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Hi all,
I have a few questions that will help me make a descicions:
Can you solo well in EQ2 all the way to lv60?
After hitting the cap is there anything else to look forward (asides raiding) for a solo/group?
How is downtime in EQ2? Is it like EQ1 (slow) Daoc (Medium) or slighty fast ( I guess WoW)
Thanks a ton for any answers.
1. There is enough content to solo at every level range and I've got a few guildies who soloed most of their level advancement, however most of the content is intended for groups.
2. There's group instances where you can get high-end loot, as well as 12-person raids that are easy to set up. With the changes in mentoring ("dropping down" in levels to help a lowbie friend) next patch, you could re-experience lower level content.
3. More or less the same as WoW, quite fast.
Currently playing:
* City of Heroes: Deggial, Assault Rifle/Devices Blaster. Server: Defiant.
* City of Villains: Snakeroot, Plant/Thorns Dominator. Server: Defiant.
I think SOe has pissed off way more then a million people :P
REAL helpful comments there buy 2 guys above me.
I play EQ2 and have soloed pretty much all the time. There is ALOT of contend when you hit lvl cap. And EQ2 devs are very good in adding new high level content all the time.
I suggest you to play it and enjoy. Its great fun.
And a comment like this only invites people to derail a thread even more..... so here's helpfull
I played EQ2 for 3 months. I found it to be the most boring MMO I've ever played. LvLing consists of getting into a group and then going out to find a free mob spawn. You then stand there and just cast the same spells over and over, you never even have to move for hours. Of course you could go do quests.... go kill 10 black gnolls 5 blue gnolls and 1 pink who thought that one up. From lvls 10-18 all the quests I was given where just lame variations of kill XXX # of mobs.
I went back about 2 months ago and wanted to give it another shot. I think I ran around the city for almost 1 hr and only saw 3 people. Going out into the first zone I found 1 other person to group with. So if you're just starting expect to lvl most of your time solo with no option to group.
Ignore ppl like swiftflow who are our local raving loonies(all sites have them)
To the question- yes you can solo till 60.speed in levelling is between DAoC and WoW more tilting to WoW levelling.
Game is quite soloable now.And yeah first 20 levels are a bit empty as people are mostly 20 plus in the game but it is quite fast first 20 levels and by time you get to TS and such there are quite a few ppl there.
As for guy commenting city are empty well due to housing and crafting instances there is zero reason to stand outside and stir at the sky.Go into a crafting instance and see the crowds.Only place crowded in the city is the brokers since people go to check out goods(which they can even do from their housing instances now!).
Asides from raiding at 60 there is crafting(very fun and complex) collectables you can gather,quests for itemsto bash with and stuff to put in the house.
They add content at an incedible rate so even for the guys who been there since day 1 there is so much still to do.
There's a few meaningless quests like you describe, but the game's full of really fun quests. Many quests are multi-tiered and have a form of story progression, comparable in quality to quests in single player games like Gothic or Divine Divinity.
Currently playing:
* City of Heroes: Deggial, Assault Rifle/Devices Blaster. Server: Defiant.
* City of Villains: Snakeroot, Plant/Thorns Dominator. Server: Defiant.
Sometimes I wonder if people like Damonvile actually played EQ2. Maybe he never left the isle of refuge. He certainly did not check out very many quests because the quests are many and of varied types. There are so many different aspects of EQ2, I have played for well over a year and I am still discovering new things that I never knew or saw before. In 3 months you will have only brushed the surface of EQ2 content. There is so much more than Damonvile describes.
And yes.. You can solo to the level cap which, by the way was just raised.
It's just me, so open the door.
Unless anything major has changed in the past two months (when I quit EQ2):
To each his own with this one. I found it enjoyable enough to stick with it until the DoF expansion came out, and lost interest about 2 months after it. DoF introduced a lot of problems into the game, the sum of which for me made the game feel pointless and unrewarding.
Raid encounters were broken to the point where drop tables were incomplete, inconsistant with level range of the encounter, broken or non-existant. I understand this is slowly being fixed over time.
The massive class changes changed the way every class worked together, and many guilds lost a lot people who didn't want to play what their classes had become, nor did they want to start over because levelling and equipping a raid level character is very time consuming (months of work). Some classes were made better, but the adjustment period for players in general was dragged out. For example, it seemed certain fighter types that didn't wear plate were suddenly the best option for tanking raid encounters over previous plate wearing counterparts... and that rendered new roles for players to fill expectations that they may not necessarily have wanted to fill, or give up in the first place.
Mechanics, rewards and quests are constantly changing due to what seems to be very poor communication in the offices at SOE. A new quest, item, drop table or game element could be introduced into the game one week, and pulled a month later because someone else inside SOE feels it doesn't belong there. This kind of activity constantly infuriates the playerbase, particularly those who didn't get a chance to experience that content. They rarely do backwards changes to rewards such as these, in that if you were lucky enough to do it before it was yanked... good for you. If you snooze, you lose.
One very positive element of the game was community. People who play this game for the long-haul are serious about the game, the game community, and longevity. Random guild invites rarely (if ever) happen. To get into a good guild you have to prove your salt, but all guilds have at least a basic application and consideration stage to ensure players are a good fit. There isn't a lot of transience in the player community. Guilds don't appear one day only to vanish into oblivion a week later.
I imagine that because of the dauntingly slow levelling/equipping curve of this game, there is very little new player growth. Being a newbie in this game at this stage is difficult, in that you have very few choices for grouping. Most people playing at lower levels are twinks of higher level characters, often chapperoned by level 60 players who are "mentoring" them (A higher level player can mentor down to a lower level, which means they can group with lower levels and provide bonus XP to the person they're mentoring). Sometimes they'll let you into their group, but sometimes these players would just rather do their own thing to maximize efficiency.
It's a fun game, in some ways a must-see if only just to see what the game is all about. I suggest you do the free "Trial of the Isle" first, and determine whether you enjoy the gameplay mechanics above anything else first. Sometimes if something is fun enough to play, you can ignore the problems. Every game has problems... just depends how much they affect you.
Good luck with your choice.
Addicted to MMO's since '98.
No point listing my game titles, classes & levels. Accomplishing anything in an MMO these days is so bloody common that nobody really gives a crap.
To Start: deggilator and porta should be given a pat on the back. They did exactly what the opener wanted. Which was simply to answer the questions.
In Addition: Nothing I can really say. I agree with what porta said 100%.
In War - Victory.
In Peace - Vigilance.
In Death - Sacrifice.
I found EQ2 lvl 1 - 50 much faster than WOW specially with the double xp bonus is always at 100%!
Also as Veteran rewards i've gotten 52% bonous xp ontp of that
Don't click here...no2
I don't see a population issue on my server, but it is the most populated, Antonia Bayle. I rarely have trouble grouping and see people in zones and cities often.