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This is a quest grinding game. All the quests feel the same, it's just collect this and that. Loot in this game is everywhere, but it's mostly trash loot from baskets or desks. There is NO dungeon or PvP leveling. They have restricted you to only level by questing, which is very b-o-r-i-n-g. Even at veteran ranks you level by questing.
The graphics are not up to the top. From the textures on the rocks being clipped, to the copy pasted bookshelves and other objects. I even prefer WoW and WildStars cartoony look to this. This is supposed to be realistic, but it's immersive-breaking. At least WoW and WildStar have more different object models and smoother animations.
The lore didn't interest me. Very odd that the "Five" are cheated by a necromancer (which is kinda odd that they trust him, because he is a freaking necromancer), because someone wanted to be a full-fledged Emperor for his empire. While players can be emperor of Cyrodiil without getting a stupid "blessing".
The crafting is better in GW2, don't trust the people that say the crafting is fun. It's very simple and not revolutionary.
The combat can get out of sync sometimes. And not to mention, they haven't banned the people that abused an exploit to get to lv50 VR10 very fast. Plus that they fucked up their economy by having a bank bug.
Rating: 3/10
I guess it depends on your point of view. If the lore does interest you there is a lot of it and a lot of value in the amount of time you can spend exploring it. If it doesn't than yea all your doing is running from one kill x mobs quest to the next but at that point why are you playing a game that is such a story driven experience in the first place?
So you clearly didn't follow the story, since you don't know it, yet feel the need to Point out flaws..that are incorrect.
Loot is everywhere ey? Takes Little time to learn where to look for what, meaning if you don't want food ingredients, don't check every basket you see.
"Leveling" is in dungeons, so don't know what you mean, I asume you are off on one of your goose chases again. Every Dungeon also rewards a skill Point, part of the leveling.
Exterior and interior look alike, in the same zone and city. Not surprising actually. Then again I understand you didn't actually go to any zone varied from the first.
Oh and btw, yed I do play the game but I am not a major fan. But I am even less of fan of people like you
Who fucking sane person defends this game?!
The game is a money grabbing pithole. Want to play Imperial? Buy a collectors edition! Want to play with your friends on other factions? More money! Want a horse so you don't have to kill 42,700 skeletons? MWAHA GIVE US THE MONEY!
The game is an unsocial game. It's like they couldn't decide wether to make it singleplayer or multiplayer. The group content is the worst ever in what's supposed to be a massive MULTIPLAYER game. You just can't quest with friends. You see an arrow and an invisible character appear if you have done a quest before them, and can't even help them to get to you!
Dungeon mobs give 3xp per mob. So you get a skill point... but why should you ever do those dungeons again? There's no point!
Actually I change my rating to 2/10.
i see some people have watched Angry Joe revieuws !!
We get it and have seen it no need to post another half asses personal drama revieuw.
Yes ESO has a long way to get all the qaulity of life improvements.
But damn it aint that bad.
Angry joe made some solid points but he told it with insane amount of drama as that is his style.
I agree with him on many many points.
Dont like it unsub and make Zenimax worry about fixing the wrongs, but there is no need to make 6000 threads a day with half assed personal revieuws.
Relax, it's just a game
For a review:
I did churn through Angry Joe's entire video. Putting aside his presentation style, which is definitely not my flavour (english spelling :-), some of his points are valid - and a couple of my own thrown in.
The phasing issues for people wanting to play together. Not everyone can log on at exactly the same time, same day as their guild mates or friends. Even a slight difference in quest progression throws you out of sync, making your party members appear as markers only, or in some cases disappear off the map all together.
The public dungeon set up and it's affect on game immersion. You receive the story, follow this through a couple of stages then enter a dungeon - and that's the end of any role immersion as you are immediately faced with many players just cleaning out everything in there. Mobs have a life span of seconds as they are jumped on by a host of players as soon as they respawn. Then you get to the end boss. Well end boss is not an accurate description really. It is just a larger looking mob - camped by bots.
Old boss carcasses litter the immediate area, mounting up as the repeat killing continues. Trying to get the dungeon achievement is a case of standing in the middle of this mess and wildly swinging a weapon in the faint hope that your actions get registered as a boss kill.
