Ya the game changes alot when you hit 10+ you start getting into comboing abilities. The morphing of ablities is fun to see and makes you want to lvl abilities to see what you can morph them into.
The crafting in this game is very good, its not about just getting the raw materials but researching the right atributes that you need. Hell, even food in this game is worth learning, and its not that hard to start down that path. Have to say have been very pleased with the crafting in this game
Playing a sorcerer in this game Is some times down right crazy, but once you start getting a few spells it becomes enjoyable. I started out with a destruction staff but quickly went to resto staff. I found the extra healing spell was a great way to keep me alive and my pet.
I still can't get over the fact that their are no real set class builds, you just find the spells and armor you would like to use and go with it. I have seen people start playing a heavy wearing sword and shield sorcerer and just wiping the floor with mobs. The game really allows you to find what you would like to be and become that.
Hello all, just wanted to inform every one that TAW will be broadcasting live on twitch. The link is twitch.tv/tawtv the times and events are as followed.
Basic Questing
Mass PvP Guild Optional
Anchors & Shards
PvP Dungeons & 4 Mans
Between these times other members will take over the feed and be showing questing, crafting and high lvl areas. would love to see every one come and join us for are fun either on the PTS server or the weekend beta. Look us up on Taw.net if you wish to see more about are outstanding community.
Looks like i will be playing a high elf sorc. With a destruction and healing staff, will be a healer but the destruction staff will help with lvls early before i get surge and dark exchange. So what is every one else going to play when they go live?
They have told you right.
Playing a sorcerer in this game Is some times down right crazy, but once you start getting a few spells it becomes enjoyable. I started out with a destruction staff but quickly went to resto staff. I found the extra healing spell was a great way to keep me alive and my pet.
I still can't get over the fact that their are no real set class builds, you just find the spells and armor you would like to use and go with it. I have seen people start playing a heavy wearing sword and shield sorcerer and just wiping the floor with mobs. The game really allows you to find what you would like to be and become that.
Hello all, just wanted to inform every one that TAW will be broadcasting live on twitch. The link is twitch.tv/tawtv the times and events are as followed.
Please come join us on live twitch feed at twitch.tv/tawtv.
The times and events are posted for this month.
Tues/Thur: Chat session with CreepyOne as he play's and Stream recorded content.
Time: 21:00 to 1:00 EST
Sat: abel & ditherous & Creepyone
Time: 21:00 to 1:00 EST Abel/Dith 9-11, Creepy 11-1
Sat afternoon: Abel mixed content Brodcast, Dropping The Hammer!
Time: 17:00 to 19:00 EST
Sunday: Manditory,PVP
Time: 20:00 to 1:00 EST
Look us up on Taw.net to learn more about our outstanding community!
We are still around, thriving, and recruiting!
Please visit www.taw.net for more details or contact @The_Shindig in-game.
Thank you.