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Picture this; over 700 players gathered in one place. 10 of the best musical bands performing their magic. 6 to 8 hours of the best party rp dancing, drinking, smoking, rp fun you can have in any MMO. Over 1200 gold in prizes, Epic caravans to and from the event location. Picture.....
Weatherstock 6 !
Some photos courtesy of Pogg.
For more info on what Weatherstock is like just head over to Youtube and keyword Weatherstock.. This event has been mentioned on BBC news, and PC Gamer and multiple blog/MMO info sites. There is no event like it in all MMO dom. So prepare your self by either logging in or make a new toon and head to Forsaken Inn on that fateful day for the best party event you will ever enjoy in any multiplayer game!
Event dates listed. Event hours to be announced.
Wow, I remember my last Weatherstock. I got drunk and my hobbit fell off the cliff.
Landroval is a terrific server and the RPers make it truly immersive. I hope to make it again this year.
There will be multiple live streaming sites to be announced . there will be assistance to get you to the event in case you are a low level toon. Watch your chat /regional for announcements. It is very possible there will be another TITLE to be given to all attendees, but no official word as yet.
Those who attended last years record event will know about the lag involved. Prepare for lag. Its part of the the rites of attendance. Do not wear headgear-capes or weapons or anything other than your outfit and you if you notice appreciable lag. You will see lag beginning at the Forsaken Inn so be warned.
The caravan will test your computer. If you crash on the caravan, log in a few minutes later allowing the bulk of attendees to reach the summit and settle in. Please do not set off fireworks, or emotes during show. dancing is allowed of course and hope tokens will be available for you to show appreciation for your band.
Vendors will be aplenty! Free ale, free pipweed, free snacks, and of course the event itself is free. Moderators will be present so griefing should be dealt with quickly.
Welcome back, Tinki! Great timing, I planned to wait for your appearance 'till this very weekend and then make a Weatherstock post by myself but since I'm just a Weatherstock Wayfarer, it's much more appropriate if you announce it, on behalf of LMB.
And why would I wait this weekend, well, to promote Weatherstock concert series as well for the folks here. True, it is already on since last Sunday, but this weekend will be the massive part of the series.
So folks, if you want to get a hint of what will Weatherstock feels like next Saturday, hop into Landroval this weekend for some fun, there will be concerts all over Bree, for many hours. Starting in the evenings (Eu) / afternoons (US), here's the timetable and the band list
As for Weatherstock, sadly I'll be off the next weekend... Already made every move I can, but it seems I'll be missing the first part of the event. But if all's going as planned, I can still get to Weathertop at around 3-4pm servertime, to catch the second half of the bands. (this is the first time I'm actually happy for the timezone difference )
The nighttime concerts on Weatherstock have a nice mood anyways:
Thanks for posting Pogg! I have developed health issues and am just now jonesing for more attendance for Weathersock. Glad you would have filled the gap in case. Hope to see you there!
And who is Slowpoke 68!? Once a kinnie always a kinnie.
Part of the massive caravan from last year.
Yep, I like to post about the events in here, to counter threads like "no GM events anymore" and "when was the last time you saw more than 100 people in game at once on your screen"
That's a nice Ithil steed (Steed of the Chessboard as one called it on the Spring Racing festival, during the guess-the-horse trivia. It was a great event too).
If I'm correct, those are the Strollers in front of you. Based on the band list they will miss Weatherstock this year? I wonder, how will we force the server to its knees without their Songburrow Bouncing song?
You still can play it pretty much like before the f2p switch, skipping everything the Store brought in. Not exactly the same by the letter, I agree, there were some changes beyond the Store too, like area revamps, changes in the stat mechanics, and with HD change in the trait system. Still, if you want, you can play up to Mirkwood (last area before the f2p change) like before.
And not to forget there were good changes too, like the expansions (I'm not a Big battles fan, but warsteeds are good), the graphical changes, the net code upgrade - I bet the 4-5 years old version of LotRO would've crashed from 3-400 folks at one place, while the current build managed to hold last year's more than 700 players with slight hiccups all the way through the 8 hours. It only crashed at the end, during the Battle of Bands, which was intended for the exact purpose of killing the server
Also, events like this are maybe the only times where you can play the game the very same way it was years ago, since all you need to do is going to Weathertop and having fun while listening some music. No changes in here.
Ok, ok, it's also not the very same if you want to split hairs, there are new instruments and a couple new emotes in game compared to pre-f2p LotRO but you get the point.
We had 15 bands apply. Leadership determined the 10 bands by a website lottery of which I dont know much about. 15 bands would have dragged the event into the 12 hour range and we are pooped by the end of 7 to 8 hours running the show.
I too, lament some of the changes. Yet for me, there is a special atmosphere about this game and of course the friends made in the 6 years I have been playing.
It's been roughly just under 1 year since my last sub/run with LOTRO. I played at launch and have had 3 or 4 subscription sessions in the game over the years. The Cash Shop options throughout the game just became unbearable. Such a sad thing to see one of my all time favorite games evolve into such a money grab. Would Tolkien be proud? Hell, he might be, I never met him or got to know him so he may very well be proud.
It's understood that a response may be "How are they supposed to make money to keep the game going". No need to mention it.
^^While I don't believe it's necessary to state, the above is simply my opinion and how I interpret my most recent experience within LOTRO so no panty bunching k?
I wasn't complaining, the game is filled with great bands, and the event time is limited obviously, so some rotation during the years is necessary. Also it's a good way to see and hear new bands, for example Notenzauber will be totally new for me, like Remediators I first saw at the Spring Race and can't wait to hear them again (because I had to leave early so I could only hear a few minutes from them).
