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Weapon Modes

DelgadoDelgado Member Posts: 173


Who wants multiple firing modes? I would like to be able to switch in between firing modes depending on the situation, ie: The M16 and it's selection of single fire or three shot burst or even the glock of the same nature. It would be cool if the weapons in game were like their IRL counterparts...

What do you guys think?


  • GrimCreepGrimCreep Member Posts: 121

    I wish my glock had 3 round burstimage Did I get jipped?

    Im  not sure how they are working out the rates of fire for dif weps but I wouldn't doubt they already got something planned.image

    Lead with your face and role with the punches.

  • drycatdrycat Member Posts: 119

    I can only think of my training on the 50 cal, and how the range NCO screamed for me to get off his range when I kept the trigger on the 50 cal pressed through the entire belt.

    Good thing my drill sergeant thought it was funny image The shame, the shame hehe

    I agree it would be nice to see some realistic weapon features. Such as your weapon locking up from over-heating ( which is entirely possible if you expose it to lengthy use - such as firing off an entire belt without pause, accidentally of course ) image

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