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First: I already Unsubbed from ESO
Second: I'm already playing Wildstar and will likely resubb
Okay, when I was looking for around for new MMOs to play during 2013 ESO was the one game I really wanted over the rest. I've had enough of cartoony worlds like WoW so Wildstar and EQN was my 2nd choice. And I knew that Korean MMOs never get taken care of properly. Because the Korean MMO model is to make this super awesome looking game then liscence it for international use but never expand on it.. just make another game.
I loved the gameplay trailer of ESO I felt like I could get lost in this world and go on an epic adventure! Sounds cheesy but it's how I like to play. Then I played it then got to vet 4 then...
I still like the 'feel' of ESO the most. The UI was super minimalistic and EVERYTHING is voice acted!!!! Game is the most immersive MMO ever. This is one thing I wish Wildstar had a bit more of. The reason I quit ESO was the lack of PvP variety (Cyrdoril being the only avenue isn't enough) and that the game doesn't steer people towards grouping/socializing. Having no chat bubbles was a major issue for me because oftentimes I would try and start a conversation with the nearest person to party up or just say hello but they will almost always never see it and it would be too late when they do "sorry dude didn't see your chat ;p"
This game broke my heart. I wanted it to succeed more than any other MMO coming out and I wanted everyone else to love it .. but alas.
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If the game was suddenly made awesome and dealt with all the issues that drove most away, I'll forget that I ever hated ESO and I'm going to resubb.
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Agree ESO is one of best mmo on the market right now at least for my tastes . Also I sold my character for a very good price with which very little games can be proud off also this ability to sell account gave me a feeling of secureness that my invested time isn't wasted uselessly . And that game and progression is worth something. Very little game give you this feel.
But I was disappointed with many poor decision made I made huge papers with pictures and so on in hope ZOS will fix things before release . but they sticked to their plan which wasn't that good .
BUT I look forward and hope ZOS will fix some game flaws and I will resubscribe
Any graphical, audio, or gameplay restrictions not seen in other mmos but found in FFXIV can be blamed on one thing.
^ This!
Wildstar is like super messy and quests are so convoluded. The thing that redeems wildstar from all it's flaws is that I can see that the Devs actually try and listen to what people are saying and make efforts (however small) to address it. Ofcourse they actually cannot do anything about the 'style' and 'feel' of the game but it will have to do for now.
Maybe "AAA" games aren't always the best games.
With all the problems we have with MMOs running in some dude's basement and Korean MMOs, it doesn't seem like our big Western companies are exactly putting out perfect products either.
I miss having a game that didn't have me looking for a new one constantly.
Too bad nothing out there exists to fill that hole anymore.
^This!. ESO isn't what I had hoped and I wish they took my feedback in beta and used it, but it is still to me at least the best MMO out there for the type of world I like playing in. I actually like the combat compared to most MMOs and I just cant stand the telegraphing and meaningless PVE pull by the leash questing that Wildstar offers. Finally being an avid explorer, that games idea of the Explorer class is a joke. Unfortunately unless ESO changes and/or adds some things, the game will loose me to The Witcher 3, Dragon Age 3, and GTA 5 on the PS4 since I didn't play it on the PS3 :-).
There Is Always Hope!
@hakired You are LYING, once again we have a poster who tells us how great he thought TESO was as a prelude to slagging it. Hakired tells us that "out of the AAA announced in 2013 this was the one I wanted."
Read below for the only post where he as ever mentioned the Elder Scrolls before:
"EverQuest Next - Most promising.
Archage - Very Interesting
Elder Scrolls Online - Could be something
Blade And Soul - Potential good PvP"
That shows he is talking out of his orifice, he never had ESO at the top of his list, to me it looks like it was nearly at the bottom. If you don't like ESO fair enough but don't lie to us and pretend it was the 'one you wanted'.
While I agree that the quest content in Wildstar is terrible, complaining about the combat and then going back to ESO of all games is quite hilarious.