I just noted it because Strollers is my favourite hobbit band But Flock of Sméagols/Don't tempt me Frodo won't be there too, just like the Chosen Few (their Misty Mountains Cold was awesome last year)
Its now official. Times have been released.
Times are Shire time (eastern US)
Noon to 1 pm; Forsaken Inn
1pm to 2 pm; The caravan to the summit and settle in. Heavy lag
2pm The festivities begin!
When the cows come home; closing ceremonies, voting, caravan down the mountain and massive afterparties in Bree.
We are 1 week away! Thank you!
Pretty much that's how I calculated too, if I get online as soon as I can in the evening (around 3pm servertime) I can catch at least 4-5 bands
Last night was awesome, started with the Starlight Orchestra ( with classical pieces, hence the sitting quietly and listening the music on the shot, it was a real connoisseur audience (during the time of the pic taken, with Bruzo in front I think they've played Mozart)
Followed by Under the Sunlit Sky (though it was Moonlit by accident lol), with a lot more funk and dancing through the night.
After that we went down to the South Gate for Muckin Fuddle, they will also playing on Weatherstock next week.
And then we all went into the Auction House where Die Meisterbarden von Bree performed their pre-Weatherstock concert - twice, since the audience didn't let them go, so they've played an extra hour for us (2 hours total). Luckily the carpenters of Bree used some fireproof layer on the roof, because there were lots of fireworks too
Tonight the Weatherstock Concert Series will continue with the Shades, the Light in the Dark winner of last year, followed by many great bands (sadly the Flock of Sméagols will play at 21pm Shire time, which is way over midnight here in Moria-time...).
Log in to Landroval and head to Bree for some music! (and free ale)
Yes boys and girls! Tomorrow is the day! Still time to head over to Landroval and get your party on. One day a year the player get treated to a special event like no other in scope and in fun. This is that kind of event. See you there!
LOTRO via Sapience:
LotroPlayers via Andang:
LOTRO Reporter:
Twitter: @Weatherstock
Titles for attending Weatherstock just announced ! Weatherstock wayfarer for attendees and Weatherstock Bard for participating band members. Now were talkin!
Weathertop may look grim and dangerous, with wargs and goblins and orcs lurking around it all the time
But the Sun is already rising to a new morning over Rivendell in the east (sadly Arien was hiding behind that big cloud), and while the stage of stones is still empty, soon this place will be filled with hundreds of players, music and fun
On a sidenote to the title Morrowbreeze mentioned, it's an account-wide one (at least it was last year, so I guess it will be tomorrow as well). Meaning, if you roll an alt for Weatherstock, you'll be a Weatherstock Wayfarer on every server, with all the characters you have - the mains, the alts, the yet unborn ones too, like with every account-wide title.
# Let's go to Weatherstock,
# Where dance and music are.
(great song, Tinki )
Yes indeed! Titles are account wide. Plus winning bands get Turbine points along with a record amount of ingame gold in payout! Now thats pretty nice of Turbine I think.
Ok, we crashed out of the Lone Lands. We reconnected and voted for the best band. We received over 811 votes which by itself means we broke attendance records once again!
Shades won LMB cup and 1500 gold and Turbine points for each band member
Rock and a Hard Place won peoples choice and 1500 gold and Turbine point for each band member
Remediators won best dressed and I dont yet know what they won.
so new record with attendance once again! Who said LOTRO is dying?
Yep, it filled up nicely indeed
Shades is great, they've won last year as well, sadly I've missed them... (arrived at the last song of RKO). Big grats for Bruzo and the Rock and a Hard Place too for winning the votes, their music is always grand. I admit I haven't voted on the fashion, because every band's set was cool.
Great night, thanks for the organising and the free ales, LMB rocks. (I watched the MegaBand at the Forsaken Inn on stream)
I just have to correct two things I stated.
1. We did not crash the server. we did crash massively at the summit. I dont know how many were involved but there were many.
2. attendance. We estimated between 500 to less than 600 heads were counted at the peak times as best we could guess. We did have a player voting site which produced hard actual numbers of who witnessed the event either from being on the spot or viewing from afar via livestreaming. That voting proved over 830 people saw at least part of the event.
So did we break the record? Depends on whether one considers "attendance" and its implications.
There's a couple more good things as well, at least imo, but yep, player events are maybe the most awesome part of LotRO. As a matter of fact: (and I hope Tinki won't mind if I derail the thread a bit, instead of starting a new one...)
Next Sunday the Strollers will held the Hobbit Summer Picnic / Four Season Tour concert / Lobelia's Hill Pie Run on Laurelin. It will be grand fun, pies, leg breaking on the Hill and then dancing with broken legs
Details: (there's a fun video too)
edit: and on the following weekend (2 weeks from now) back on Landroval there will be some rock music. Not in the meaning of dwarf hammers making sounds on rocks It's a Rockfest.
Most excellent! As long as this thread is fairly fresh go for more advertising! theres always something fun going on in LOTRO if one will just look for it.
Just a bump / status report, the Lobelia Pie Run mentioned above will happen tonight (or afternoon US time) on Laurelin.
Also the Treasure Hunt is live in the game until the maintenance tomorrow, if anyone is chasing the cosmetics, emotes or mounts of that event, there's still some time left.
The Determine your Discount sale is active till tomorrow as well (up to 30% discount).
And last but not least, according to the great find of SjsharksBoy on the lotro forum, there was a cosmetic outfit giveaway years ago here on, which is still active! (just tested it myself).
It was for US players only back then, but since that time with the server transfer, everyone is a US player (former Eu ones as well), so fellow members, grab your free hauberks here:
edit: looks pretty cool
Since the maintenance was extended by 1 hour, here's a hobbit-y scene from the event of yesterday (with an extra rainbow )
Less than 3 more hours until the RockFest on Landroval (near the elf festival location in Duillond). There's even a flyer