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Recently by the staff at Polygon interviewed Activision's CEO Erik Hirshberg about Destiny. While the interview is an interesting one all on its own (and given our own team's impressions at last week's E3), the most fascinating piece is that a PC version is not completly out of the picture.
Destiny would also work very well on the PC, although no PC version of the game has been announced yet.
"It is [a good fit], and it's something we're talking about and looking at very carefully, and obviously it makes a lot of sense with the genre and the type of game it is," Hirshberg stated.
"Again, no announcements, but it's something that's a heavy point of discussion. And you asked how are we dealing with the complexity of developing for so many platforms, how about one more on top of that?" he continued.
"You know, developing on PC is a different animal than developing for consoles and so we just want to make sure that we're putting one foot in front of the other and getting it right, and that it's of the highest possible quality. But obviously I see the same things about the natural fit."
Read the full interview at Polygon.
What about you? Are you hopeful for a PC version of Destiny? Why or why not? Let us know in the comments!
Next thing you know this guy will tell us the earth is flat but it makes sense that it would be round.
waiting for a PC version, you think they had learned seeing how well DUST did....
Currently Playing: ESO and FFXIV
Have played: You name it
If you mention rose tinted glasses, you better be referring to Mitch Hedberg.
This could end up being very interesting.
Let me get this right, are you saying that this will have the same lack of popularity that Dust a F2P cash shop game suffered from? Dust is not even in the same league as this AAA title is. Trust me I played the Destiny alpha all weekend and have no problem predicting this will be one of the best selling console games to come out on this generation of consoles.
If that's not what you were saying then forgive my misunderstanding of what you said
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lol yeah, this guy is pretty clueless to compare the two. I played the alpha as well and Dust has nothing to even compare to Destiny.
Also, Destiny is coming out on 4 consoles instead of one. PS3/4, Xbox 360/XBone.
He's right though... when will these developers learn that shooters are so unpopular on consoles?! lol couldn't possibly be that Dust was just a bad game.
no, you got it right.
that said, iam sure with the release of it being on multiple platforms will make it successful- but so far fair reviews from beta players have surfaced , been that it seems like a borderlands2 style game w/o story plot or humor to it making it lifeless.
iam sure itll do awsome upon release. until the next hot console game comes out in that world.
I personally will give it a try, when and if a PC version is ever released.
I can tell you it doesn't feel lifeless at all when you play it. It's hard to really appreciate the game on videos though. I was up in the air until I actually got my hands on it.
Except I can just bluetooth blu-ray from my computer to my tv
That's the main problem I have with these consoles. They got away from being a gaming machine and want to be a computer, but I can get a computer that does everything 10x faster, 10x easier, and 10x better at minimum. Nintendo is the only gaming company that is focused on gaming, that's why I got a Wii-U. If I want something that does everything a computer does, I'll just get a computer.
Edit: Back on topic. The one thing I absolutely hate about Destiny isn't the fact that they don't want to do a PC release. It's the business decision to not do a PC release. As a company you want your product to be available to as many people as possible. Having to spend $400+ for a game is just a horrible business model, when you could use something that almost everyone has. This is one of the biggest factors to the success of WoW. You could play it on just about any computer, thus maximizing the potential customer base.
Your comparing this to dust? lol
Yea they should have learned that lesson with Halo too right
I have to agree the game looks plays great. I am finally very excited for a PS4 game that is coming out seeing that up until this I have rarely played my PS4 as I have so many better options on my PC. September will be a great month for my console gaming.
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Unlike Destiny.. Dust is a terrible game.
...dear God, man...
Destiny is a gorgeous game .
Watch Destiny skybox in action
Destiny weather system puts other MMOs to shame.
If you ain't dyin', then you ain't tryin'.
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Ive seen the vids and game play of Destiny and cannot se why they wouldnt make it for PC also...
Seriously, Consoles are nothing but midget PCs at this point, so whats the issue cross breeding them now? why are developers living in the past? Destiny looks great and if it does come to PC I solidly believe itll make bank.
Played: UO, LotR, WoW, SWG, DDO, AoC, EVE, Warhammer, TF2, EQ2, SWTOR, TSW, CSS, KF, L4D, AoW, WoT
Playing: The Secret World until Citadel of Sorcery goes into Alpha testing.
Tired of: Linear quest games, dailies, and dumbed down games
Anticipating:Citadel of Sorcery
How in the hell can you accurately review an ALPHA BUILD....???? That makes o sense what so ever....What I have played was very fun and entertaining but I am under no delusion that this is the final product....Because i'm guessing that the level cap is not 8 when the game goes live....