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Sleeping Dragon is recruiting! We're an active social community with our own mumble server. All are welcome, We are aiming to raid, do organised PvP and arena teams. Server is Hazak a PvP EU server.
Our guild is based around mine (NovaBlue) and Gravecrawlers twitch streams which the majority of our community comes from. We are a collaboration of both old and new guild members from WoW, GW2, SWTOR and Rift.
Later plans are to raid and if we have enough active people Warplots.
Me (NovaBlue) as one of the guild leaders i have had 7 years of mmo pvp experience and lead a successful arena guild in GW2 "Team Tsunami". Seredio and GraveCrawler have both lead guilds/Raids in WoW too, working through TK/SSC in TBC. I will be leading the majority of the PvP side of the guild and Grave and Seredio will be running the PvE side.
The basic rules and/or requirements for the guild are as follows:
Apart from that there are no requirements apart from being active in the mumble if we are making any kind of groups.
Make sure you check out our recruitment video for more info as well
So if you are interested check out our website and sign up. We have a very active forum.
Contact NovaBlue, Seredio or Gravecrawler on SERVERNAME for more details. Or Check out mine and Gravecrawlers streams and as us directly
What server you guys planning on playing on.
Going to be on Hazak
Cheers Nova
Hazak is a PvP EU as far as i am aware the serves on the wildstar forums are on launch. At the very least we are going to be on a PvP server this leaves us open to do what we want.