I'm sorry but I don't think this game's going to make it to retail at the pace they've gone. Heck even if it did they'd never be able to patch the game quickly enough to keep much of a player base. Frankly I'd be more surprized to see EA actually finish a sequal to UO. As far as I'm concerned this games going on my Duke Nukem list along with UO2 and UXO amoung other proposed sequals.
There's been a lot of action on Darkfall in the last month. They've got a new, and active web site and they're taking beta app's for closed beta. I'm not going to hype the game but I think we'll see some good things this quarter of 2006.
Games looking forward to: Fallen Earth, Mortal Online
The noob formally not known as not being the formally not unkown known APEist; The Stone Cold Killer of Tarq.
Not to be the sour grape, but I followed this title since it started, Think Morning , Dark and Light and you know were this will end up. Vaporware. Sadly too , because we really need a new hard-core pvp game. oh well, wait for warhammer is my bet. At least I know mythic and I know they can do some decent pvp stuff, was ok in daoc, so I can imagin warhammer will be just as good if not better. Would be the best bet for now.
I hope Darkfall proves me wrong, but I gave up on it after reading the latest postings which was 2 months ago.
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
The Chronicle will most likely see the light of day within the next 6 months. Check the FAQ out. I think you will be pleasantly suprised.
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a MMORPG.com member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
The Chronicle will most likely see the light of day within the next 6 months. Check the FAQ out. I think you will be pleasantly suprised.
I hope your right bro, I hope so would be awsome ! *Crosses Fingers*
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
"Not to be the sour grape, but I followed this title since it started, Think Morning , Dark and Light and you know were this will end up. "
Mourning makes Darkfall and Dark and light look like utter pieces of shit even if it's fate is still uncertain right now..
well for me it's not visuals, while visuals definitly add to the game (to old and well) the content and mechanics are the main drive for me. Mourning was a failure, as the execution of the pre-release of DNL was. I was one of those that bought Mourning and regret it, eh it was 30 bucks, but still it was horrible (gamplay, engine the whole thing) and darkfall has been in the making for a long time. However if you followed this from the begining as I have , there are a few things to take notice on...
1. Naming rights were in dispute. To this day no one knows what became of it.
2. Money, the company ran out of money to finish the game, the last time we heard anything about it was they got a new company overseas to invest and have a full team working hard. (that was almost 2 years ago)
3. No updates what so ever, finally as the boards went completly dead, an annoucment of the guild invites would happen. What makes this odd as everything with this title, is this happens right after people litterly stop posting there. You can look back see the last few post from a month prior to that announcment.
4. Since the announcment nothing, it runs in the lines of the other two games mentioned, when a company can't be open and forthright about what is going on this is usually a really bad sign. Sure, I hope and many that Darkfall proves this theroy wrong, however it hasn't changed in other titles and why make a possitive conclusion on this one.
5. To much "not knowing" yet when we stop talking on the boards, a big announcment happens, this refers to my point on #3 but it is the way it is there, I remember on the 2nd year, intrest dropped. So badly the company made a new website, Which still has outdated information.
6. When some of us reseached into the title and actually looked up the company name etc, there were issues with a lawsuit about the name and the game in general. What has happend to this no one really knows, personally I think we could find out by just looking into , but those (like me) who were really into the title in the start just gave up even trying.
With just the bad rep from the past and promises made like other titles such as Mourning and DnL, it is hard for many (like me) to look beyond the bad and give them the "benifit of the doubt". They need to prove themselves and the only way they will do this is to start this beta for the guilds as they announced. But I would gather, if they do finally find some more investment dollars, it won't happen till next year or so. By then sadly, more titles will have come around and allot more updated.
I truly hope they prove me wrong here and I can put my foot were my mouth is, but from this point, I just don't see that happening.
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
"(gamplay, engine the whole thing)"
the engine looked great.. I dunno what your smoking but on full settings the game world looked better than most mmo's I've seen yet.. and the level design of the map was superb. The game has the most promise even now than any of those other two. only areas it needed updating was the player character models..and well the gameplay.. the engine was fine. It's just that certain systems like dynamic loading were not finished so it made it seem like it lagged.. shit just wasn't finished enough.. If it ever does get finished I think it would own..
most of the games core systems were already made.. combat/magic/skills , crafting , resource harvesting , chat systems , vendors but they were never polished fully to completion or bug tested with hundreds of players.
before the boards went down they announced everyone who ordered would get 6 months free play time and first access to testing so if you ordered it than thats 4 u.
This game is going to happen..
i have full faith in razorwax.
Well it's not razorwax anymore so you can't have faith in a company that dosn't exsits, however pretty much the same team under a new name (hmm funny, since we can't find any info rejistered under the new name) and then as far as how it is progressing, yeah, I seen the "released" video by a tester. Wasn't impressed at all. Bards Tale comes to mind, but then again from screens and the like, it looks like the orignal stuff, the new screens being shown around christmas prove nothing. We seen the exact same thing in Mourning and the rest. There is nothing new here.
Again guys, don't take me wrong, I REALLY DO HOPE IT COMES OUT, but too many companies have been blowing hot air at the MMO community latly it will take allot more then screen shots and a "leaked" video to convince me. Again we will see, you can take this as a bash against the game if you want. But facts are facts and fiction is just that, fiction.
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
I have to totally agree with you Chaintm! I too wish to see this game release, but I don't see it heading anywhere....especially not closer to beta. Remember, beta ain't confirmed to be around the corner, they said it would start in November, last interview I read anyway.
