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It's Friday morning, I have the next three days off. I'm trying impatiently to wait for a good time to take the plunge. This morning I got up only to see a mess going on with Elders Scrolls Online.
Questions :
- I see that release date is 4/4/14 ( today ). So if I sign up today I should only get and need one key. No early access key then later to enter a release key, Right ?
- Official game comes up today, no official shut down for preparation for release. That's done already ?
- I'm all patched up from the bata and ready to go. If I paid now or in the next few hours, the game is up permanently right now ?
- How screwed up are things right now 9 AM EST ( east coast ) ?
- Would you recommend waiting a few more days ?
Sounds like you've already made the purchase decision and you're just deciding when. Well, if you've got 3 days off and you're actually going to use that time to play the game, I'd say get it now. If you're still deciding whether or not to play it at all, then you may as well wait a month or two.
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
Current PC Build
Present: Current offerings are low quality or soloable
Past:AoC, DCUO, FFXI,FFXIV 1.0 and ARR,WoW,Fallen Earth, Tabula Rasa, TSW, SWTOR, Rift, Aion, WAR, Darkfall, STO, CoH/CoV, GW2, Diaspora, EQ2, DDO, and a bunch of forgettable ftp games
What mess do you see going on with ESO? I just logged off after an 8 hour session, was so much fun, both in PvE & PvP. If you're ready to play ESO and have time off, then jump in, don't waste those off days. Get playing now!![:) :)](
They patched the servers yesterday for 3 hours in preparation for the official launch, so you shouldn't experience downtime unless some other emergency happens. People on the forum talking about a lot of "issues" that I have not experienced. And judging by the amount of people I saw playing last night and this morning (packed towns, busy zone chat, and 100+ players in PvP on our side alone), I'd say the game is doing rather well.
Oh yeah OP, note who you take advice from. There are those of us playing the game and having a good time, and there are those that admit are not playing the game, didn't buy it, played during beta only, or are waiting themselves...and claiming to know about all these "issues" as if they're experiencing these "issues" themselves ingame after launch. I'll say tonight I bumped into 1 bugged quest, 1. If that's worthy of waiting weeks or months, eh... I don't know what else to tell you folks. Do what you must.
I would wait a week at least if you are impatient on waiting else a month.
I doubt they fixed the issues of last open beta where people claimed the quests were bugging out because there was too many people. If you like server hopping as fans don't think it's a big issue (Even tough it is) go ahead, else I would wait.
I myself will give it a month to see how it fares as I wasn't in any way surprised when I tried the beta.
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NOW and play around with characters to figure out what you like everything feels great.
very sneaky of ESO is when you activate your account they want a payment method that forces you to sub. or give your credit card info
great game,the company I don't trust.
Ya, great game. I would go for it if I were you, unless you are a WoW zombie. This game will require a bit more patience and a more mature attitude. The lore makes the game! Spend time reading books and get into the world around you.
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
Seriously, I am at lvl 19 and Have only run into 3 bugged quests
People are only overblowing things out of proportion the game is fine and completely playable
"It has potential"
-Second most used phrase on existence
"It sucks"
-Most used phrase on existence
I would wait a month and see how many people actually sub to the game.
It seems to me they took all the suggestions from the betas and said "NOPE WE AIN"T DOING THAT" or they were making this game for someone besides me.
Name plates on NPC's, players, guild names, a more standard UI all these things could have been toggled on and off but to me it is hard to tell who is who and what is what in the game.
It will be pack on launch and you will wait in queue.
Nah, it won't be. The mass of users were the pre-purchase players and it is over.
The game runs great with no lag.
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
As any game that just launced, there will be bugs and the first few patches will be mainly bug-fixes.
The game experience will be smoother with time, but that is an ongoing process that never stops. At the moment, you may encounter a bugged quest here and there, you might need to relog every once in a while. To me, that's not a huge deal - so if you are not one of the people who demand a "100% perfect MMO" and a bug here and there is not a dealbreaker, you might as well get it now.
The story is a lot of fun and the game is very enjoyable. I'm having a blast.![:) :)](
I have had one bug and that was fixed in that 12 hour downtime a couple days ago. I had one CTD on the first day of pre-launch. 1day 23hours playtime.
Like you said, the story, books, lore, and all the races make the game worth getting. I try and read each book, but I get anxious to get out and fight sometimes.![:) :)](
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, Death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
I did everything I had to do today and i'm ready for the plunge right now 5 pm est ( east coast ).
Everyone answered my questions, sounds rdy enuff for me.
HOWEVER one question no one answered.....did it officially launch, yet ?.... In other words will they shut the game down for the launch ?