at all. In my opinion WoW sucks but thats my opinion I have my reasons for the opinion I just found the game too easy. I'm not a hardcore raider I just don't like it at all to tell you the truth takes to much of my time. As for WoW having 5 million accounts I see that number going down dramticly once this year's MMOs come out I've seen some really good ones that include RF online Vandguard and Pirates of the Burning Sea and thats just to name 3. The reason I say that WoW will lose its popluation is cause I have friends that play WoW that are leaving for different games. Also stop attacking people for not liking that same game you do no one is the same so they will have different opinions and besides if your so into WoW y are in an Everquest forum anyway?
Yea, definately gonna pick that up. I have to thank you for this post. I wouldn't have started playing again w/o realizing I have 21 free days plus can pick up all xpacs for real cheap. Just sad to see how empty EQ is nowadays. Real excited about playing a monster, too. Something I've always wanted to do since they teased us with that a few years back.
Originally posted by krenalor Originally posted by reavo Originally posted by krenalor Originally posted by anarchyart (...) Only SOE could take Star Wars and make it unpopular, or Brad would do the same......
Lol, had to quote this because it's so true. I started to play EQ in 2000 and I've quit (and rejoined just to quit again syndrom) because of the lfg and the game being so focused on items/stuff and raids and not adventuring. Dunno about Vanguard. If it's a gonna be an "old school" mmo that need some real "skill", i may like it. But if it's about to be another raid/stuff focused game then screw it. Actually i'm playing guildwars / Neverwinter's night from time to time and waiting for middle earth online (had a look at d&d online, my, what a failure (should have been released just a console rpg))
I personally feel that EQ would be a better game if any class could solo well, at least through the low levels so that you can catch up to the bulk of the player base and find more groups.
If I remember correctly, the devs have been making some noise about enhancing the soloability of some classes in their "class reenvisioning posts." I seem to recall something about certain classes being able to go in and out of "offensive stances" so that they be more usefull to an atypical group or in soloing. Of course i read that months ago, so who knows if it will ever happen.
I don't want to write this, and you don't want to read it. But now it's too late for both of us.
Yeebo, i have to agree with you. Sony(SOE) needs to open-up EQ more @ least in the older zones to allow more access & better thriving. LOL, Sony(SOE) & the classes 're-envisioning' concept part2 hasn't been mentioned after part1 & even 2 expansions since so that might be a fleeting dream for some time to come. i personally like an emphasis on grouping, then raiding, but i DO want soloing to be feasible. Sony(SOE) had that Omens' Task system which was touted as soloable, but by players i asked it was not unless already well-geared. i have to admit, that line of Healing potions, direct or heal-over-time, allows me to solo dark-blues in certain areas. It is costly most times to purchase them though. Just to get a monkey off my back, i need to refine my list of suggestions, ideas, complaints, & rants about Sony's EQ & post it on their forum while i've been given the time. That new EQ Producer needs to get hold of me, i'll read your Email Chris Lena i promise, LOL. Ah oh, my ego is growing, i need to go now & play EQ so i can deflate it. Good luck & take care to us all!
Q, MNK, Morden Rasp orphan, unofficial pet class of Sony's EQ
lol if you think there are less people ebaying gold on wow you are in denial. people will but gold and items in everygame if they can. what... you think that the wow fanbase have morals and just chose not to or something? besides what is your point anyways?
oh and look at all the raid content wow is releasing? i wonder why?? i do agree with you about soloing, you can solo in wow and thats fine.
but there you go attacking people again, so what if i have the time to play games more than you? you have a game that fits your playstyle, why cant i?
why are you so obviously intimidated by vanguard? if you are so confident that vanguard will fail why do you keep posting about it? your obviously upset about something...
i play wow to and think it is a great game, i like the pvp but the community is awful and it is really hard to find groups due to the fact that people can solo and thats all they do.
i want to group not solo all night, thats why i want to play vanguard. don't like vanguard? thats fine, that is your opinion but just because you have a different opinion or playstyle doesn't mean it will suck or fail does it?
just because it don't have 5 freaking million subscribers doesn't mean it is a failure does it? vanguard is the most highly anticipated mmorpg to release in 06' but yet you think it will fail? so i guess no mmorpg has a chance to be successful then huh? since you only consider 5 million subscribers success they don't stand a chance in your book.
i think it is bs that just because of wow's success some people think that every single mmorpg needs to be made for casual players. there are plenty of games like that and there are plenty coming out like that.
why must a game have to have millions of subscribers to be considered a success? eq never had numbers like that, I'm pretty sure eq was a successful game but thats just me i guess.
the reason wow gamers and vanguard gamers don't see eye to eye is because they are two totally different type of gamers. one is a more easy, casual, solo type game the other a more difficult, group Dependant, hardcore game. why cant they coexist? they can...its just people like you that cant except it, and cant except other people opinion and playstyles i guess...
read this http://www.vanguardsoh.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1044304#post1044304 then come back and talk to me about the vanguard/soe fiasco.....
