I am a returning PS3 player looking to be able to spend some time on my laptop as well. Mostly gathering and crafting as that's what I enjoy. My specs are an i7 2.2(3.2) CPU, GTX 760m 2g GPU, and 12g VRam. My HD is lack luster but I don't mind loading times coming off of the PS3.
I am able to play Tera on high settings if that's any indication. I was having trouble getting the benchmark to run.
I'm not looking for ultimate high settings, but an upgrade from the PS3 visuals would be nice.
You have a decent CPU, enough RAM and a mobile GTX 760m card With 2GB dedicated VRAM.
So you should be fine!
FFXIV is one of the best optimized games today.
It's definitely a joke. But I think you're joking too. It wont run on hit set up.
If he's playing TERA on high settings hes playing this game on atleast medium-high, I'm not sure why you're so keen on him not being able to run this.
He's just one of the handful of haters that lurk around the FFXIV subforums. Don't mind him.
Are u tard or you just trolling?
Its even possible to play game on worse ntb than he have.
With spec like he have he can run game on high fullhd.
FFXIV is one of best optimized MMO game (lol at you wildstar, you should ask yoshida team how to optimize)