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Ive Been Playing WoW for about 7 months now and in the beginning it was great, but now that i have hit the lvl cap its seams to have lost some of its luster, sure u can get epics and all that good stuff, but its hard and really not worth it in some cases. But im sure there are some other parts about lvl 60 that are great but i just dont see them, ive been 60 for a while and it gets harder and harder to find a grp or raid cause no one wants to go cause they got nothing to go for, and Guilds are hard to come by if ur a certain Class, i am not saying WoW is bad, but is there more?
IMHO WoW is where it is due to Blizzard having a lot of hard core fans, I'd say a good chunk of the WoW population are 1st time MMO's.
Don't get me wrong WoW is definitly a very polished MMO, but as the OP said it's just lacking in end game fun, there is way to much grinding to be done once you reach 60 (which you can do way to quickly).
The key to having fun at lvl 60 is to be in one of the high-level guilds of the server. IF you are not a member of an active high level guild, you're missing out. Pretty much at lvl 60 the *only* things to do is PvP or high-level raids such as MC, ZF, and BWL.
My suggestion is get into a high level raiding guild. If you're having trouble getting into one, contact some of the guild leaders at a time that they aren't busy, most tend to be sympathetic to a person that will be reliable and attend guild raids early.
WoW is based around guilds, sadly, but once you're in one that you enjoy.. it's really not that bad of a time. My suggestion is do the quest that will allow you to enter MC, get your Onyxia key, then start contacting raiding guilds.
Its been said by so many and I can only concur, the end game is really bad in WoW. It does not have community, solid pvp, crafting, economy or role playing to back it up.
Only raids... but these works, if your into it.
Some have said that WoW is a single player game in a multiplayer world. I kinda agree with that, because its so focused and streamlined towards soloing and these linear static quests.
Its weird but if you think about it, just killing creatures wereever you want in some much more primitive mmorpg is actually more open ended, because you get to choose were you want to go. In WoW its more static and pre determinated, thanks to the rewards and quests. at lvl 10 you will go here, at lvl 20 you will go there, and then you will need to go do this quest at lvl 25, and get that mace that everyone from the same class also has.
Still WoW is a great game.. you have had fun right mate? Thats what is important. if your not having fun anymore then stop playing and try something else. Come back when you feel like it... in a year or too, or when the expansion arrives and play again. There are many like you who are taking breaks or quitting, and thats okay. Its normal:D
I really do think that is quite misleading... going to a guild leader of a successful guild saying "help i'm not enjoying my game, please let me join your guild so it can better my experience," will only get you laughed at and generally won't get you anywhere.
Half of the WoW community are childish little "skilled" wannabes who have no respect for anyone and generally have the social etiquette of a glass of water. Also, the good guilds on most servers are filled with arrogant elitest morons who feel their guild is better than you and not to mention their controlled approach to new members bullying them into going a build they probably don't want to. Ofcourse, you choose to do as they say or you're out of a guild and thus ends your quest for "l33t l00t."
This ofcourse, is if you can stand doing the same instance every night for around four hours killing the same mobs constantly and wasting a good part of your social life. Or you could go join the nusery playgrounds otherwise known as battlegrounds, it's full of very nice and mature people just waiting to use the extraordinarily known concept known as teamwork, oo btw, i was being sarcastic.
The endgame in WoW is awful in terms of options but it's like cocaine for some people, once you farm an instance a few times and see the "l33t l00ts," you just have to keep doing it until you are so "uber" you can "pwnd" everyone apart from you never get to "pwnd" anyone, because you're too damn busy farming instances.
I remember when i first got WoW, about a year ago, i remember reading everywhere about how the game only starts at 60, ofcourse i still heard that a month ago and this simply applies for no life nerds who have nothing better to do than run instances and make love to their "l33t l00t."
My only advice i can give you if you're still wanting to stick to WoW, make another character, it is suprisingly fun to level a second one to 60 especially if you choose the opposite faction.
you've reached what many, many, many other people have found out.
1-60 they did an awesome job. once you hit 60, its like they decided to quit working
EDIT: It kinda sucks that most people who play WoW or experience it will never experience BWL/MC/Onyxia
WoW is good, it is fun to play for a while, and it is pretty. They have a great world to explore based on many games and a lot of solid lore.
The thing is, it is "too easy" to reach end game, and even though I like that better than the old EQ model where you lose weeks of exp in a single death it is still frustrating to have so many people at "end game".
They need to add some form of death penalty, and to make it slightly harder to level to max and they would be a lot better off in my opinion. Even just corpse runs like back in UO where you had to work to recover your corpse would be great, you would not have so many people just acting like idiots because they know it means nothing if they die.
The community is also a bit lacking. You run the gambit from Fan boys to drama queen role-players. I am a role-player, and I was ashamed of the RP community on two of the larger RP servers. The PVP servers had your usual leet Diablo PK types running around cheating at every turn to gain an advantage.
