I'm enjoying the game but I can't get my head around the quickslot wheel . Its annoying in combat and not very user friendly . Does anyone know if theres any add on that allows you to change it to a traditional quickslot bar so the items are easier to use . Either that or is there a way to make macros for individual items on the quickslot wheel so I don't have to access it .
i look this wrecked because i've got GIST.
Whats your excuse?
I'm sort of getting used to the chat thing . I do think it may be a real pain in pvp though when you need fast comunication . I think the interface has been designed for the consoles but they really should have given more thought to the PC version . I'm enjoying the game overall though . Its one of the more enjoyable mmos I've played . I'm hoping there will be an add on to get around this part of the interface .
What about Easy Quick Slots?
This mod makes changing the current quick slot easy (well easier).
Just setup your key-binds for the slots in Controls and then you can change the currently selected quick slot via a key press. You still have to activate the quick slot item with your standard activation button (default is Q). BTW there is no UI graphical element present - the mod simply allows the quick slot to be changed.
Sith Warrior - Story of Hate and Love http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxKrlwXt7Ao
Imperial Agent - Rise of Cipher Nine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBBj3eJWBvU&feature=youtu.be
Imperial Agent - Hunt for the Eagle Part 1http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQqjYYU128E
Hmm, can't get this mod working. Maybe I am doing it wrong, but it doesn't do anything when I bind the quickslots to keys. Was probably not desired by Zenimax.
You can't bind them to keys through an addon. All you can do is bind a key that lets you change what items from your quick wheel is the item being shown for use against Q.
Basically, the addon lets you cycle through the items without pulling up the wheel.
It's really not that difficult to get Easy Quick Slots to work. Just make sure that you check the box to allow the use of out of date add-ons (if you get the error message EQS is out of date) and then go into the controls section and scroll to the bottom and bind your keys to the quick slots.
You stay sassy!