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Apparently rich old people are buying young teen / child blood for reverse aging transfusions.
Some European and South American clinics now doing reverse aging transfusions for the rich and powerful.
Creepy scary stuff.
Yeah, but I thought those rodents were actually continuously connected (as in their circulatory systems were connected).
So jumping on that bandwagon is probably not only scary, but fairly useless too
But who knows! I want $1000 dollars for every litre of 24-year old blood you capitalist pigs! Gimme now!
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I've saved up alot of blood waiting for it to get a price-tag. (joke)
They do say that history repeats itself. It's a urban legend that Elizabeth Báthory bathed in young girls blood (virgings by wiki) to stay young. Atlease by apperance.
Considering the method does nothing for aging, much less reversing it, I'd say it's rich old people who have nothing better to spend their money on. It can help them *feel* younger though, because of the better oxygen capacity, but that isn't at all a long-term enjoyment. Maybe 8 hours at most.
Lance Armstrong did the same thing, where during breaks in the race, he'd get into a special trailer that basically recycled his blood with some loaded with more oxygen. I honestly imagine a "Universal Soldiers" setup when I think about that, lol.
You make me like charity
too bad .. i thought you are talking about ways to turn into a bat at night and fly around ....that would be more fun than just staying (or pretending to staying) young.