Just received the GTX 660. HUGE fps increase in Wildstar, small increase in Darkfall. Still waiting for the SSD.
You've reassured me about OCing the CPU and actually my work would benefit from it aswell. I'm a music producer and my setup is very CPU intensive.
ps: and yeah my RAM wasn't setup properly, thanks for pointing that out.
That's awesome. A DAW will see a HUGE improvement in performance if temp assets are sitting on an SSD. When you get that drive, you'll be hooked, and far more productive.
That's awesome. A DAW will see a HUGE improvement in performance if temp assets are sitting on an SSD. When you get that drive, you'll be hooked, and far more productive.
Had some trouble capturing all windows in WS. As a guide:
Wildstar (Max settings)
FPS 45 (looking into city to tax system)
CPU i7 @ 4.5GHZ (25,25,25,10,75,0,75,0)%
GPU EVGA GTX780 TI (Usage 65%, GPU 1500MHz, Memory 3500MHz, @ 65 deg C)
ASUS 144MHz monitor (@ 144Mhz)
16GB Memory (usage 6.5GB)
2x SSD in Raid 0
The game doesn't utilise my system at max settings.