My only gripe with the Imp. Edition is that I thought the Molag Ba'al statue would be colored. Instead, it's bronze. Lots and lots of bronze (with black ink shadings). It's cool, and it looks nice. But I guess that's my bad for not looking closer at it. Still it sits very nicely next to TOR, GW2, and Defiance's statue and of the 4 is the biggest.
Considering that the ESO Imperial Edition provided me with basically the same stuff as the SWTOR collector's edition, but ESO was $50 cheaper and the fact that I've enjoyed the first week of ESO more than I enjoyed the first week of SWTOR, yeah, I'd say it was money well spent.
Aulli... did you stick with the elves?... in elfland?
Yes I did but as an Imperial. "Elf land" is the only land not rendered in any of the previous TES titles so I had to! Sorry. I still have one ring of Mara unclaimed.
My only gripe with the Imp. Edition is that I thought the Molag Ba'al statue would be colored. Instead, it's bronze. Lots and lots of bronze (with black ink shadings). It's cool, and it looks nice. But I guess that's my bad for not looking closer at it. Still it sits very nicely next to TOR, GW2, and Defiance's statue and of the 4 is the biggest.
The Rytlock statue is much bulkier than Molag Bal and Anduin simply dwarfs him.