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The Camelot Unchained site has been updated with this month's Producer's Letter penned by Tyler Rockwell. In it, the first of the giant races, the Viking Jotnar, is revealed as well as lots of newsy items about what the team has been working on for the last month. Most notably, Rockwell discusses an expanding team and the continued development of the giant races.
Lastly is our big goal of the month. By the end of March we’ll be utilizing a great deal of tech the engineering team has been working on to improve not only our client but also the art and functionality of our internal testing arena. What does that mean?
300 to 400 people running around simultaneously with simple combat while maintaining a high frame-rate (60 FPS) and reduced bandwidth usage..
Imported terrain and objects through our improved asset manager.
Simple vfx (We’ll resurrect our old system simply for testing purposes.)
Havok physics and collision – Yes, this means jumping and projectiles will soon be possible.
Read the full letter on the Camelot Unchained site.
The dude above is actually a monstrosity from The Depths. The Viking Jotnar is this guy...
Just thinking about the combination of my two favorite game elements in one game truly excites me.
Uh, who says there is collision? It hasn't been confirmed or denied, and i can tell you so far it's not in there, that's all i'll say. Also.... ESO is flawless? ARE YOU TROLLING ME BOXXY???????
Single shard game? This is not a SINGLE shard game, this is just like all old school games, there will be multiple servers JUST LIKE DAOC....
Please get your facts straight before posting as fact to people who don't know.
Kosac you got this wrong, it's not 400 ppl on a single shard, it's 400 people in front of your monitor running around doing things in the glory of 60 fps. The server will obviously have a lot lot more people.
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