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Doesnt even have to be one of these mmorpg games that this site is specifically made for. Inf act, I would prefer if I didnt spend my entire day grinding to level up some trait, killing rats for hours, or walking across a seemingly endless map.
Would prefer free to play option, especially if it allows free players to be competitive with paid accounts - consider tribalwars - a free account can compete with a paid account, with the only real differences being difficult time handling massive amounts of incomings and such, as well as an inability to use scripts (although even free accounts are getting more and more built in sort of scripts)
Again, doesnt have to be some amazing graphics game - I dont even care if there are graphics involved. Again, Tribalwars is relatively well known, or Travian - the only graphics are really a map and your village view. My favorite game ever, Unification Wars, has even less in the way of graphics.
Since Im not really sure what Im looking for, Ill highlight what I like or dont like about games Ive played for any real duration
-Few enough players that one person or small group could make a difference, whether it be fighting or in game economy (even tribalwars, with thousands of people on a world, one player could make huge difference)
-Free accounts can be as competitive as paid accounts, with paid accounts having access to only a few things unpaid had (a few additional troop types - not overpowered, but just allowing more variety, slightly faster turn regeneration, etc)
-No real grinding
-Unlike most similar games, it wasnt a situation where you set something to build, or set troops to move, and wait for it to complete - you had turns stored, so when you wanted to say attack someone, it used 5 turns, and the attack happened instantly. ----Tribalwars biggest problem for me was that the first few weeks were deathly slow, waiting for buildings to construct. Not as bad later when you have 1000 villages, and always something to do, or some fighting needing done
-Graphics pretty much limited to as needed. Im not playing to see something beautiful, but to play something interesting
What I didnt like
-As addressed before, the set it and forget it stuff, where building things or actions take forever
-I dont like walking around a map all day
-I dont like senseless grinding for hours and days at a time
-I dont like huge tutorials before you can actually play
-I dont like pay to win
-I dont like game environments where 1 person or even group of people have no real impact in the game world
Games I have played and enjoyed arent really the walk around a map using spells and bows and stuff. They have been more point and click, less graphics intensive, and especially a situation where it doesnt require endless grinding to be "good"
On tribalwars, you cant be a higher level or something, you attack and no matter what, it takes the same number of troops to clear an enemy village
On unification wars, a brand new player (assuming they could afford a high enough fleet strength) could attack and win against a 10 year old, experienced player, if they attack with the right ships.
I also like fast paced, but with the ability to leave and not come back to nothing - a major problem with a game like tribalwars for me now, is that if Im not on all night, I stand to lose a lot. Unification wars fighting system on the other hand, if you take around 4 attacks, you go into damage protection, a lot like a lot of app games - someone hits you, nobody else can really hit you again until either you start attacking, or your protection runs out so many hours later - it allows fast paced play when you want, but also gives you the ability to leave for a while as well.
Try Skyforge !! Skyforge Gameplay With English Translation !!
It honestly looks just like I said I wasnt really looking for haha
An awful lot of walking around, probably a lot of grinding/level up process, which is what I dont want.
I'm not sure. Seems promising. Just figured I would give you a heads up in case you might be interested later. Seems hub based too but, you can walk around the hubs.
With allods team working on that, just can't even trust them they will blind out lie on many thing, it's how they are with allods and not changing it's going be p2w, they"ll try to hook you in first get you set in, then drop p2w on the player base.
A very-very deep and interesting game.