Personally I wonder which city people prefer to be in.... my fav capital is Stormwind, my most favorite small town would probably be redridge. My least fav would be thalanar because it's just the most utterly pathetic alliance town in Azeroth its like a well, a flight path and 2 gazebos.
I like these places
1.Grom Gol - STV
2.Booty Bay - Gnomergan Instance
3.Orgrimmar - Close to zeplin and BG
4. Tarrren Hill - Close to BG
5. and some village in hinter lands i forget what its called starts with R tho
I dont like
1. Undercity - always confusing place to me
2. Stonard - i never liked this place but its close to ST instance
Pretty much same for me.
I don't care for UC, it's just too bizarre for my taste. And I always get lost on all my chars
Darnassus ( Especially since the AH sharing ).
My home town, I know it very very well and usually isn't over-run or laggy for me.
Stormwind ( Only when I'm wanting to be involved with the community )
I'll go here if I actually feel like being social, or a little more social on my AH runs.
Plus, I just love the gate view, I have a weakness for castles.
I used to like Goldshire on another server...but it tends to be a little different with each server.
Not too crazy about it with the one I'm on now.
Booty Bay for peace when I wish to fish.
Never been there, no need to go there, and it's a pain to get anywhere from it.
It's a little sad to me