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Ever since 2.2 came out, that's all anyone wants for manually form parties for. Like 80% of pf stuff now is atma farms. I even joined a group for CT through pt, and someone suggestion doing a 2.2 dungeon instead, and leader decided to do that, so I left. So only option I have to do older content is through random groups with the DF. That is not gona help me or others form those friendship bonds we used to have in older mmo's.
Don't even know if its posable to form a core group for 2.1 progression now. The game will always be like this, either complete randoms from multiple servers to do older content, or a core group of friends to do the new content that came out..... at least that's been my experience since 2.2 came out.
I still have a lot of 2.1 stuff to experience and enjoy, but I guss that's how modern mmo's are now, most of the playerbase just flocks to the new content, while leaving just straglers to do older stuff together, ppl who will never see each other again after there done.
I'm not too big of a fan of Atma farming. It's only momentarily stopping FATEs from being redundant and is really forcing people to do content they've probably done to death leveling classes all for the sake of continuing the rat race for equipment. If this patch is any indication, they are following the World of Warcraft end game currency model as well. Next Myth will become redundant and soldiery will be the new philosophy tome.
I don't know about some people, but I don't want to go down that road again with having to constantly keep playing the game just to stay relevant. A good game has a definitive end state, and constantly pushing that end state back while depending on group think to keep the game moving is a pretty underhanded strategy. I remember actually replaying different characters from level 1-60 in the original world of warcraft. In Final Fantasy XIV I cant get myself to do the same at all because then my main character will not be end game worthy, resulting in having to play catch up. And the few times I tried to replay the game from the start the massive, unskippable tutorial fest was a nightmare.
Sounds like a self-inflicted "problem" to me. That or we're playing two completely different games.
OP: I find it silly how you expect other people to pave the road for you. There are people willing to do 2.1 content but if you just keep waiting until someone else does all the work to make it happen, well, then you'll all be waiting. The game is what you make of it.
It's a problem when the story content runs out and the only thing left to do is the harder content at the end game. As for the tutorial issue being the bane of replayability: that has been a bugbear with FFXIV ARR since it's inception. There's no way to skip the tutorials even for experienced players, such as the "go click all the aethyrite" quests and the "running around the city" fetch quests. Also, the end game equipment race is not a self inflicted problem: it's a problem born from the power creep issue and group behavior. It's been a problem for years now and AAA developers of traditional themepark MMOs have (at least up to this point) done very little to try and fix the issue.
Don't take this to the natural extreme that I'm hating on FFXIV ARR, though. The game has plenty of good in it as well and is worth playing. It's just that in regards to it's long term play things run into the same issues that have been present in these MMOs for years, and I'm still waiting for this horizontal progression that was promised to manifest in a meaningful way.
It's a good start. The problem with PF grouping is that a completely free wheeled PF group 90% of the time breaks up at the first or second sign of trouble, even when it is mentioned that the group is a learning group.
So yeah, the reason why the OP probably didn't do that is because it would break up and just lead to even more work reforming yet another group. The only solution is to form a FC or get into one and either start or conform to a set schedule. I've given up trying to PF groups unless there's about 5 people in the group from my friends list or FC since otherwise it wont be worth the effort attempting to recruit.
Also, let's be frank here: group content is a Katamari Damashi of a discussion filled with the pain and anguish of hundreds of time strapped gamers trying to run around and make the time to do maintenance tasks while also trying to reach and see content.
How could it possibly be a problem when the game doesn't require you to "constantly keep playing to stay relevant". I bolded that word because it is subjective and vague by the way. If your definition of relevant is being able to challenge the final encounter of the Binding Coil in a static group, then yes, you will have to keep playing to stay relevant. If you're talking about anything else, then you're making no sense at all. You're endgame "worthy" when you meet the ilevel requirements for the content you want to tackle. The game does not exactly pressure you to meet the quotas required to upgrade your equipment.
The simple fact is there is content to go around for every ilevel range and there are always people doing said content too. I also find it incredibly amusing when you say you "need to play catch up". With who? I can't say I have been exiled from doing endgame content just because I took a month+ break back in December/January and have leveled 3 battle classes to lvl50 casually (my first class hit level 50 at the end of January).
The fact is the game is what you make of it and if you sacrifice yourself to this so-called "rat race" then you have no one to blame but your own inability to resist it. The "issue" is in your head, and the AAA developers can do little to fix that.
Clearly your problem is of a grander scale than just ARR. The sad truth is the problem is on your end yet you keep blaming it on external factors.
Nothing personal but people with an attitude like yours are usually the first ones to vote abandon after the first wipe.
Defeatist attitude from the very beginning, results-oriented mindset (there is no point to playing this content if we don't win).
There is hardly a difference between wiping and winning unless you don't really care about playing the game but want the reward that in fact does nothing but gives you access to another encounter that you only do for the shinies. The psychology of an MMO player is quite something else. People trying to play the game as little as possible (getting upset if they have to play more than absolutely necessary) to acquire rewards that mean nothing outside the game they don't want to play
Defeatist? Not sure how you got that. If you don't like the reality that people tend to take off like 90% of the time and want to throw people who acknowledge the problem exists into the same exact group, that sounds more like a personal issue of your own. I run my own PFs all the time, though they are on hold at the moment due to the patch and all the extra content outside of end game raiding that's worth playing.
You've given up on PF'ing without friends/FC since "it's not worth it anyway". Sounds like a defeatist attitude to me...
Plus I don't know what effort it requires to form a PF group... other than setting up the recruitment window and pressing "commence duty". ^^;
Okay I'm a defeatist then for wanting to minimize the chance of having to completely reform a group in 30 minutes to an hour? Someones a defeatist if they've given up doing PF entirely because they can't stand trying to get things done with the PF system. They aren't a defeatist if they adapting to using a system given how players are behaving. There's almost always three or four spots open in the PF group. If you have at least half of the group composed of people who aren't going to run off it drastically reduces the chance of the group imploding from what I've experienced, and the results improve with having five, to being non-existent with six.