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(At least in theory?)
I did my first trade run (the apples) yesterday - now that was fun! You really have to use your head.
You have to take your manufactured goods to another region to sell them as they are not very valuable in the region which they are made. So you don a large "pack" which gives you a massive speed debuff and you must either walk by foot, ride your horse (with the same debuff) and carry it to another region to sell. Just think of the Role Play opportunities! If you travel with another player who has the pack your speed increases!
You are allowed to ride public transport but you cannot "run" or use any other "move faster" abilities.
You can have your horse walk beside you, or your pet for defense.
The apple trade run was short...but imagine the longer runs you need to do across war-torn areas where you can get attacked by other players? I imagine they could take your pack? Very neat Role Play opportunity!
Very neat "Risk v. Reward' system. When you make delivery, you can pick between some very valuable coins that are hard to come by (to purchase houses, etc), or just flat out gold money. But there is even a delay on recieving the gold - 22 hours!
So I guess if you are a Role Player and a Crafter, this is a very cool mechanic in-game.