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Monday we will review all the infographics to make more clear what you got, what stack and what don't in both the pledge system and the stretch pledge. We hope this will answer all the question you have.
Following this, if you decided to change your pledge to something else, contact and we will help you out!
We will also introduce new pledge. But before we announced any of them, I would like to hear from you what type of pledge and pricing you would like to see added to the list!
In the pledge system I would like something between the Dedicated Virtual Mission and the Dedicated Real World Mission for those people unable to pledge the full $5k for the real world one but want something more that a virtual mission. However, I have no ideas on what this could be.
As for stretch pledges, I think that along with hoodies (I work at a place that puts designs on T-Shirts, hoodies etc. so I could possibly ask if they would do a custom order based on a TBW design you want), baseball caps and other apparel items would be good.
I didn't manage to find a great place for quality yet affordable custom hoodies. Keep in mind I have no clue the amount I will order. If your place can handle them, I will be please to work with you.
Well I already mentioned the security cards in another thread and everyone seemed to think something along those lines would be cool and not too cost prohibitive. In-game titles have also been brought up and that seems like a good reward for TSW players.
Really, aside from Merch, I think we are covered...
That's a tough one. You've already done a great job at covering what I personally look for in terms of pre-purchase bonuses.
I think at this point, being the obsessed gamer that I am, some sort of clothing item might be the only thing that I'm missing. Iron-on patches are great, and I plan on smacking one on my "Dragon" carrier-bag, but I can't feasibly carry my carrier-bag with me everywhere, so in terms of showcasing my dedication and love for a game - and keep that small flame burning that is the hope of a fellow player recognizing the icons on the street - some sort of informal wear might be preferable.
Other than that, I can't really think of anything. You've done a great job so far, and I'm looking forward to seeing what will be draining my finances next.
Seeing as I *coughcough* came up with the in-game title idea, I most definitely support it. What about selling Agent LVL titles that each cost the same as their iron-on patch counterpart? Someone could choose whether they wanted to showcase their agent level(s) by wearing a patch in the real world or use a title in TSW. If they want both, they can purchase both stretch pledges. In the same vein of having suggested it earlier, it is not entirely implausible that I think pins would be fun to have.
I also like the idea of an agent/security card. It doesn't have to provide you with something extra or tie into a specific ARG mission, if that turns out to be too much work compared to the profit you will gain. Just like DraconianStorm, I'm not sure what this particular stretch pledge could be: but I'd like to suggest a stretch pledge between the 15 dollar and the 50 dollar one. It's a big jump and something like a 25 dollar pledge would help bridge that gap a little. Putting down 25 dollars as opposed to 50 will be more doable for some.
And I'm just checking here: while it doesn't quite fit with the universe, am I the only one who would like to see a mug...? I know Rooster Teeth are selling a mug from one of their webseries for just 13 dollars without shipping, but I don't know who produces them.
Oh my *looks at his bookshelves* how did I forget that venue? :S
No, you are indeed not the only one who would like a mug. Excellent idea.
Could, if it "has" to fall into the category between 15 and 50$, make it extra special by making them with a Thermochromatic coating. So when the mug is cold, it shows one image; perhaps the simplistic Black Watchmen Logo on a black bagground - like the one on the right on the frontpage, above the pledges - and when you pour a hot liquid into it, the coating reacts, and it reveals the artistic background, i.e. the art behind the logo, as in the top banner of the front-page.
I would like an option in the stretch pledges to just get the mobile app + lvl orange status without the sub and hoodies presumably at a lower price.
In fact any breaking up of pledges in the stretch section would be cool.
I don't have much by way of feedback regarding what tiers to add (I already have so many more shinies than I'm used to having, so I'm just kind of sitting here going "hhhhhh??")...but I would like to see designs for the patches. I kind of want one, but I have no idea which one, or if I'll even like how they look, so I'd like to know what I'd be getting into with those before going for it. Same goes for the cards (even if it's just rough basic layout implications), if that ends up happening.
That is, uh. *ahem* I would also be interested in seeing a preview for the Necromancer outfit, and see how classes are going to be managed. And whether I'll have any control over whether my character can become one.
Melycinya over on TSW's forums.
I won't be able to ask about it for a while due to Easter, and I think depending on the exact amount in the order they will have to be sent in batches rather than sending them all at once.
Here is a link to an online store we have so you can see the kind of designs we already do
Not sure if you still need suggestions but being a girl I am shocked to see there are no Bags in the stretch pledge option. Considering the genre it could be a laptop case, tablet case (might tie in well with the phone case) or just a backpack or dufflebag.
