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At PAX East we got to see the dogfight module from Star Citizen, now officially titled "Arena Commander". Robert’s Space Industries was kind enough to invite us to the premiere party. At $42 million and still growing, Chris Roberts has made crowdfunding history. Finally, after months of waiting, we got to see some real results from all that money.
Read more of Garrett Fuller's Star Citizen: Say Hello to Arena Commander.
Yay! FInally a twitch fighting space sim. I have sooo been waiting to get ganked by 15 year olds with way better eye/hand coordination than me.
Oh, wait! Actually I have NOT been waiting for that.
Let me just say this; it was worth the wait.
That looks frikkin' amazing, can't wait for them to get it polished, stable and balanced.
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A joystick and a space battle should have no common ground. I like Chris Roberts, but did not bother to fund this.
This game looks fucking amazing. More than easy to crowdfund something you've been waiting literally decades for!
Even at 37 my reflexes are just as fast as when I was 18.
You must be positively ancient
Waiting for the Dogfight Module to be polished and bug free? Good luck with that. One of the problems with grandiose plans is that they can be difficult to implement. Especially if you are continuing to add new features.
I guess if you are extremely positive (or are in the brown-nose league), you overlook the reported bugs, crashing, and bluescreens in a major public deployment. 'They've almost got it to work!'
Probably going to take a bit longer than advertised to get this puppy running right and out the door. Strike Commander was released two years late, as was Freelancer.
I do like the implementation of the Arena mode as an in-game game. Props on that as a cool idea.
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.
It's like running, give it two weeks of practice and your right back in the mix,
Hey everybody look at the crotchety old man that doesn't understand videogames and the fact that we've been flying pretend space ships with joysticks since the beginning of gaming. Your opinion is wrong, which is impressive considering it's an opinion.
And you apparently ignore the fact that people were playing the game at the Logitech booth during PAX and it was quite stable at that point since they'd gotten the problems of a crashing server with the latest build and having to use a different server in Austin during the reveal the night before sorted out. You also ignore the fact that people who stayed on after the reveal show itself reported that they got things sorted already that same night and let the fans who stuck around try it out. Then again, the detractors of this game ignoring all positive reports in order to make their point is nothing new. It's been going on from day one.
PAX was a kick to the groin.
1st impressions make or break games to where it doesn't matter how many positive reviews you get after the fact, the damage is done.
Bug free, maybe (unless they pull more last minute stuff again) so. Im just glad Im not on the 1st wave Alpha invite to experience it either way
One this is certain though..... These guys need to improve their stage presence.