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The guys at Forged Chaos released a video today showcasing some of the work they've done developing a combat system for their technical demo:
Wow, looks like Forged Chaos has made some impressive progress with this video. I would say that they have a network structure in place (multiple players at the same time). The fact that you can choose handedness or ambidexterity is amazing! I don't think I have ever seen a game with the ability to dual wield shields before...long live the turtles!
The environment seems a bit dark but then look at the forest canopy and all the other vegetation and I can see why it would be darker.
I really like the inverse kinematics that show where you are looking as well. Great job FC, look forward to seeing more and more in the future.
This demo has definitely been a big step forward from the last video (dynamic spawning?) and am very impressed. Everything about the combat is incredible! Your swing is based off your mouse movement? Your character's head is constantly looking where you are going to hit? You can choose to dual-wield? or dual-shield? Absolutely amazing!
Great job FC! Keep up the good work!
Combat Demo? Is that what that is? 15 year old Asherons Call has more impressive combat.
It boggles my mind that this game gets anywhere near the most anticipated list. They have done nothing at all, and the tiny bit that's done looks horrible.
The fact that people keep throwing money and votes at this project escapes my understanding. I donated $20 to Divergence Online and that game is turning out to be a myth. Even Divergence was an original idea and was (at least in the beginning) done using a custom engine.
I think projects like these are doing more harm than good to crowd funded games. I used to be excited about small shops crowd funding a game that we all want to play. But as this new way of making games matures, I am more and more fearful most will never see the light of day, or are outright scams. The harm is, is that I am already at the stage where I wont spend anymore money on a game coming out of a tiny group. I don't mind being charitable to a small shop trying to make it happen, but this ones different. Making an item mall before they have created anything else is shifty.
Star Citizen got a ton of my money, but its plain as day that game is being actually made.
TOA wont see a dime of my money, another phantom game.
I can totally understand if you're not impressed with the combat at this stage. This a video progress update on the work that's being put into a technical demo and isn't representative of the final product, yet. This is simply to show the followers and supporters of this game that work is being done and you could expect to see all aspects of the system to be refined before players are invited to try the demo.
I'm not entirely sure how you've come to the conclusion that only a tiny bit of work has been done as progress updates including some combination of newsletter updates, videos, dev blogs, concept art, forum announcements, screenshots and more are released on a weekly basis to show exactly what's been done in the past 5 months since the project has started. I am more than satisfied with the level of transparency Forged Chaos has shown and my confidence is reinforced every week by the continuous updates which is why I even bother volunteering any portion of my time making posts such as this one.
I can see where you're coming from with the current cash shop but I see it as no different than any other crowdfunding rewards you would see on Kickstarter or Indiegogo. Keep in mind, there will be NO cash shop of ANY KIND when the game actually launches and what's being offered now are mostly cosmetic items that are planned to have no stat difference to their standard counterpart. These items are a thank you to those who are willing to take a chance on ToA by donating so early and the developers are always open to feedback on which items may be considered unfair or P2W before adding them to the store.
Anyway, thank you for offering a different viewpoint! I think it's important to have someone with an alternate perspective weigh in on things like this.
yada yada yada. Just another troll bashing the game they know NOTHING about. If you ACTUALLY followed this game for longer than the 8 minute length of the combat video (which I doubt you did), you would see how vastly improved it has become from the previous design. No wonder you don't understand why this game gets as much hype as it does because normal people see the game for what it is, and that is a game with new ideas and different from the garbage wow-clones coming out every year.