Gaming paraphernalia might also be cool though I dont know how feasible.
Maybe something like an earpiece/headphones. We are after all in the cloak and dagger universe so anything to make us feel more like spies would probably go down well. Sunglasses?
Oh my, great suggestions! ^^
Just going to add shoulder bag to the list - as that is my preferred method of hauling books to and from Uni.
Bring on the mirrorshades XD
In seriousness though... I was thinking about buying one of the id cards that allows access to events but since I'm in Middle-Of-Nowhere-Canada, I kinda want to know if there are any events I could actually make it to without months in advance notice... Maybe some more details on that? I know, it kind of spoils the surprise...
Events in player X's area, are related to the activity of player X, at least from what we know so far.
This means that they wouldn't really be able to predict where an event requiring real-life interaction might occur, but at the same time, that it isn't necessarily just in highly populated areas that they might take place.
More reliably, while it may not be directly linked to your Event/ID Card, we know that this is the case in regards to virtual mission. The more active you are, the more likely it is that information unique to your area, or information more likely to be known by you, will be needed in order to solve a given mission.
We still have only the bare minimum information about the Event/ID cards, so I'd suggest asking the question in the "Upcoming AMA" thread.
I had an idea for a pledge last night at the bar. Unlike most ideas I've had at bars, this one still doesn't seem too bad!
$3k pledge (or there about) - Alpha Squad - Real world mission for 10 people starting in one location (transportation NOT provided, general location would have to be provided in pledge to give people the ability to decide on cost). Mission would last for 1 week and the pledge would only be applied if all 10 spots are filled. If all 10 slots do get filled, there is always the chance for a Beta Squad at a different location :-)
Idea being, give more people the opportunity to experience a longer, real world mission with less cost to HE (don't have to travel to the participants, can choose the location, have only one location for 10 pledges/30k investment, and don't pay travel costs). There could always be a similar 72 hour version as well.
So, while I realize it may very well be too little, too late - as they say. I thought I'd try my hand at making an easy-to-read list of items, some of which have already been suggested in the thread. Others are purely brain-farts that I do not necessarily want to see available personally, but just plain ol' ideas:
Merchandise & Clothing:
- Cap, pins, facemask (Hi, Watch_Dogs!), sunglasses.
- Messenger Bag, Tablet sleeve, Laptop sleeve.
- Mugs with various design, thermochromatic (heat-sensitive coating) mug.
- Pens, LED-mini flashlight, notepad, mini-blacklight.
TBW "in-game" related:
- Cell phone TBW theme
- Alternative Hub interface(s).
- Agent name reservation for Hub and Official Forums (as it won't be linked with accounts)
- running out of ideas ..
- Unique Forum/Hub avatar, title, insignia, what not.
- Iffy one: +1 to a single skill, the level is not actually increased by one, but missions are encountered as if the skill was one level higher, untill the player levels up that skill - at which point the skill effectively reverts to normal. Ultimately equates to "early access" by way of slightly increased progress speed, without the whole "starting the game before everyone can enjoy the fun" business. Additionally, also useful for those who wish to start as a specific class, but wants to be involved in certain missions despite of their class skills.
Optionally - while I'm not for it, I thought I'd mention it either way - seperate pledges for each skill, effectively allowing players to pledge +1 to each skill, for increased costs.
Take my money! pledge:
- Various levels of pledges, where players recieve nothing, but effectively donate the money - as some people might find themselves in a spot, where they have the disposable income, and the desire, to support TBW, but are put off by having to buy something they don't really want.
Be sure to drink your...
Son of a bitch!
(has anyone tried talking to Ovaltine about sponsoring a James Bond package?)
I like most of the ideas all my fellow agents put forward but I look at it this way. As a dedicated supporter I would rather be able to simply throw money at HE in hopes the project can get off the ground and be successful. I guess... create blank donation option and lets us throw however much we want behind it?
You can do this, but it depends on how you are paying, or I just haven't seen how to do it under the paypal option.
Choose a pledge tier/stretch goal, then select Crowdtilt. Once it brings you to the screen where it is asking for payment information. Look on the right side for the "Payment Summary", should see the word 'Edit' click on that and it will take you to a kickstarter-esque page where you can put in how much you are pledging and which reward or no reward if you want for the pledge.
was wondering when the new pledge level will be introduced and if we could have some hints ( maybe a weeeeeeee tiny clue) as to if it will be something between the $125 level and the $5000 level? Or what price level it will be?
@mrshom3rsimpson on twitter
"Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. So said by the idiot who can't understand it."