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Step 1: Download Game
2 sites to download it for free from
Gamespot is faster but you have to d/l some crappy program to download from there...
i used it cuz this file is 600+ mb and they have 300+k d/l speeds
Now install it of course
Step 2: Download UORice from (removes client incryption)
Step 3: Unzip it. (you can use a tool like winzip that you can download for free from: )
Step 4. Run UORice. (you only need to run it one time, and it automatically removes client incryption)
Step 5. Change your login.cfg in our c:program filesUltima Onine 3D (or 2d if u got that one) with notepad to this (delete everything in there and just paste this
;Loginservers for Ultima Online
;Do not edit this file or patching will fail! Always save a backup.,2593
Step 6: Run no_crypt_client.exe (The client that UORice creates.) Should be in ur Ultima Online install directory now
Step 7. Type in your desired user name and password.
Step 8: Enjoy the game for free
Just opened beta testing so this server is almost empty but will have hundreds its on a T3 connection with a Duel Athlon MP 3000+ system with 4 gb ram
SWG SUCKS (great signature isnt it heh)
SWG SUCKS (great signature isnt it heh)
SWG SUCKS (great signature isnt it heh)
SWG SUCKS (great signature isnt it heh)