Should this game have smaller scale Battlegrounds like DAoC for players level 1 to level 49? Right now in ESO you can quest or do dungeons or do PvP and get murdered by VR ranked characters. Should this game have PvP that lower level players can do and have something to do besides questing and dungeons?
Any graphical, audio, or gameplay restrictions not seen in other mmos but found in FFXIV can be blamed on one thing.
Considering Cyrodil is about as large as the rest of the PvE side Id call it open world when you are there.
Any graphical, audio, or gameplay restrictions not seen in other mmos but found in FFXIV can be blamed on one thing.
Cyrodil would be abandoned very quickly.
Those of us who like PvP like to actually PvP; that is, running five minutes to get to a battle only to be killed in five seconds by an opponent we never see and then have to respawn five minutes away again is not exactly fun.
Cyrodil is a stupid, stupid design.
In battlegrounds, players could fight, die, and rejoin the battle quickly, not spend the whole "battle" running from a respawn point back to the battle.
There you go
In my opinion they shouldn't add battlegrounds to ESO but rather make a separate free2play game using ESO's engine, pvp abilities, mechanics, models, armor, etc. to make a lobby-based battleground game. This would allow ESO to keep their original integrity but also give another audience a game they would like to play ~ hit two markets with 1 and a half stones.
Not really because Cyrodill is more of a world, a open faction shared zone like any other zone, the difference is only that the main enemy is the other factionsI would like Arenas & BG in ESO, makes sense lore wise if done right like fighting over key ruins or caves ect. would fit into this game perfect IMO.
One big reason why I am going to quit ESO for Wildstar - Battlegrounds. Go into Cryodiil without a veteran rank and you'll be obliterated. I want to PvP but I don't want to spend hours and hours in a PvE grind to finally get to PvP in an area that requires more running than fighting.
A smaller reason - the game is designed so console gamers can enjoy it. This likely means there will be limitations to their dungeon design, so that gamepad users can compete.