Perhaps Trion has been happy with the revenue Rift is bringing in with it's P2P/F2P hybrid model? If that's the case, I could see why they would want to do it for their next published title.
Another possibility is that they are assuming that the games population will drop after the first 6 months to a year, and they would go hybrid model after that point anyways. So instead of waiting, they just do it from the start.
quit bitching about the game, if you dont like it then just dont play it.. They have to make money some how..
there is not one thing in the item mall that is p2w i logged on just to see what was in there and there was nothing game breaking..
10% more item drop for 60 mins
1000 lp every 12 hours which is going to be patch to account bound rather then character bound.. so its only 2k every 24hours.. not like it is now which is 1 lp pot for each character on your account
4x2 = 8k every 24hours..
get more honor for kills and shit in pvp arena's? all that shit in the arena npc is garbage besides the titles which give more stats but heres a little secret for ya in arena..
DONT USE THE SKILLS THE ARENA GIVES YOU.. for what reason? it takes up points you are racking up and at the end it totals how many you got and gives you honor and if you are spending these points to boost your stats or call out a hound or cannon you are wasting those points..
there is nothing i mean nothing in the shop that is game breaking...
So my question is what is your point in making a post that other countries have p2p model.. when there is nothing in our version that is game breaking.. please explain
I played the Russian beta a while ago and its a AA game not bad but I got bored in 2 days ill never pay money for games like these and AAA mmos don't even do it for me anymore,wildstar,eso is average and destiny whish I was waiting for is a good shooter but I thought it would be like borderlads where you co-op from the start a bit disappointed don't know if I am going to buy it.
my only interest now is rpg games and dark souls 1&2 are amazing.
subscriptions are also bullshit.
ill pay whatever a developer wants but then the game must blow me away.the dark souls games don't have subs and are the best games.
Originally posted by Mkilbride Yet Trion decided to dice it up and sell it as piecemeal here.
Hmm.. you know that almost everything you have said in your title is wrong?
It is F2P in Korea with a Cash Shop.. and as much as we can say now a lot worst than the one we get with Trion. The same with Russia. In Japan it is/was P2P.. but i don't know if it still is. And about Europe.. well there we get the same as you, and hopefully at the same time.. Trion, just localized in additional 2 languages(french and german).
And in Korea the cash shop is borderline P2W(you can buy labor points at the cash shop) here you only have the entry barrier subscription(you get labor points with your monthly subscription).. because it is bascily a subscription game with Trial modus.
So.. just everything you said is wrong, got no foundation and all. Maybe start again with a new topic, a new thread, a new question?
OP I'm sure CU will do just fine without your shots across the bow, which I think is a little early anyhow.
AA has a lot to offer and is a quality MMO that I'm sure many will like to see stay that way. Because of this there needs to be price points. Technically AA is P2P in NA since there is a sub.
Obvious trolling. Misleading title, misinfo on title. Game is f2p in korea with worse cash shop and worse core f2p design than trion. Game was subs based in japan but now turned to f2p with cash shop following and copying the korean model to stop becoming niche. in europe; i think you mean russia; direct port version of korean f2p, would have been worse but players stopped it from happening. you are saying trion's cahs shop is worse, you are sying trion changed the game to suit the cash shop, trion did not do anything, in fact they are giving f2p players more freedom in crafting/gathering by providing 1 labor point regen every 5 min. in koran version once 2000 labor points are gone; they are gone for the week; wait for reset next week or buy pot. in korean version there is no option to buy cash shop currency through an item like apex and no option to buy subscription through cash shop currency. and you people still wanna say trion is greedy. I have been keeping tabs on AA since it launched as CBT in korea and since then it has seen lots of transformation, even their latest change in payment model and cash shop only further made the game less enjoyable for f2p. A few words of advice(even though i know trolls don't take advice) : before you guys(OP and those who are acting like him) talk about something at least find some info on the subject.
Boobs are LIFE, Boobs are LOVE, Boobs are JUSTICE, Boobs are mankind's HOPES and DREAMS. People who complain about boobs have lost their humanity.
Originally posted by Mkilbride Yet Trion decided to dice it up and sell it as piecemeal here.
Hmm.. you know that almost everything you have said in your title is wrong?
