Alright, I'm looking for a decent graphic free mmorpg, it can't really be 3D seeing as how my computer can't play those well. 2D is actually my favorite, I'd like a game that is similiar to tibia (i've been playing it for over 2 years now, and looking for something new). The game needs to be team oriented, I don't wanna go around doing everything by myself. If you have any suggestions for games just drop a post. Thanks alot!
Try maplestory its 2D and very fun i really liked it thats wat i think you'll like it
If you like 2D Games you should try Conquer Online it has a a bit of 3D in or Maple Story or Narathia Online I work for Narathia Online or Red Moon Online there the best free 2D 2Dish Online Games Narathia isn't on the game list or anything but I have the link cause I am the website designer...