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It’s no secret that RIFT has a generous business model. The slogan “No Tricks, No Trials, No Traps” has proven true and made the game a beacon for free-to-play design. There is a store, and Trion would sure like it if you used it, but if you don’t, there is still a whole game to explore, all the way through endgame. That raises the question: why exactly would you subscribe and is it even worth it when so much is available for free? That’s the question we’re out to answer today.
Read more of Christopher Coke's Tripping the Rift: Is the Patron Status Worth It?
No trials. No tricks. No traps. No EU-RP server. NO THANKS!
...10% Benevolence, 90% Arrogance in my case!
What's nice about the new Patron benefits, particularly the XP bonus, is that it allows players with significant time constraints to get more out of their limited gaming sessions.
One of the main reasons I took a break from Rift was due to how long it was taking me to level from 50-60 while limited to one or two gaming nights a week.
With the 40% bonus (and hopefully some rested XP), I'm thinking that I might actually be able to hit 60.
It's an interesting idea, actually, when you think about it. Basically they're saying that a subscription model has diminishing returns, which it does, and that the people who should be paying for the game are those who are currently, actively leveling through the game.
What I mean is, we all complain about how no game, really, gives us enough to do once we reach the max-level content. This isn't anyting new. Once we hit that wall, we generally unsubscribe and move on. It becomes less and less compelling for us to stick around if we're paying for something that we're not really using, or for something that feels like a job. However, if it were free, we'd probably stick around and pop our heads in occassionally to run a raid or whatever (without having to drop $15 in the bucket).
It's the one complaint I have with SWTORs model, I just gave you like a hundred bucks, but you're telling me now that I can't do the max-level content without being subscribed? Or buying a pass? Nope, not really going to happen. It's all about value, and while I feel I can get a lot of value from paying monthly for SWTOR or Rift while I'm leveling, once I get to max-level, all there really is to do is do raids once a week. So I've gone from paying $15 for 30 days to paying $15 for 2 or 3 days of use.
So I think that Rift might actually be onto something here. The only question remaining, and they'll need to still think about it, is how can they monetize their max-level players?
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
It is what i always ask my self too when it comes to F2P games.... In fact Rift is one of the most free f2p games i have seen. DCUO being a strong contender too.
Value can be tricky and i am not sure how to define it, for an example i think NW has some really good value as a F2P game right up to endgame... and then it get a lot less "good value" but at that point i have some solid entertainment out of it and their system to be able to buy real world currency with in-game "money" add some extra value to it. But at the same time they need some way to make money and lockboxes only get them so far.
Now i have only tried Rift in short bursts but until this i can not say i felt any real pull towards being a Patron but the XP bonus alone might make me a "beliver" as i really hate to grind just for the sake of grinding.
This have been a good conversation
They've got my attention. I don't like to play SWTOR free because everything you do gives you a popup telling you that you are being restricted xp or drops because you don't subscribe. This doesn't have the effect of making me want to subscribe, it makes me want to go play another game that isn't constantly bugging me to subscribe. So other games end up getting my time and my money.
Marvel Heroes has limited content but they are constantly giving you stuff. Lots of good drops, xp increases, code keys for extra stuff, ways to buy heroes without paying for them, instant teleports for cleaning out your inventory. All very addictive. Now Rift is doing the same thing for a subscription. Worth looking into I believe.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
The bonuses aren't needed for reasonable gameplay. With the bonuses it's like superspeed. Someone new to the game should NOT get patron status, you'll outlevel content too fast. If you're levelling alts though.. well, you'll probably be able to get patron status for free pretty easily at that point using your max level character to buy REX.
Even if you aren't levelling it's worth the sub if 8.99 doesn't break your bank.
The quality of life improvements through patron status just make time spent in game more productive and rewarding.
The way I think about subs is that they are £2.25 a week..
Can't really think of another hobby or pastime that costs so little for how much you get out of it.
Trion seem to be getting alot of things right lately, hopefully they continue to be an outstanding studio and I wish them the best with Trove and Archeage launches
I am the Arch-fiend, the Despoiler of Worlds, and by my hands shall the false Emperor fall.
Hoo boy....
Only die hard fans of a game could spin them making the game annoying and a gigantic time sink in every facet they can into a:
"It's an investment, you should be happy!!"
F2P argument..
The REAL truth that nobody likes to talk about happened at the start during launch.There is no way this game goes f2p from launch even though it's budget was not that great very ho hum in reality.Only after sales completely stop or go stagnant that they shift to a new f2p format in hopes of gaining SOME new money.Also adding some f2p players keeps the player base adequate or the supporters start to leave because the game world is empty.
Bonus xp is NEVER anything to brag about,if the game is designed around a certain % of xp then keep it that way,quit trying lame bribes.The PURPOSE of playing a rpg is to role play yoru character,how much xp you get should NEVER be a factor,you are there for the FUN not for an xp number.If you want more xp then EARN it through game mechanics.XP is a representation of your achievements not to be a bribe that a dev uses.Point is that if you need bonus xp to play a game,then you most certainly are not enjoying yourself.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
The Patron benefits are now more than worth the money if you play rift regularly (don't forget, you can also purchase REX [rift exchange] with in game currency from other players that will allow you to purchase anything from the Rift Store...including Patron status.)