It is F2P in Korea with a Cash Shop.. and as much as we can say now a lot worst than the one we get with Trion. The same with Russia. In Japan it is/was P2P.. but i don't know if it still is. And about Europe.. well there we get the same as you, and hopefully at the same time.. Trion, just localized in additional 2 languages(french and german).
And in Korea the cash shop is borderline P2W(you can buy labor points at the cash shop) here you only have the entry barrier subscription(you get labor points with your monthly subscription).. because it is bascily a subscription game with Trial modus.
So.. just everything you said is wrong, got no foundation and all. Maybe start again with a new topic, a new thread, a new question?
your info isn't on the right track either.
The NA version does have labor pots. it costs roughly $2 with a 12 hour cooldown timer that currently isn't account wide. So since labor points are shared across the account. If a player could afford it, he/she could have an extra 12k labor points in a 24 hour period.
With what seems like inaccuracies in the thread title, and the one line post that doesn't offer anything substantial or even an actual question or topic of discussion, this comes off as baiting another cash shop argument thread.
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Perhaps Trion has been happy with the revenue Rift is bringing in with it's P2P/F2P hybrid model? If that's the case, I could see why they would want to do it for their next published title.
Another possibility is that they are assuming that the games population will drop after the first 6 months to a year, and they would go hybrid model after that point anyways. So instead of waiting, they just do it from the start.
quit bitching about the game, if you dont like it then just dont play it.. They have to make money some how..
there is not one thing in the item mall that is p2w i logged on just to see what was in there and there was nothing game breaking..
10% more item drop for 60 mins
1000 lp every 12 hours which is going to be patch to account bound rather then character bound.. so its only 2k every 24hours.. not like it is now which is 1 lp pot for each character on your account
4x2 = 8k every 24hours..
get more honor for kills and shit in pvp arena's? all that shit in the arena npc is garbage besides the titles which give more stats but heres a little secret for ya in arena..
DONT USE THE SKILLS THE ARENA GIVES YOU.. for what reason? it takes up points you are racking up and at the end it totals how many you got and gives you honor and if you are spending these points to boost your stats or call out a hound or cannon you are wasting those points..
there is nothing i mean nothing in the shop that is game breaking...
So my question is what is your point in making a post that other countries have p2p model.. when there is nothing in our version that is game breaking.. please explain
I played the Russian beta a while ago and its a AA game not bad but I got bored in 2 days ill never pay money for games like these and AAA mmos don't even do it for me anymore,wildstar,eso is average and destiny whish I was waiting for is a good shooter but I thought it would be like borderlads where you co-op from the start a bit disappointed don't know if I am going to buy it.
my only interest now is rpg games and dark souls 1&2 are amazing.
subscriptions are also bullshit.
ill pay whatever a developer wants but then the game must blow me away.the dark souls games don't have subs and are the best games.
You know nothing about archeage use google before you post faults information.
stop embarrassing yourself and do your research.
Hmm.. you know that almost everything you have said in your title is wrong?
It is F2P in Korea with a Cash Shop.. and as much as we can say now a lot worst than the one we get with Trion. The same with Russia. In Japan it is/was P2P.. but i don't know if it still is. And about Europe.. well there we get the same as you, and hopefully at the same time.. Trion, just localized in additional 2 languages(french and german).
And in Korea the cash shop is borderline P2W(you can buy labor points at the cash shop) here you only have the entry barrier subscription(you get labor points with your monthly subscription).. because it is bascily a subscription game with Trial modus.
So.. just everything you said is wrong, got no foundation and all. Maybe start again with a new topic, a new thread, a new question?
OP I'm sure CU will do just fine without your shots across the bow, which I think is a little early anyhow.
AA has a lot to offer and is a quality MMO that I'm sure many will like to see stay that way. Because of this there needs to be price points. Technically AA is P2P in NA since there is a sub.
Boobs are LIFE, Boobs are LOVE, Boobs are JUSTICE, Boobs are mankind's HOPES and DREAMS. People who complain about boobs have lost their humanity.
your info isn't on the right track either.
The NA version does have labor pots. it costs roughly $2 with a 12 hour cooldown timer that currently isn't account wide. So since labor points are shared across the account. If a player could afford it, he/she could have an extra 12k labor points in a 24 hour period.
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