LOL yep Sephiroth9, began mostly about Titanium but oh well. Tangents, i have them too, go where the buffalo roam i suppose.
No need to bash/praise other games though, if anything we should be bashing &/or praising EQ with Titanium maybe as primary focus for @ least this thread. WoWarcraft, Vanguard, Etc. even EQ all have faults & accolades. All opinions should be considered whether agree or disagree, they're our perspectives. i'm just curious about how Titanium will affect Sony's EQ, especially since Prophecy of Ro will soon be released afterwards. i think mostly Titanium is for multi-accounters to increase their flock, &/or account upgrading & not so much for new players. Maybe i'm wrong & Titanium will shift the tides of EQ's diminishing populations though.
Brostyn ... if you plan to continue playing EQ i do suggest you purchase the soon to be released Titanium package. It includes the original EQ plus all (10) expansions, sure Prophecy of Ro is being released about a month later for $29.99, but oh well. Titanium's suggest retail price is $19.99 & supposedly has all the ingame /claim trinkets from the various expansions. It's just a thought if you plan to keep playing, it's a fairly good value for account upgrading if you still see Sony's EQ being fun.
Q, MNK, Veiled One server, (un)official pet class of Sony's EQ
Seriously man you need a hug or something cause your going off on people for no reason at all. In my opinion WoW sucks but thats my opinion I have my reasons for the opinion I just found the game too easy. I'm not a hardcore raider I just don't like it at all to tell you the truth takes to much of my time. As for WoW having 5 million accounts I see that number going down dramticly once this year's MMOs come out I've seen some really good ones that include RF online Vandguard and Pirates of the Burning Sea and thats just to name 3. The reason I say that WoW will lose its popluation is cause I have friends that play WoW that are leaving for different games. Also stop attacking people for not liking that same game you do no one is the same so they will have different opinions and besides if your so into WoW y are in an Everquest forum anyway?
Lol, had to quote this because it's so true.
I started to play EQ in 2000 and I've quit (and rejoined just to quit again syndrom) because of the lfg and the game being so focused on items/stuff and raids and not adventuring.
Dunno about Vanguard. If it's a gonna be an "old school" mmo that need some real "skill", i may like it. But if it's about to be another raid/stuff focused game then screw it.
Actually i'm playing guildwars / Neverwinter's night from time to time and waiting for middle earth online (had a look at d&d online, my, what a failure (should have been released just a console rpg))
edit : good post Krenalor
I personally feel that EQ would be a better game if any class could solo well, at least through the low levels so that you can catch up to the bulk of the player base and find more groups.
If I remember correctly, the devs have been making some noise about enhancing the soloability of some classes in their "class reenvisioning posts." I seem to recall something about certain classes being able to go in and out of "offensive stances" so that they be more usefull to an atypical group or in soloing. Of course i read that months ago, so who knows if it will ever happen.
I don't want to write this, and you don't want to read it. But now it's too late for both of us.
Yeebo, i have to agree with you. Sony(SOE) needs to open-up EQ more @ least in the older zones to allow more access & better thriving. LOL, Sony(SOE) & the classes 're-envisioning' concept part2 hasn't been mentioned after part1 & even 2 expansions since so that might be a fleeting dream for some time to come. i personally like an emphasis on grouping, then raiding, but i DO want soloing to be feasible. Sony(SOE) had that Omens' Task system which was touted as soloable, but by players i asked it was not unless already well-geared. i have to admit, that line of Healing potions, direct or heal-over-time, allows me to solo dark-blues in certain areas. It is costly most times to purchase them though. Just to get a monkey off my back, i need to refine my list of suggestions, ideas, complaints, & rants about Sony's EQ & post it on their forum while i've been given the time. That new EQ Producer needs to get hold of me, i'll read your Email Chris Lena i promise, LOL. Ah oh, my ego is growing, i need to go now & play EQ so i can deflate it. Good luck & take care to us all!
Q, MNK, Morden Rasp orphan, unofficial pet class of Sony's EQ