I played it, ran a guild in it, made it to end game with them and promptly left to focus on other things.
hmmm do wat i been doing make one MAIN and have like 9999 subs
the game will never die for you
due to u wanting to be good with ur other chars
but yes the level 60 have to PvP or raid to have fun
due to there bieng nothing more to do
but no worries
the X pak is coming out soon
Riggy for shissy:
Pent 4 2.66
1 GIG ram
Radeon X850XT Platinum Edition
120 gigs of HD
REMEMBER: He who hates the beaner, Will loose his WIENER!
yes, because doing the same exact thing 9999 times is really fun...
everyone says making alts is what you do when you hit 60.
making alts is boring
There is more, Master, much more. Haven't you read the front page of the official Blizzard WoW website? Every day you will see stories about exciting new content and bug fixes that are planned for the future. And, let's not forget those cool in-game events that everybody loveshave you forgotten how much fun the Darkmoon Faire is? Well, it's coming around again, just be patient. Hell, just riding the zeppelin between Org and UC causes many players to have an orgasm, but you say you're bored?. I am surprised that you haven't discovered yet what the elite level 60's do to kill time between MC raids: park your char in Org or Ironforge and use the /yell chat feature to spam everybody in town with nonsense. Sexist and masked racist comments are always popular. Or, just type "LEROY" all night. WTF is wrong with you, Master? WoW is the best game ever! Stop whining.
WoW is not that good. This statement comes from someone who at one point was addicted to the game, despite its shallowness. As stated by others it is a beautiful game with some of the greatest locations I've ever explored. They are great from an esthetic standpoint only. The leveling instances are nice. The average kill and collect quest is exactly the same wether it's in Elywnn Forest (level 4-10) or Silithus (level 55-and up). Think about such compelling landscapes that you can only visit. It would be too cool to set a up a residence in an attractive region and include a variety of skill based activities in the game to keep the interest up. Running out to kill and collect can only take you so far. Blizzard thinks that after you hit 60, it's limited end-game dungeons and Battlegrounds will suffice to entertain most of its players over long periods of time. In their defense the Burning Crusade is coming soon, but it will be just more of the same. A large static unchanging world.
There is a large group of players who love WoW's end game. I'm just not one of them. Yes I happily ran one character up to 60 and another to 55 doing these types of quests, but when I hit the wall I was finished. I disliked and rejected the end-game content.
Static worlds and perishable landscapes such as in WoW are not sustainable in the long run. Other MMO's look very promising, all though some of them will be a let down due to their lack of combat. I'm thinking specifically of Tale in the Desert and Seed, both have complex skill systems (all though I've not played them, I'm considering them) that probably put WoW to shame. Seed has not been released yet.
Past MMOs- Planetside, WoW.
Current MMO:
Current Games: L4D, Skyrim
Tried- ATITD, EQ2, SoR, Vanguard,SL,LOTRO,SotNW,SWTOR.
Anticipating- GW2, Planetside2
Id have to agree, but Hardcore Guilds take alot of work to get into and sometime half the crap like epics and stuff take forever to get, i was thinking about getting Dungeons and Dragons Online when it comes out but i havent tried it and i dont want to spend 50$ on it if it sucks.
I first tried the free trial of wow and thought it was alot of fun, but when i got the real game, i got bored in less then a few weeks, and i dunno i just didnt like it.
Alot of people like it, alot of people dont, but you will fidn that most people that play it ae really unaware that any other games like WoW exsist, except maybee some of the popular ones, GW,EQ2 mostly, even heard SWG mentioned.
To each his own i guess
The new EQ2, better than ever befor !
don't click this link...
Heh.. people like you drove me to quit the game among other things..
I've just reached 35 on my third character in WoW.
I've yet to get a character to 60, so my opinion may not be official, but over the years I've reached end game in many MMOs.
The lack of entertainment for any class in any game after reaching the final level is always existant.
This is why, personally, I'm a chronic reroller
I will, when my main reaches 60, do all I can with that character afterwords...but I will, without a doubt have many many alts.
The best way to do it is find something that you enjoy doing other than grinding, etc.
I'm pretty sure I'll be heavy in the BattleGrounds, etc - which is something I'm staying away from intentionally.
If I get stuck in there I'll stray from the many things I'm trying to accomplish right now.
But basicly the question is - if you get bored here, won't you eventually be bored somewhere else?
Boredom can always set in...find something else to do
I really didn't think I would like WoW at all - it really doesn't sound like a game that would suit me after all the games I've played.
But "we" played the trial and we decided to stay.
I certainly wouldn't say it's the best out there, it really isn't the best I've played.
But, for what it is and how it's done, it's not too shabby and I enjoy it.
I'm looking forward to the cap raise, etc.
Be sweet and be safe!
The thing about WoW is the endgame just plain sucks, its basicly an grind designed to keep you playing.
Either you PvP non-stop 12+ hours a day for months to get your epics (no breaks or you wont get rank 14) or you PVE every night for 4-5 hours to build up DKP. Going the PVE route can take you a year+.