I looked forward to ESO more than any MMORPG that's ever come out because I am a huge Elder Scrolls fan.
But the game isn't really Elder Scrolls; it's DAoC II with an Elder Scrolls skin. And that's the major problem with it.
The skill system in game is only a shadow of the Elder Scrolls' system, and without that skill system and greater free-form play, the game is "just another game"... and a buggy one at that. For all that the shils try to counter every complaint, the reality is that the game was a crash-a-matic for a lot of us, was buggy as hell at release, still has a lot of bugs, and has major design flaws.
Hype doesn't change that. Tap dancing around the truth by shils doesn't change any of that. Unfortunately, the current management team is never going to address the real issues with the game. It's just DAoC II with an Elder Scrolls skin... and it's not even a well-implemented DAoC II.
I have never been more disappointed in a game, but that's largely because my hopes were so high for the game. I still have hopes that Zenimax will get its head out of its ass, fire the DAoC rejects, and hire lead developers who will actually transform the game into something that really is Elder Scrolls.
Because ESO isn't.
The game looks it has an identity crisis. Instead of a proper fusion between DACO and ES, it looks more like it was "Square Peg/Round Holed"
I really, really want to like Wildstar, and I do like everything cosmetic. Unfortunately there are too many little (and some larger) things I dislike about it: -
For myself, the reason I never stepped into Wildstar is that it's aesthetically in the same family as World of Warcraft, Torchlight, etc and it's gameplay seems highly repetitive. It's not a problem to limit what actions a person can take if those actions can have a variety of effects on the environment or provide usefulness in some key way (Legend of Zelda and other adventure RPG titles are the kings of this idea), but when someone has to deal with that system for months on end every second of the day and it only pertains to telegraphed combat, it's going to cause burn out and boredom pretty fast.
Agree. I seem to spend more time getting excited about a game than I do actually subbing
In regards to saving ESO. For me it would be Battlegrounds like DAOC. Drop by jump in PvP
There are some terrible quests in Wildstar from what I saw in beta, but also some pretty good ones. Wildstar's quests actually made me laugh a few times though, while ESO's quests made me feel no emotion whatsoever. Except boredom.
But yeah, I agree. ESO's combat is just terrible.
The only AAA game I remember playing that had chat bubbles was SWG ( not claiming it was THE only one that had them, but the older I get the worse my memory gets...)
I disabled them because the screen was literally covered in over lapping bubbles you couldn't read or tell who had said it if you could read it.
Lots of games actually supported chat bubbles as an option, but invariably they were defaulted to "Off". Like a previous poster just said, whenever there was any serious conversing going on, the screen got filled with these overlapping text blobs and that killed immersion... besides defeating the whole purpose of the bubbles, to let you see who was talking at any moment.
They are easy to implement actually; they are nothing more than a 2-D plane interposed tangentially to a vector from the observer (the player) using the text as a texture. The text is grabbed from the chat box; some math is done to determine whether or not the speaker is within visual range (distance and viewing arc) and then displayed locally. It does induce overhead to graphics processing since the application has to check every chat message, though, and since the vast majority of players don't use chat bubbles, it's no longer in vogue to support them in games.
I was surprised at the furor during the game's development (pre-release) over chat bubbles. With all the other issues with the game's design and interface, players were worried about chat bubbles? I presumed the issue was nothing more than a red herring to take players' minds off of real issues like phasing, falling through the world, quests that couldn't be advanced, etc. ... or the stupidity (personal opinion) of the PvP design.
It's interesting..I started out in ESO listening to all the quests and being a good Adventurer. Until I took an arrow to the knee, and then I couldn't click through the quests fast enough. In WildStar I started out clicking through as fast as I could and have found myself slowing down to read as I progress.
I wanted to like ESO and hate WildStar. I'm not sure what happened, but whatever.
FWIW, I enjoy the combat mechanics in both games, but WS, IMHO, is superior. Maybe it's the SpellSlinger class, but man, PEW PEW!!!
That's just, like, my opinion, man.