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Will the finished product of the DayZ Standalone be the Fallen Earth we never got? In my opinion the Alpha is going extremely well, and I am now up to 600 hours of gameplay. Through those 600 hours I have seen nothing but improvements in this game.
I know hopes are high for this game, but so far I am thoroughly impressed with the Alpha. Soon we will have 64 bit servers and I am hoping these guys can build a game that can support several hundred players on this map. I don't think anyone can disagree that this game has the most potential of any game currently on the market.
I can't even imagine when an economy arises, vehicles are added, and crafting structures comes into play.
sry you are wrong , DayZ SA is MP ,one map game focused on pvp & KOS,with buged zombies & secondary survail stuff , they are not make any progress with alpha for half + years.They are planed beta start at end of year but I doubt it have to happen
I am DayZ-SA player too,it is fun but very buged game ,devs making mistake with adding new stuff in game without solving old troubles.
FE is an sandbox MMO game,not played too much but players should STOP compare MMO games with MP.I know today every game who requesting network conection is called MMO , but it is wrong.
I think you are underestimating what this game can evolve into. In my 20 years of gaming I have never played a game with such potential.
I'm not sure if we are playing the same game, but Alpha is supposed to add new things. Beta is for bug fixes. The improvements made on this game since the day I bought it to today are amazing. I remember when the response time just to pull out a weopon or eat a can of food was like 20 seconds and now it is immediate. I used to run everything on Very Low settings and now I am playing on High settings. We have had loads of new items and features added to the game in the 3 months I have owned it.
They have a MASSIVE bankroll to play with and this game is just getting started. I know I sound overly optimistic, but this game is a full loot PvP, FPS, hardcore survivalists gamers dream.
LOL, your trolling I hope, FE, has way better crafting, and nothing like DAY SA.. Nothing, are you sure your playing the right game!!! People like this make me laugh when they try and compare a game like FE to DAYZ SA..nothing like it , not even close!!
That sounds more like still in the creation stage not an Alpha which is "suppose" to be an early testing stage.You actually need the content in the game to test it otherwise it is not even a game yet.Merely sticking a bunch of zombies in a map does not justify a type of role playing adventure,just a cheap shootem up game.
To answer the question,no i don't see this type of game replacing a quality mmorpg.
Listening to the problems they are having with Ai and pathfinding sounds like they did not plan this out at all from the start.They also mention they are on a time frame,so that is NEVER a good thing for the gamer,that means rushed.They mention they had to work with parameters already inside the engine so ya they never planned this out before they started.They could utilize helpers the way Unreal did in their engine,it sort of guides mobs to key areas of interest.
Also every single item/object/mesh in game SHOULD have had a menu system to setup it's parameters.They mention they cannot go back and do it all by hand but if it was properly designed from the beginning this would have already happened along the way,now they are overwhelmed.
This is what i would call an Indie development team,do not expect anything better than we have already seen in games,more likely worse.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.