However, it is possible that while Patron status is a good value, the new expansion content, Nightmare Tide, might be designed around being a Patron. Meaning that experience, currencies, notoriety, etc will be balanced around being a Patron - such that players may feel punished for not being one. Only time will tell...
Since Rift switched its model I keep praising it because of its approach, which I missed from the f2p / freemium market the previous years. Meaning, not restrict and devalue and bash the heads of f2p peeps, give them the game and give bonuses to the subscribers instead. The result is the same (there's a quality gap between f2p and sub), still, the tone is much more positive...
I also wrote several times (on here too), that after the switch I went back, checked the model (which was great and amazingly generous for former players), and then subbed for a month. On one side for giving a thumbs-up to Trion, and on the other to check the Patron life too. According to that experience, for Chris's questions:
"Are you a patron? Considering it?" nope, I'm not a Patron, I don't even play currently. Rift never really was my game, to be honest.
But if I ever will go back, I'll definitely go back as a Patron. Even with it's previous stage, as I wrote in this forum after my month expired: the summonable bank, the loyalty system, and the 10% discount alone makes it a worthy deal. Especially the vault and trade option on the field. I got spoiled by that during the month, after the month I seek that option in every game I play (LotRO has it too, luckily )
With this upgrade, the answer to the title question "Is the Patron Status Worth It?" is a more definite yes. Not because of the xp, favor, etc. boosts, who cares about that, right? but because of the quality-of-life changes. Again I cite LotRO since it has these things too: faster mount-up sounds lame, but it's great. 30min teleport (in LotRO the hurried traveller purchase) is also great. Actually in LotRO with the latest update you can lower it to 5min, which is awesome.
In short, or for those tl;dr people: Is the Patron Status Worth It? - Yes. And I don't even like Rift that much
Yes, because it's not like different people enjoy different aspects of RPGs or anything, right? If they're not slogging an alt through content they've already done 2 - 3 times and enjoying every minute of it while ignoring their XP bar, then they're doing it wrong!
AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF DAKKA, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much dakka. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!
We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD.
I've been subbed all along and level my army of alts via crafting dailies and weeklies. That 40% buff to XP makes a heck of a difference, especially when combined with the PA XP buffs as well. Those alts are almost 60 now and they have far more PA to spend and tweak than my main did.
Having said that, the loyalty points for subbing (7k per month) add up when you have a loyalty goal in mind, perhaps especially as a dimensioneer.
You know PA is account wide now right?.. not character specific
I, for one, wish there was a credit stipend.. it's what keeps me from subbing.. my girlfriend and i are max level already.. so these xp boosts are useless.. but i don't consider the game completed yet as there are still many things we have yet to do.. another thing is, we are both collectors, so until we have collected every single achievement/shiny object we can, the game is far from complete.. now some of these things that you can collect can only be bought with "REX".. and to get the REX, i now have to pay them extra on top of my yearly subscription..
everyone can bash SWTOR for their F2P system because, yeah, it sucks.. but at least they give credits to those who subscribe so that we can buy these extra things goodies.. which i have, i have plenty of outfits and weapons and mounts and toys that have come through the cartel market.. much more valuable than xp boosts when i'm already max level.. another thing is those bogus "chests".. i think all games need to remove these money sinks.. i've seen people spend hundreds of dollars for a CHANCE to get an item and still never get it.. i mean.. thats ridiculous to spend that much imo, but its their money.. anyways, thats just my 2 CC's/REX..
I 100% agree with the article. Point , I am getting the subscription Rift I was paying for for free now. The Patron subscription are just "perks" and add nothing to the experience over all.
Right now I am a returning player. I was very into Rift when it came out at launch. Did all the raid content up until a few months after Hammerknell came out and got burned out with progression. I am leveling my main character and atm almost 59. I am enjoying the free content and will likely get the next expansion IF it includes all of the new souls since vanilla Rift. (not just the 4 new souls from the expansion)
<Sights, Clouded, In, False, Illusions>
40% is pretty insane; might be enough for me to re-sub. That being said, I disagree with the way Rift handles their patron system. I appreciate what they're trying to do, but I feel like something along the lines of SWTOR/LOTRO or Tibia is perfectly fair to the player and more profitable for the company.
Many will probably disagree with me, but I see no problem in a freemium system where you can get in for free, experience the game, see if you like the fundamentals, and if you really want to get into later content pony up for that sub. It could be partly that I'm old school and so not bothered by subs, but the way I look at it, a company of people has put hundreds of hours into work on this game, and if you play it on any regular kind of basis, you should feel bad NOT giving something for their effort. While I played Rift I had the patron status even though I felt the system was lacking, just because I liked the game. Plus I hate having to worry about the nickel and diming in in-game shops.
When I said i had "time", i meant virtual time, i got no RL "time" for you.
Credit Stipends would turn the game into a P2W faster because of REX, which you can turn into in game currency (gold or platinum as Rift does it)
Which would make acquiring enchantments, crafting mats, items, consumables much easier than F2P and would cause inflation at a higher rate.
Looking forward to: Crowfall / Lost Ark / Black Desert Mobile