www.digital-legion.com We are not your average gaming community! We have 10 years experience, over a multitude of games/ servers; and with a strong healthy playerbase, we are now gearing up and getting set to make Nexus our new home.?
About us
Founded on June 4th 2003, in the original MMOFPS; Planetside, under our original name, The 58th Marine Corp (The Wildcards), we fought for the New Conglomerate on the Werner server. As an outfit, we experienced fantastic success; having one of the most organised and skilled player base in the game and at our peak we were a leading force in the formation and management of the NC Werner Alliance (NCWA).
Since Planetside we have played countless games as a community, from the Battlefield Series to Call of Duty, from League of Legends to World of Warcraft (where we ran under the name solar Noctis on Daggerspine before moving to kazzak), we always shine. We were a forced to be reckoned with in Warhammer Online and countless other MMO's, most recently Star Wars: The Old Republic and Guild Wars 2. We even returned to our roots in Planetside 2, restarting a server-wide NC alliance, and acting as siege-breakers, tank platoons and specialised infantry.
When we are not out ruling the MMO world, we like to kick back with games of SMITE, DayZ, Starbound, and whatever else takes our fancy!
What we are looking for
- Though we will be taking raiding and pvp seriously to a certain degree, over the years we have learnt to know when to have a laugh and when to get the job done. Ultimately, a friendlyand happy enviroment is paramount to dl*, we are looking for the gamers who want to enjoy everything Wildstar, but not at the cost of someone else's enjoyment.
- We will be aiming to complete all raid and dungeon content within Wildstar, as well as having a strong presence on the PvP scene.
- We're primarily a northern European outfit, with members mostly
from the UK and Sweden, however we do have members from all over Europe
and a few from the USA too. We're a diverse community of like-minded
gamers with members from all walks of life, and all ages.
What we can offer
- Friendly, fun mature Guild with over 10 years experience of playing together. We even organise LANs for our community!
- Professional and rewarding with regards to raids, Dungeons, and PvP, while understanding that real life comes first.
- Unlimited Mumble Voice server
- First-class website, supporting a multitude of games.
- Once a Member you can jump into many of the countless games dl* plays on a daily basis.
- The best community of gamers the Web has to offer in all genres.
Code of ConductDigital Legion has a few core values, that apply to all our members and are expected of all recruits:
RespectfulnessSimple really; don't be a d*ck.
ConstructivityBaseless criticism and the "law of because I say so" do not apply in Digital Legion. We dislike those who make basless accusations against others and deal with those who do, quickly.
Maintain the Reputation of dl*:When members play games wearing the dl* tags they are representing the Digital Legion community as a whole. Being established in PS1, PS2 and playing many MMO's we realise how important an outfits reputation is in , more the most other games and so we take a zero tolerance stance against spammers, griefers and cheap tactics. We play to win, but not by ruining the experience for everyone else. Put simply, if a dl* member is being a d*ck, they should be prepared for the consequences - our officers don't screw around and if someone is causing a problem and won't listen to reason then they can expect to be kicked quickly.
Sounds like something I'd like to be a part in - where do I sign up?
Head on over to our website?
http://www.digital-legion.com Please register in the forums and post your application as per the template in the applications forum! An officer will approve your post and wait for the welcomes to roll in! Members from other guilds are also welcome to join in the discussion on our website!
Hopefully final Realm server lists to be announced soon fingers crossed.
Deadly Dungeon Friday 50 Gear Farm event
27/6/14 8pm BST
Signups on the forum.
dl* back in the fight and back on Hazak!