Solo quests - in an mmo. This forced isolation of players - even from their fellow party members who may have been with them for several quest lines - goes directly against what an mmo should be in terms of social interaction. It is the devs still mistakenly thinking that they have a single player rpg on their hands
The solution is so simple and should have been in from day one - Allow players to group if they want. Solo or group, let players decide how they want to tackle these. I fear that some of these enforced solo roadblocks (and many are to quest progression) will be a cause of cancelled subs from people who struggle on their own. Others may scoff - but recognize that whilst people may have different skill levels - they are all paying subscribers. A cancelled sub doesn't differentiate between elite or struggling player. The inability to help these struggling players needs changing.
Now to the skills - it is early in the game and I fully expect changes across several classes. My point is the once again limited skill set on the bar. It is advertised as giving players a selection choice. No it isn't, it is the exact opposite. Having a full keyboard of skills gave players a choice of what to use at any given time, as it did your opponents in pvp. What tends to happen now is players get their 5+1 favourite skills on the bar and thats it - level after level. Weapon swapping? Not needed for leveling through questing mobs - which people have already seen as the most efficient xp gain.
Overall outcome is a boring extremely repetitive quest progression. Get away from this as much as possible with crafting and pvp. Get a pvp guild, organize a zerg and off you go. There are some serious issues with class abilities here, but that's expected this early in the game.
Auction House - there isn't one - move on.
Overall quality level - "I remember wow at original launch when there where tons of bugs" - so do I, but that was many years ago. You'd have really hoped things would have improved over time. Areas of this game show the reverse. The main beta (not the weekend ones) restricted to a select few hasn't worked for a mega server game. The only way to truly check the effect of many players in one location - is to have many players in that location.
It didn't do this prior to launch and the result can make players feel that they are still at beta level.
The game really needs a pts for any new content to be thoroughly tested by many players before adding to the main game.
Verdict - pve 4/10, pvp 7/10, crafting 7/10. Overall game experience depends on what you like doing. Mix the whole lot together and the average is well - average.
the OP is just about right with his view on the game..
For me its just another quest grind game that we have all seen before... yes sure they have a few different things like the pretend fps style combat but still overall it is just an average themepark game and nothing more..
Everything appeared to work ok when I was testing it but the game does not bring anything really new to the table..
I would prob give it a 5/10 as sure everything is there and works well but its all been seen before and gets boring fast.. go kill 10 of these.. go find my lost retarded family member scattered around the place.. go kill 12 of those.. that is not questing that is just grinding..
define realistic, please.....
im sure molag bal isnt, conjuring molten spikes out of your body isnt, summoning a horse out of thin air isnt, the list goes on but hopefully you get the idea. And no, when Zenimax opted for those graphics in favor of many people on screen and abandoned Skyrim's realistic visuals they knew their game was not going to look any realistic at all.
Swearing is a really important part of one's life. It would be impossible to imagine going through life without swearing and without enjoying swearing... There used to be mad, silly, prissy people who used to say swearing was a sign of a poor vocabulary -such utter nonsense. The people I know who swear the most tend to have the widest vocabularies and the kind of person who says swearing is a sign of a poor vocabulary usually have a pretty poor vocabulary themselves... The sort of twee person who thinks swearing is in any way a sign of a lack of education or a lack of verbal interest or -is just a fucking lunatic... I haven't met anybody who's truly shocked at swearing, really, they're only shocked on behalf of other people. Well, you know, that's preposterous... or they say 'it's not necessary'. As if that should stop one doing it! It's not necessary to have coloured socks, it's not necessary for this cushion to be here, but is anyone going to write in and say 'I was shocked to see that cushion there, it really wasn't necessary'? No, things not being necessary is what makes life interesting -the little extras in life.
- Stephen Fry
Swearing relieves pain, is among our most descriptive language, builds social bonds, creates humour and expresses emotion. It's also incredibly versatile and can perform most grammatical functions. Dismissing swearing, or even worse trying to get rid of it is to ignore the vast depth of cultural significance hidden by the grawlix.
Good job insulting people who have a different opinion than you.
I give this troll 0/10.
Ahhhhhhh, tell us what you really think. You've managed to go a long way to proving why people should ACTUALLY listen to paid critics over fans, or in your case anti-fans.
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US