Havoc I am looking foward to havok the most. i think its going to be awesome to see large area energy attacks shooting out of his chest , dominating mobs in midtown and x-defense.
I want to see Wasp, because I liked her adaptation on Avengers Earth's Mightiest heroes TV show she is very Fun and could be nice see her as partner during my ES farming.
I want Wasp more than all the others. Not only is she hot,intelligent,and a good butt-kicker,she's got a fiery personality that doesn't take crap from anyone. Besides,how can any insecure man resist a woman so small? Only Tinkerbell would be better,but that's the wrong property :-)
Hopefully you realize the last 2 lines were just an attempt to be funny,.....seriously....I mean it.....<0>
Can't wait for this to be released! I'm most excited for Domino and Havoc! Mainly because I love the X-men. Wasp is awesome too, I remember playing her alot in SHSO, pretty sure she will be a unique team-up.
I have to say Beta Ray Bill. I absolutely love when he shows up in the comics. The Ballad of Beta Ray Bill is one of my favorite comic stories. Looking for a new home for his people he finds earth. Thor finds Bill. They fight. Bill takes Mjolnir from Thor then Thor becomes a whiney little punk. Bill is very hesitant to give Mjolnir back because he could use it to help his people but in the end he decides to give the hammer to Thor. Who refuses because Bill is worth! So they duel for it and without the hammers Bill still beats Thor! But Odin had Sif go in secret to the dwarves to get them to forge a new hammer for Bill, Stormbreaker! In the end Bill and Thor become blood brothers.
Bill is just a great character. He is noble and he works hard for what he believes in. And he truly is Homeboy #1. There is no question about what hero to be the most excited about over these new team ups. How could you not want to team up with Homeboy #1?
I would have to pick Spider Woman, she is pretty awesome but seems to be one of those heroes you really never hear about aoutside of the comics!!! I'm excited for She-Hulk too, I mean she's hulk, but a woman and that's just awesome
She-hulk for sure. My boyfriend and I have been playing this game since beta. He has been one of the most well known hulk players in the game, so of course we have Hulk parties and run together. Every good hulk needs a "She" to stand by and fight with!
I want Wasp more than all the others. Not only is she hot,intelligent,and a good butt-kicker,she's got a fiery personality that doesn't take crap from anyone. Besides,how can any insecure man resist a woman so small? Only Tinkerbell would be better,but that's the wrong property :-)
Hopefully you realize the last 2 lines were just an attempt to be funny,.....seriously....I mean it.....<0>
domino and clea
both have magic in them in differing ways
I have to say Beta Ray Bill. I absolutely love when he shows up in the comics. The Ballad of Beta Ray Bill is one of my favorite comic stories. Looking for a new home for his people he finds earth. Thor finds Bill. They fight. Bill takes Mjolnir from Thor then Thor becomes a whiney little punk. Bill is very hesitant to give Mjolnir back because he could use it to help his people but in the end he decides to give the hammer to Thor. Who refuses because Bill is worth! So they duel for it and without the hammers Bill still beats Thor! But Odin had Sif go in secret to the dwarves to get them to forge a new hammer for Bill, Stormbreaker! In the end Bill and Thor become blood brothers.
Bill is just a great character. He is noble and he works hard for what he believes in. And he truly is Homeboy #1. There is no question about what hero to be the most excited about over these new team ups. How could you not want to team up with Homeboy #1?