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I'm level 8 Daggerfall Nightblade and I'm playing slow and when I have time. I'm taking a vacation next week and I'll have more time. I've been soloing and spending time figuring things out up to this point.
So far I have two quest I can't complete. Because there about four parts of a chain quest leading up to a mini boss, they are kicking my ass hands down. I feel like I understand the tactics involved in beating them but they are still way over powered for me. I'm a social player in mmos after I figure out a game, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to get help with an already started chain quest. I believe these quest are phased JUST for me, so I feel stuck. I'll simply have to come back at a higher level. Repair bills are heavy and this makes it discouraging to continue trying.
Now, after work today, I plan on finding a good voice chat Guild. Some of my questions may get answered when I do. But as it stands, I can't fore-see how people can really play together. Can you shed some light on this subject ?......This is why a few RL friends are holding off, because we were having problems grouping in bata.
In reading many post, I see a lot of people really enjoying this game ( like me ). But I think this is from as soloing stand point. I know this may sound rotten, but it almost seem like developers are going out of there way to make this game hard to group. I would like to make Elders Scrolls Online my home and eventually give a good report back to my friends.
Rating :
Game play = 10
Graphics = 7
MMO = 1
Sooooo, does anyone have any good social tips ?.....I would like to up my MMO score
As far as I know, now questiing in group is not a problem anymore. If you are at final step of a quest and your frind just started it, you'll be trasfered in his phase and do the quest together from the same point. Actually I've not teste myself because I usually group with the same friends and we start and finish the quests together.
I'm in a guild, not a trading one, a traditional one (actually I'm in more than a single guild, but the other 2 are only for trading) and we do a lot of things together: public dungeons, private dungeons, pvp.... I mean the normal guild activity when you're in a guild you have many friendly players.
The social part of the game is tehre.. if you want to be part of it :-)
Dungeon bosses drop significantly better loot than Chests, but the chance to get the loot is worse. I've not experienced a diminishing return, the only time loot stopped dropping from bosses in dungeons for me is once I'm over levelled them, to the point where I get no experience from them either.
Grouping ESO, like most modern MMOs is all around the group-designed content, 4 man dungeons and PvP. Very few people will group for normal questing or will need to group for it. You can even solo the public group dungeons in the game, so even less reason to group.
Where ESO is likely to become more MMO is once people start hitting cap, once they need to group to continue to play the content, like PvP and Adventure Zones. But this is the same as every MMO out there, from WoW onwards.
MMO = 1
Means you do all anchors dolmen solo/ all worldbosses solo/ all public doungens solo/ all group doungens solo/pvp solo/ you farm all youre crafting materials solo with not asking guilds for help.
please tell me youre a god or just a super player? lol
V2 NB Vamp, Hi all
So far their is a solo game 90 % of the time, their is one public dungon each zone or so. All the guilds I have tried are like 400-500 member store guilds for trading. Most of my gw2 wow friends have tried the game and left due to it totally being a quest only to level past the vet ranks. Getting to 50 was way more fun since we could team grind mobs in places that were designed to do just that, like the zombie circle in the rift. OR lightless in coldharbor. So for now it seams like its gonna take about a week per v level solo questing. With so maney quests u will almost never find someone to run with after the same things.
That said we do group for the anchors and world bosses but that's it and pvp.