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Alright here goes.. I've been playing WoW since BC came out.. bored with their content!
Tera.. currently *kinda* playing with a friend from work.. its not bad but I dont know enough about the PVE. I'm currently level 15. What are the dungeons like? And, are there raids like WoW?
Rift.. just re-installed it and started doin some quests. I might actually get into it again I dunno. I might have to start a new character to get into the flow of the game.. but like tera, what are the dungeons like and is there end game raids?
Wildstar.. This game runs like crap on my AMD CPU and AMD GPU. I get max 20-25 fps in populated zones which isnt terrible but discouraging when I get great FPS on the other 3 games. The questing in this game puts me to sleep literally. I've tried the first dungeon with pugs but I have never completed it.... yea this game is hard but kinda cool
Sooo.. awaiting your responses on any of these games and your experiences.
This really comes down to what you are looking for in a game. Combat, Story, Graphics, or a little bit of everything.
WoW is a shell of the great game it used to be. Everyone sits in town and spams the group finder. If you are interested in it I would wait for WoD.
Tera probably has the best action combat out there, but the questing/storyline is subpar. It also suffers from below average optimization. It has new dungeons coming on July 8th. There are raids, but they can be very demanding on a computer. The endgame dungeons look good and offer a fair challenge.
Rift felt very bland and uninspired to me. It has a good class system, but everything else is pretty close to WoW. I'd probably play WoW over this. This also has a new update coming with more raids/dungeons.
I'll be honest with WildStar. It runs terribly on my computer(25-35 FPS), and the graphic style can't justify the strain. The combat is average and I didn't really follow the story closely. Somebody else could probably tell you more. Honestly I get a solid 50-60 FPS in FFXIV on max settings, and I can't run a cartoony game with a solid framerate even on medium settings? Not a fan.
I would probably choose WoW or Tera.
FFXIV is a very solid game if you haven't checked it out yet.
You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.
My two cents.
I found TERA horrible. Some praise the combat, not me. I felt my character was suffering an epileptic fit with all the jumping around he was doing. The questing/story might be in the running for the worst in any MMO I every played. Do I need to mention the thing going on with the 12 yr old girl class? I lasted less than a day.
Rift is a solid game overall but fairly bland and uninspired as someone else said. Not bad but not great either.
Wildstar is new and I have yet to try the game. Well, I attempted to download and try during a beta weekend but I could never get the game to run and just wasn't motivated to pursue it. From people I am hearing there is nothing revolutionary here but think about it as WoW 2.0
If you are unable to sort out the fps issues with Wildstar, I would really recommend returning to WoW actually. This is coming from a guy who doesn't like WoW but given your post it seems it is the game for you.
I had fun in Tera for a while but it got pretty stale (great looking game though).
I played Rift for a while but as other said its missing its soul.
Wildstar i suffer the same performance woes as you, i really enjoy the game but I cant play it that way (and im not replacing my cpu for 1 single game that performs poorly).
In the end WoW will win out, just because it has everything and it runs so smoooth. Take a break from MMORPG's though check out some stuff on the steam sale, maybe get immersed in a single player RPG, or try a game like RUST.
After you stop the MMORPG for a while coming back to them they seem so much more fun.
Out of the choices you provided I would say none of them.
Tera - I have several mid/high characters but after awhile I felt like I was playing an online arcade game, not an RPG.
Rift - As others have said, it lacks that certain something that made me want to log in. No soul.
WoW - Just flat burned out on it after Lich King. Same ol' same ol'
W.S. - Too many strobing lights, to much ADD jump combat, the humor didn't appeal to me... the list goes on. But I'm glad I got into open beta to realize it's just not for me.
You might try FFXIV: ARR. I'm thinking about re subbing to it.
EQ2 is F2P with very few limits to a free account.
Original EQ is also F2P. Massive world and the leveling is a lot quicker then it used to be. But actual play is still pretty slow. Long fights, long down periods in between fights to regain health/mana.
Those are al I can think to recommend.
Good luck.
I think you should give Wildstar a try
Tera is still an Asian grinder no matter how much they tried to "westernize" it, so if you are not part of a dedicated guild and aiming for taking over the world with hundreds of members I don't see much appeal thats special to that game.
Wow? Well with the next addon we WILL get updated character graphics. If bad graphics is what turned you away from WoW then you should take a look at it again once Warlords has launched. But I guess it's safe to say that all the rest will stay the same.
Rift is a great game and always was. One of the best skill build systems and the best game in regards of bringing random people together in world events but the world itself is rather small and the factions and peoples are colorless.
Wildstar has some downsides:
Quests are meaningless and come at you in abundance making levelling feel like a grind
PvP with an actionbased combatsystem easily gets uncontrollable (who's telegraph just hit me? oh that of 8 guys together because its all AoE)
but especially for you I think the good parts weigh more:
Hard but controllable PVE: once you hit 50 you have a pretty straightforward path set for yourself from adventures to the really hard dungeons to the Raids which really demand a dedicated raidgroup where everyone have to do their jobs right (like in the old days They did try to add some new flavour like paths (special missions set apart from your class) and a really solid instanced housing system but in the end it will depend on if you want to do organized PVE in endgame (doing Instances without Teamspeak will wipe your group) or if you want to have solo content (Wildstar has none at level 50)
Out of those....Tera.
Suggestion: FFXIV or ESO
EQ2 lol
Rift, there are endgame raiding, good time to start learning rift befor 3.0 hits when get to start where all the big guild going to start then playing catch up now.
But what is like, maybe close to wow raiding, but less standing around but moving around to avoid stuff not get you killed.
and Dungeons in the higher ups like 50+ get abit hard at the first time there, overtime get use to what to avoid and what can kill you, or a bad pug.
but rift and tera very free mmo, so not going hurt your wallet if you play both.
Shows you guys did not play that new alpha build they just gave keys for.
I jsut tried it for 2 hrs and was already at level 91 on a assassin rogue, and let me tell you that when you get into a game and can take 4 to 6 mobs level 90+ on you at the same time as a rogue and your health don't go under 80% because of your self heals even take down elites and all that inside 5 to 10 sec. And you dare call this a mmorpg?
I would call this a 5 year old child game before calling this a mmorpg. Sure they change the way the stats shows up on the gear eg: before it ws 1050 armor + x amount of this and that stat. No it is 35armore + x amount of this and that stat.
But the overpower feeling you had is the same, take off gear you cant kill crap but put the gear on omg you are god. Aoe , aoe aoe = win in that game and it never changed.
Anyways i learned 1 thing this game is not for me anymore i prefer real mmorpg that when you play you feel like you did something of value in it. So i hope those that will keep playing or will come back to it have lots of fun. i am serious here, everyone in my opinion needs to have a game they like and if this is your thing then so be it. But it is not for me that is for sure
Edit : regarding tera i haveto wait and see if they gona instance everything even the riding to get fomr 1 place to another. because come on we are in 2014 i am sure they can make a game without having to take a instance to get in every maps.
For Wildstar, for now i like it a lot, i don't have all the tech issues others have, they made very good progress when it comes to stability, and lots of people say it in the forums. And the game is new and even at 50 you can't just aoe down everything and going into dungeons well you need to know your class without standing in crap and things like that or without taking major hit even a tank must stand aside when the boss is about to make a finishing move otherwise he can get 1 shotted.. So i will stick to this one for now.