I don't know how many people will agree with this idea or go along with it, but lets try getting all the old mapler's back out for one last chance to say hi to some old friends, make some new ones or anything like that at all. On April 27, 2014, all maplers, old and new, lets meet up in Scania FM. Doesn't matter what channel, just go there. Spread the word and lets get together one last time.
No, but the old Maplestory is dead and the community from those days have vanished. Now everyone is focused on doing damage and getting the best gear that they aren't really all that friendly and its boring to play it alone. I want to try bringing the old Maplestory community back out just once more because through all the games I have tried to play, there wasn't one that could match the community from the old days. Where random people in the dungeon would say hello to passing strangers and you could make good lifelong friends. I want that back just once more at least.