There is no way in hell this game is going to meet people's hopes, in my opinion, no low budget game being developed at this rate can meet success. Don't get me wrong please, but I have followed games similar to Darkfall (Irth Online for example) and that had a better success in progression...but sadly they released too early, which was their downfall.
I am very certain that Darkfall will meet the same fate...an early release, and thats what I expect will happen. This game is too popular to be scrapped, but productivity doesn't seem at all in the green...and the devs need to get an income finally....so all they will be able to do is release early.
This is my prediction...and I hope to god it never comes to the team's mind, but I really do expect it can happen.
I think it is quite amusing that if the devs decide not to interact that much that everyone starts to doom the game. As soon as someone is going a different route in development everyone that is used to seeing fake screenshots and wrong promises assumes that the game is vaporware.
I can however understand that people are quite careful with games in development after all the mess in some of the latest releases/betas.
I am however wondering if it is the frustration of lack of information and your own excitement about the feature list of this game that keep people bashing the development and saying "they know" this game is never coming out.
Stating facts without knowing is a bad thing yup yup
I would never play it for the simple fact tha tthe graphics look like they are from 1996.
I don't care what anyone says - graphics do matter. I started playing Meridian 59 , than AC1. AC1 was really the first mmorpg I played.. and it was awesome. But I could never go back to it now because of how outdated it looks..
Graphics sell games.. gameplay keeps them there. If you don't have the first , you won't have anyone caring about the second.
the graphics look rly amazing to me, of course i came from WoW (a lot of people say the cartoony look threw them off, i liked them but they r cartoony) GW (was nice but really limited game) and i just had to buy the pioneer pack for dnl. the graphics rly r teh suck in SoG, im hoping they get better.
for now though this is my new game im looking forward to
being on topic with op:
according to the interview we just had, i doubt the game will not make it.
yay for Darkfall!
?played: Nearly everything.
?waiting: *Darkfall*, Hero''s Journey
Dimensions and framerate are important, other than that the game is all that matters. Graphics are a distraction from the actual gameplay. I agree they do sell a game, but if you can't see past them then you have no right to call yourself a gamer. 1996 is a little exagerated I think, Lara Croft still had blocky tits back then. I'd say this is closer to it's actual startpoint of 2001. It's obvious that it will perform in the basic standards of a 3d enviroment, and that's all that should really matter. The visuals are hardly hideous, you just have your standards set too high. Most games that look fantastic are shown off at unplayable levels to HYPE A GAME THAT WILL MOST LIKELY BE SHIT. Once you find the balance between fps and detail, it'll only look half as good in most cases.
Still if that's how you think then go ahead. The less shallow people in games focused on GAMEPLAY the better. But it's obvious you have no interest or intention of playing Darkfall, so will you kindly fuck off and stop trolling these boards.
Yeah, you're an idiot.
gameplay > graphics
oh, look how awesome that tree looks in this crappy grind Im playin. YAY!
Graphics are the least of my concerns over this game. Less than stellar graphics won't hold back awesome game design. Look at Diablo 2, I am playing that game right now and the graphics are a non issue because the game is just fantastic! Grand Theft Auto is another example where gameplay carries less than stellar graphics. Darkfalls' graphics are not going to be an issue if the gameplay lives up to our expectations. Crafting, PvP, realtime combat, interface, getting this kind of stuff right is what really makes or breaks a game.
"The Pen Is Mightier Than The Demo"
Actually the graphics look awsome...
And if you actually believe graphics are #1 over gameplay, then you are completely lost my friend.. try to find yourself.
People still play EQ1, UO, AC1, WWIIOnline, Daoc, people still play these games, and it is not for the graphics, it's for the community.
You think people picked up the UO box and said the graphics looked awsome, and that is the reason they bought it?
As long as you have very good gameplay + that awsome community, Graphics is 3rd or 4th.. people who actually believe graphics are 1st truely do not belong in mmo's, I dont play mmo's to fead my grafix needs, I play my 360 for that.
I'm not talking about UO right now, I'm talking about UO when it came out, if compared to EQ at the time, EQ was better graphicly.
Just like now, if you pick up a DF box, then pick up a DDO box, a graphics genius will say, tsr57: "Well dad, this one looks better, so can I get this," then get home, and find out their dad just wasted 50 bucks... but hey, the graphics looked Grrrrreat!
A broken leg.. no, maby a bad hairline.. but not a broken leg, all body parts are intact in this game, unlike all these other so called mmo's.
If you want to give a valid reason why this game isnt going to make it to store shelves, please try.. graphics isnt one.
Trying to compare UO to EQ in the first place is a bit silly and a no brainer UO was released prior to EQ so it's foolish to think it would have better graphics when it was released before EQ came out, so I don't get your point. We all know graphics can't makeup for bad gameplay so what your trying to get at?
There's two seprate types of graphical advancements for mmorpg's it basically ends up boiling down to quality versus quantity. What I mean is you either get higher quality graphics at the expensive of perhaps hardware lag when it's being pushed too far, or quantity at the expense of less visual detail. Anyways who cares this is nothiong people don't allready know if they've played these types of games before.
The games been in production for ages now it needs to hurry up come out with a release date one of these days or at least do a better job of letting people know what's going on so people don't just lose intrest all together. You can only dangle a carrot in front of a rabbit for so long with out giving him a taste before he starts to just ignore it.