Originally posted by sirromrm Invalid here too, I also tried the key from MMO-bomb yesturday and has the exact same problem .
I read about MMOBomb having problems while searching around for another key. What happened with them was that it was giving everyone a duplicate key, so the only person it worked for was the first one to input the key on the Nosgoth site. Something similar could be going on here.
That's the key that MMORPG.com is giving me, anyone else getting that same key?
remove that key dude
it would say key was claimed not invalid if that was the case
remove that key dude
it would say key was claimed not invalid if that was the case
The use of this epic IP for such nonsense is nothing more than an atrocity.
Kain was deified.... damnit.
Is it 1st april today?
invalid key....
same thing happened on mmobomb yesterday.
"Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life."
invalid key, grrr
tried both ways, from link in email and from account page.
Same I was like OH NICE! a mmo based in Nosgoth from the legacy of kain rpgs then saw it was a poopy moba style junk game what a waste of a good IP
Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.
Spare keys I have.
I got the "Invalid key" error aswell, but i just tried again and it worked this time.
Mine is still not working...
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Got my key to work.
Go there, use your key.
Did a bit of searching on mmohut and all that jaz.
But yeah. Thats worked for me.