Since the PVE endgame takes 40 players and can only be done once a week they get your money every month.. Doing the same instances repeatedly 100's of times might be fun for monkeys but ill pass, thanks.
I think WoW is a great game, but I think the word "Casual", which is applied to WoW quiet often is very inaccurate. It might be casual to get to 60. But the end game is anything but casual. To participate in the high end raids, you must be able to contribute large amounts of time. Most raids are huge time sinks. Although alot of guilds have gotten really good at taking bosses down, but they didnt get that good by being a casual gamer.
The PvP ranking system is a grind as well. If you want that nifty title over your head in pvp. Expect to Grind PvP for long hours. I probably am one of the few who dont like the battlegrounds idea. But for me as much as I was looking forward to Battlegrounds, it was actually the thing that made me cancel my account for awhile.
I thought it really hurt the PvP servers. Part of the fun for me was the random pvp, that could occur anywhere. Whereas Battlegrounds took the RPG feel out of pvp and made it like Quake and Battlefield games. I just dont care for it.
Its been said by so many and I can only concur, the end game is really bad in WoW. It does not have community, solid pvp, crafting, economy or role playing to back it up.
Only raids... but these works, if your into it.
Some have said that WoW is a single player game in a multiplayer world. I kinda agree with that, because its so focused and streamlined towards soloing and these linear static quests.
Its weird but if you think about it, just killing creatures wereever you want in some much more primitive mmorpg is actually more open ended, because you get to choose were you want to go. In WoW its more static and pre determinated, thanks to the rewards and quests. at lvl 10 you will go here, at lvl 20 you will go there, and then you will need to go do this quest at lvl 25, and get that mace that everyone from the same class also has.
Still WoW is a great game.. you have had fun right mate? Thats what is important. if your not having fun anymore then stop playing and try something else. Come back when you feel like it... in a year or too, or when the expansion arrives and play again. There are many like you who are taking breaks or quitting, and thats okay. Its normal:D
Well... not really.
WoW has multiple regions for any level you are in at the moment. Quests "keep your hand" only to about level 20. once you get out of newbie lands, you are on your own. There are always plenty of choices to make when it comes to locations and you know you will find plenty of quests wherever you go.
So no, mindless mob grinding is not more "open ended" than wow.
to the OP: being bored after 7 months is no surprise. You will find out that most MMorpg players are jumpers and not hardcore people. Only a minority of any game population has been there for x years and the trend seems to be decreasing as more games hit the market.
So, if you get bored with something, just go somewhere else! no shame in it! I can tell you will be back at sometime in the future, to check out what changed or when the expansion comes out... At least, I personally jumped a lot before WoW between lots of different games. WoW managed to keep my interest longest so far, but then i never reached max level in it.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
The main probleme in WOW is that quest is only monster bashing and the economic system is not well balanced. They try to keep player with new instance and ubber item ans new BG, the server aren't good enought to support capital rush with 3 or 4 guild. (400-500 persons).
Well to my mind even with the addon there is no real futur for WoW
Alts can be fun, I had 3 alts to above 50. One in full tier one armor, and of course my main was in tier 1 as well. My 2nd alt was in a near full set of tier 1. Do the math on that, I had countless runs on the same 3-4 instances, and my future looked ot hold the same for me in MC and beyond. Run an instance once it is exciting.. 30-40 times? 100? All while trying to get one specific drop and competing against others for the chance to roll on it? Is this REALLY fun?
If you think so then WoW and alts are for you.
I like alts it gave me a feel for other people and what their roll was. I could appreciate their challenges. That is not to say after the7th time hunting through the quests in the Wetlands I was having a good time.
The other side of things, well that has appeal. New quests, new areas, new situations. But then you lose your friends, and if you are apart of a guild you are not around to support them.
Again fun for some but not everyone.
Id have to agree, once i hit 60 it just went flat, the only thing u can do after that is make an Alt or PvP or do instances, and those only go soo far till they get to the point where u rip ur hair out.
Most people seem to have similiar thoughts about WoW. (Good until you hit the lev 60 ceiling) I recently cancelled my account. Had my 60 Hunter with several 40ish-50ish alts on a pvp server. The first week of AV was tons of fun, but then pvp became yet another grind. If the expansion actually "Expands" the game in a meaningful and fun way I may give it another chance. Otherwise I'm waiting for Age of Conan.
-- I need a nerf --
remmeber the effing X pak is coming out
thaty means 10 more levels
and those 10 levels will be like going from level 1-60 10 times
Riggy for shissy:
Pent 4 2.66
1 GIG ram
Radeon X850XT Platinum Edition
120 gigs of HD
REMEMBER: He who hates the beaner, Will loose his WIENER!
So...can anyone actually NAME a MMO that has a good endgame?
When everyone says...after 60 all you have left to do is raid or PvP...what else is there to do in any MMO after you finish the PvE content?
I think you're all being a bit unrealistic here...