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please spare me the its d&d answers.
To me when i look at this it looks like a paid version of guild wars....just like dungeon siege was a clone of diablo....different...yet almost the same.
Biggest differences that I can tell (I'm not a DDO fan, so realize this is somewhat negatively biased):
1) Multiple servers with smaller, more familiar communities instead of one giant anonymous world
2) D&D based ruleset different from GW in many ways (which one is better is subjective)
3) 100+ quests compared to 24 comparatively sized missions in GW & a number of smaller quests
4) Pure PvE focus and balance
5) Monthly fees should make the idiot:mature ratio better in DDO
6) (Supposedly) high-quality monthly additions of at least Sorrow's Furnace quality including higher level caps, loot and missions through free expansions (and occassional paid ones)
Beyond that, I think both games boost similar characteristics (both games have quasi-twitch combat) or GW > DDO (inclusion of PvP, for example) or are merely excuses based on the D&D name (roleplaying)
The combat in GW and DDO is completley different. GW is fairly similar to WoW, while DDO is has hack'n'slash combat only seen in SP games.
The whole system is fundamentally different apart from the instanced nature of both games.
The exp system in DDO is innovative and unlike GW.
DDO has no PvP.
DDO has an extremly strategic approach since there is no health regen during missions.
The leveling system is also fundamentally differet.
Having played both I can assure you DDO is not a clone of anything. It does borrow ideas from many games, but the total package is completly original.