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Looks like Zenimax has been paying attention to us. We want more things to do in any given day when we are board of leveling, raiding and pvp'ing. They really get it, they get that a game needs ALOT of timesink Systems and Features then we have been getting in past games...
New Game Systems/Features + Vertical growth of current systems/features.
We will introduce new systems over time which will add to both the pre- and post-level 50 game. Adding fresh new systems helps broaden the experience for all players, giving you even more things to do on a given day. As an example, we might introduce horse racing. For those players who have fed their horses and think they are ready to test their riding skills… -Zenimax
New systems, such as what?
1. Housing inside a entire Cyrodiil PVE type Zone/Neighborhood? That would be Badass!
2. Justice System, yes please! I want to go to prison for stealing sweetrolls!
3. Mini-games, Cant think of any.
5. Water Zones. That would be cool
6. Horse Breeding. My horse would totally love that, especially with voice overs!
7. Horse Racing, It would be instresting to see what type of horse would win.
8. Vampire/Werewolf hunting? might alreay have this one.
9. Smelters, Lumber milling, Chopping blocks, SKYFORGE!!!!
10 Fishing prizes/contests.
11. Bulliten board bounties on other players in cyrodil.
12. Cant think of anything yet.
Vertial growth to what current systems/features?
1. Crafting Stations - Give us a real smelter, give us a real lumber mill, give us siege crafting (this one would be an excellent craft!)
3. More interactable objects - I would love to see bowls, plates, fixed objects dumped over!
4. More quest storylines that show up in areas you have completed and finished. Put purpose to those areas again..... (been asked for years by many)
5. More body language in NPC interactions/emotes
6. Make fishing more instresting, add weights to them or recipes/objects to fish up.
7. Allow PVE to have higher graphics models as good as the game world when not in PVP.
8. I'm sure more will come to me.
Bottom line, is Zenimax is going to add a whole lot of new crap and polish the crap thats already there! For that it makes me have more faith they care about having a solid and very long lasting MMORPG. So what do you want added or polished?
Duels and arenas for that time when i am really not in the mood to do the Forrest Gump run across the map just to find an enemy player...
Something to do once veteran rank 10 to keep improving my character... i know they can`t add content as fast as we can level but give us something to do basically, a goal to reach. Everyone can just "explore" and so on, but when you want to get that feeling that you are advancing your toon, you need something to do.
And fix the bugs for launch...
I like the housing Idea. On the housing, I hope it is detailed to the degree that you can set your dinner table one piece at a time. I don't want a set or kit that just populates the area for you. I agree it should be optional to do that, but not required..... Just hoping ...
I also vote for more body language.
As for the justice system, yes, kinda like Skyrim, but maybe a tad more lenient.
Those three, which you (OP) already mentioned, are my top three.
Ohhh yeah, great idea on the rank. I actually want more ranks and make it so the higher ones take very long to get. as well.
They will have entire zones that are like dungeons with 1 guaranteed boss and 1 guaranteed skyshard, called adventure zones. instanced to you and your four playres. You also have the other two alliances you can solo when you have no one to group with for end game content.
I always thought it would be a nice idea to have arenas like the one in Oblivion and allow players to bet on matches taking place and the ability to watch them from the stands.
+1. It reminds me of when you could bet on chocobo races in FFXI, you could go inside, place your bet at the betting counter, then go and watch the race. Was a lot of fun.
All MMO's have grinds. If you don't like to Grind then MMO's are not for you.
and have the adoring fan consolation prize..
(christian guild. Being christian is not required for membership though)
Yeah... thats kind of sexy
all of those should be in game allready.
So, did ESO have a successful launch? Yes, yes it did.By Ryan Getchell on April 02, 2014.
**On the radar: **
12. A deep and involved arena/gladiator system
Coin purses, bets by other players, actual spectating with cover charge, tournaments, rankings, "Champion of Tamriel" title, scheduled fights both PvP and PvE, etc.
Edit: I would probably like to see these arena events take place in the Imperial City once Zenimax does something with it in the future.
Always easier to say when you don't have to actually make it, and make it work.
All MMOs evolve....
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
I agree, most games have this huge advertisement of what their new feature are and changes in their game. While they are no Todd Howard, I understand they are probably following his model. I think if they want to be big this year though, they are going to have to run WoW sized advertisement campaigns at least once a month. They already have what it takes to be huge, now they just got to flaunt it all over the place.
1 I agree with you Fangnag please add Dwarfs
2 Cyrodiil could have NPC Faction Wagons that can be attacked, or Defended while they are going from towns to keeps, this could be a Pve quest line for Faction quest.
3 My very own Real life pet in game - Blue Heeler. Cat and Dogs please. make them so that the enemy cant see them when we stealth.
these are few I can think of.
See you in Game Sunday!
Another person (like the one above me) who thinks mmos should launch with content that took other mmos years of expansions and content patches.
Welcome back to reality.
The priority for ZOS I feel is to put out the adventure zone quickly along with more 12+ man content. Although I still feel the raiding crowd is mistaken thinking ESO is a raiding game, they still tend to be an extremely vocal crowd and once they skip most of the content to reach vet levels they will hit the forums like an organized army complaining about the lack of raid content.
You stay sassy!
@Aroukos, for someone who is going to Wildstar, I can understand how you might think all this should be in a game already. But the fact is when you have textures that are nothing more then color paint like in wildstar, it takes far less time to develop. On the other hand ESO has taken great care to detail their textures which require thousands more hours of artwork design then Wildstar.
Not to mention the game mechanics have to be very realistic in ESO, and not cartoony like Wildstar, in which wildstar mechanics allows you to slop any mechanic together in very slopy motions. Animations in Wildstar are not top of the line like a real cartoon so you can pretty much guess that they make mechanics on the fly saving many devleoper hours then ESO would have to take to make things look realistic.
Wildstar is F2P which means it will not get content updates like ESO will from its subs. ESO will be taking in millions of sub dollars, which will allow major development to polish the entire game and also focus on creating many many more major content based systems then Wildstar will ever have by the end of its gamelife. While Wildstars major development of content will mainly be at its start, and then long term conent updates will only be for their F2P store, ESO will be making those systems players want. Does that kind of make sense?
you are delusional and clearly have no idea what goes into 3D modelling or rig animation... and for that matter you dont know anything about MMO business models. plenty of FTP games get very frequent "content updates". not only that.. Wildstar has a subscription model. youre kinda clueless.
Don't worry Wildstar will go F2P pretty fast, as a DC universe fan, you should already know that. I already seen the model they are following. Its a straight STO type model. With its player base 100% F2P demanding.
Wildstar unlike ESO, is one modern game that will not survive with a sub, it will demand F2P. But, perhaps that's another subject for future.
Again F2P has always led to slow or no major content updates to the game outside of its cash store, I think Yoshida did a great piece about that when he made his statement on F2P and how it does not fit FFXIV model at this time.
But yeah, ESO is a realistic game, so don't expect it to be easily made with all the features as Wildstar at launch because it takes thousands of more hours to make things realistic then cartoony.