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The Disorderlies
Want to have fun with some good peoople? Then join The Disorderlies.
Guild Name: The Disorderlies
Server: Kyrios
Races Allowed: Nuian and Elf
Age Group: 18+ (Most of us are 30+)
Application: JFFGaming
At The Disorderlies, we think gaming should be mainly about the fun. We are a group of mature, laid back, helpful, friends that like to hang out and shoot the breeze while we annihilate the opposing faction.
We are recruiting all types of gamers - crafters, PVEers, PVPers, pirates, and anyone who wants to hang out with us in Archeage. We have many dedicated PVPers, but we also have members that are more casual. We don’t have a lot of specific rules for our members, but we do require you have a sense of humor and that you know how to respect your fellow guildies. No hate speech will be tolerated.
We require that you be at least 18, but know that most of us are in our 30’s and 40’s with jobs, lives, and families that demand our attention. We have no desire to babysit anyone and expect everyone to act like an adult.
You will get the best experience from our guild if you are active in our Teamspeak server.
If this sounds like a good fit for you, check out our website HERE
Fill out an application HERE
The Disorderlies is our guild name in Archeage, but we are part of a larger gaming group called “Just for Fun Gaming,” or JFF for short. We are a social gaming group for anyone who loves games, from board games, to FPSs to MMOs.
Come join us if that seems like a good fit for you
Multi-gaming community.
Check out some of our member's TwitchTV accounts to watch the fun.
Just For Fun Gaming
Hi Peacensun,
What part of the world are your members from predominantly??
I'm a 44 year old gamer from East Mids UK so obviously not much point in me jumping into an NA guild...
And if it makes any difference I'm sat on a Silver Founders Pack waiting for beta...
Drop me a line please..
Sounds excellent Snicol! We're bringing in new members at a nice rate. The kind of rate that allows everyone to get to know each other. We've got many new members and everyone is having a great time! Hope to see you soon!
Just For Fun Gaming
Multi-gaming community.
Multi-gaming community.
Multi-gaming community.
Multi-gaming community.